is it possible make a next-PWA "install to home screen" install banner in every landing pages if the user missed the install prompt - progressive-web-apps

I want the user to get the install to home screen prompt events in case they when they missed the prompt or declined to install to home screen.
Should be automatically triggered.
using the NEXT-PWA for NEXt.js
using next-PWA its not possible. kindly share your solutions


Google login - Login Stuck after pressing continue

Working on a MacOS app when I click Sign in to Google, the popup shows up correctly. However when I click continue nothing happens.
I'm using the Google sign in from the Swift Package Manager
Solved it. Turns out that one of my Macs that I was testing on was V12.2 and it needed to be at least v12.4 for the login to work.

Logout seems to not invalidate session in Azure Static Web Apps

I created a static Web site using Azure Static Web Apps (under the Free plan for now -- not sure if that's relevant to the issue at hand.) I can access the Web site through an *** URL.
I then tried to test Azure Active Directory authentication per Microsoft's instruction from this page:
My problem is that logging out does not seems to work as I would expect on a normal Web site. I could log out, but when I tried to login again (hoping to use a different Azure AD account,) the Microsoft login screen flashes by and I got logged right back in with the user that I just logged out from. Switching to a different tab doesn't help.
Steps to repro:
Navigate to /.auth/login/aad and login using a Microsoft Account. Say NO to 'Stay signed in?' prompt.
Navigate to /.auth/me to see the basic information on the logged in account to prove that I'm in the logged in state.
Navigate to /.auth/logout to logout. Immediately, navigate to /.auth/me again to confirm that my static Web App regards me as 'logged out.' I'd see this:
{"clientPrincipal": null}
Navigate to /.auth/login/aad again. Microsoft login page flashes by, and I am logged right back in with the previously logged out user.
Things that sort of worked
Any of the two actions below alone seems to make the browser forget my logged-in state:
Close the whole browser and relaunch it. I'd get asked to pick the previous user (and then enter the password) or choose a new user. This sort of works but reminds me of some Web sites 15-20 years ago that said 'For security reasons, please don't forget to close your entire browser after logging out from this one tab.'
Open a new tab in the same browser, and navigate to That tab will enjoy my logged-in state from the Static Web Apps tab. I'd see my mails right away. Then I log out from the tab, switch back to *** tab and see that I am still logged into my Static Web App. Good! Then if I log out from my Static Web App and try to log back in, it has forgotten my logged-in state this time. In other words, logging out from the tab is somehow more powerful.
I also tested /.auth/login/google too and the same problem arises! So the issue seems to be on the Azure Static Web Apps side, not how idPs handle their logout process.
Am I missing anything obvious?

Facebook iOS app sometimes not switching back to my app after authorization

I'm creating an app that has facebook integration to post images to a user's wall.
I'm using the prime31 unity plugin called 'Social Networking'.
Here's my issue: on a fresh run (having no previous authorizations on Facebook and having uninstalled the app on the device to make sure there is no cached data), I'll login to facebook with "email" as the only permission. The device then switches from my app to the facebook app to ask the user for permission. I hit the 'log in' button, then MOST of the time I'll just end up switching to my news feed in facebook without ever switching back to my app. Sometimes after switching to the facebook app instead of the permission screen I'll end up on a blank page with 'cancel' as the only button up top, and pressing 'cancel' does nothing (I'm stuck on that blank page). And sometimes I'll authorize and correctly switch back to my app.
Well this feels pointless, but I discovered the source of the problem so I thought I would share in case anyone else runs into this.
My problem was that when I was building from Unity, I was usually hitting cmd-B (or build/append). This overwrites the info.plist file, removing the URL injection that the prime31 plugin does for the app switch.
Going into the build settings menu, hitting 'build and run', and pressing 'replace' will run the code that inserts the URL into info.plist.

Facebook connect, auto prompt for login

I have added a login button to my site anad added scope to publish actions as per guide i found here: and this works fine but my question is: How can i have same function but this prompt to show to users without needing to click on the Login Button.
If user has not installed app, he would be prompted automatically to install it