How can I add custom time line in react native svg charts - date

I am using react native svg charts to display some data on line chart .the data is associated with some time which need to be labelled on x axis can anybody tell me how can I do it.

When we look at LineChart, it draws the lines like this.
It accepts 50 as points and 10 points and draws a line between
It accepts 10 as points and 40 points and draws a line between
class LineChartExample extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
const data = [50, 10, 40, 95, -4, -24, 85, 91, 35, 53, -53, 24, 50, -20, -80]
return (
style={{ height: 200 }}
svg={{ stroke: 'rgb(134, 65, 244)' }}
contentInset={{ top: 20, bottom: 20 }}
<Grid />


Convert from decimal to ASCII the data present in a column of a .csv file

i should convert the data of a column of a csv file in powershell
This data is often in decimal and I would need to convert it to ASCII as in the example
80, 77, 79, 32, 83, 50, 52, 50, 45, 86, 70, 67 -> to Ascii > PMO S242-VFC
the table is composed as follows
80, 77, 79, 32, 83, 50, 52, 50, 45, 86, 70, 6
65, 99, 101, 114, 32, 86, 50, 52, 54, 72, 76
this is the result
Acer V246HL
You need to iterate your CSV file rows, and check each row, if the row is a Byte Data row, convert it using: [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString
So for example:
foreach ($row in Import-Csv c:\filepath.csv)
if ($row.Modello -is [array] # just an example, needs more validation
[System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([byte]$Row.Modello) # save it somewhere
As you did not provided any code or showing your work, I'm just showing an example of what you can probably do,

Loading Mapbox Style object from local json file in dash app

Trying to set a Mapbox style from a local JSON file in plotly dash app.
mapbox_token = <mytoken>
fig = go.Figure(
mode="lines", fill="toself",
lon=[-10, -10, 8, 8, -10, None, 30, 30, 50,
50, 30, None, 100, 100, 80, 80, 100],
lat=[30, 6, 6, 30, 30, None, 20, 30, 30, 20, 20, None, 40, 50, 50, 40, 40],))
dict1={"mapbox": {"accesstoken": mapbox_token}})
margin={'l': 0, 'r': 0, 'b': 0, 't': 0},
Based on the documentation on the plotly website Mapbox Map Layers in Python (see image below) this should work. The JSON file contains the export of the style from MapBox and it works fine when I use the service URL (second last dot point in image).
I've tried loading the JSON as string, dictionary and file path in the mapbox_style parameter with no luck.
Any ideas on how to make it load?
I've tried the same things you've described and had no luck. I can provide a style URL and it works perfectly, but if I download that style and provide just the style.json representation of that same style, I can't seem to get Plotly to recognize it...

Delphi 11: Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter

I am trying to transfer my Delphi 7 code to Delphi 11.
The following code worked fine in Delphi 7, but in Delphi 11 I get a compile-time error
[dcc32 Error] VELOS.PAS(44): E2197 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter
Is there a way to make Delphi 11 compile my code?
I can make the initialized constants be global initialized var, but changing all similar code to comply with Delphi 11 is a lot of work because I use similar stuff a lot.
My code:
function Kt_f25(Mrd,Md,aro,dh:real; var k:real):real;
Atype=array [1..vmax] of real;
arA:Atype=( 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 60, 100, 200);
v0a08: Atype=( 235, 170, 135, 115, 100, 82, 63, 46, 33);
v1a08: Atype=( 135, 102, 84, 74, 67, 57, 47, 37, 30);
v0a09: Atype=( 166, 118, 95, 80, 70, 57, 44, 33, 23);
v1a09: Atype=( 99, 76, 63, 56, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22);
v0a10: Atype=( 120, 86, 70, 59, 51, 42, 32, 24, 17);
v1a10: Atype=( 77, 59, 50, 44, 40, 34, 28, 22, 16);
dhA:array [1..3] of real=(8,9,10);
res:array [1..3] of real;
if Md>0 then k:=Mrd/Md else if Mrd=0 then k:=1 else k:=10;
if k>1.3 then k:=1.3;
if k<0 then k:=0;
v0:=LinearApr(arA,v0a08,aro*1000,vmax); v1:=LinearApr(arA,v1a08,aro*1000,vmax); v2:=20;
if k>=1 then res[1]:=v2+k*(v1-v2)/0.2 else res[1]:=v1+k*(v0-v1)/1.0;
v0:=LinearApr(arA,v0a09,aro*1000,vmax); v1:=LinearApr(arA,v1a09,aro*1000,vmax); v2:=20;
if k>=1 then res[2]:=v2+k*(v1-v2)/0.2 else res[2]:=v1+k*(v0-v1)/1.0;
v0:=LinearApr(arA,v0a10,aro*1000,vmax); v1:=LinearApr(arA,v1a10,aro*1000,vmax); v2:=20;
if k>=1 then res[3]:=v2+k*(v1-v2)/0.2 else res[3]:=v1+k*(v0-v1)/1.0;
function LinearApr(var ap1,AV1; r:real; Vmax:integer):real;
const gmax=100;
Atype=array [1..gmax] of real;
ap2:Atype absolute ap1;
AV2:Atype absolute AV1;
The error is self-explanatory. You are passing typed constants where variable references are expected.
You are encountering the following change in behavior between Delphi 7 and 11:
Writeable typed constants (Delphi)
The $J directive controls whether typed constants can be modified or not. In the {$J+} state, typed constants can be modified, and are in essence initialized variables. In the {$J-} state, typed constants are truly constant, and any attempt to modify a typed constant causes the compiler to report an error.
In early versions of Delphi and Object Pascal, typed constants were always writeable, corresponding to the {$J+} state. Old source code that uses writeable typed constants must be compiled in the {$J+} state, but for new applications it is recommended that you use initialized variables and compile your code in the {$J-} state.
The default state is {$J-} in modern Delphi versions. So, simply add an explicit {$J+} or {$WRITEABLECONST ON} directive to your existing code to get the old behavior.

Rotated labels figure fit on Bokeh

A label gets fitted to figure (canvas) when placed by bokeh Label, but when it gets rotated that feature doesn't works.
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, Label, LabelSet, Range1d
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
output_file("label.html", title=" example")
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(height=[66, 71, 72, 68, 58, 62],
weight=[165, 189, 220, 141, 260, 174],
names=['Mark', 'Amir', 'Matt', 'Greg',
'Owen', 'Juan']))
p = figure(title='Dist. of 10th Grade Students at Lee High',
x_range=Range1d(140, 275))
p.scatter(x='weight', y='height', size=8, source=source)
p.xaxis[0].axis_label = 'Weight (lbs)'
p.yaxis[0].axis_label = 'Height (in)'
# Fitted data
citation1 = Label(x=260, y=58,
text='Fitted data even to figure', render_mode='css',
border_line_color='black', border_line_alpha=1.0,
background_fill_color='white', background_fill_alpha=1.0,
#Unfitted data
citation2 = Label(x=165, y=52,
text='Unfitted data, get out of canvas', render_mode='canvas',
border_line_color='black', border_line_alpha=1.0,
background_fill_color='white', background_fill_alpha=1.0,
angle = 90, angle_units='deg')
Any idea how to make a rotated label that can always be shown in a figure?

Why connects geom_line not to next point when using in gganimate?

When I have this data frame
data <- tribble(
~year, ~num,
1950, 56,
1951, 59,
1952, 64,
1953, 76,
1954, 69,
1955, 74,
1956, 78,
1957, 98,
1958, 85,
1959, 88,
1960, 91,
1961, 87,
1962, 99,
1963, 104
and want to make an animated line plot with gganimate:
ggplot(data, aes(year, num))+geom_point()+geom_line()+transition_reveal(year, num)
I get a diagram, in which points and lines are drawn in the wrong sequence.
What is the reason for this and how can I correct it?
the first argument (id) regards the group aesthetic (which you don't have). I found that just using id = 1 for a single time series works.
The second argument (along) should be your x aesthetic (in your case the year).
ggplot(data, aes(year, num))+
transition_reveal(1, year)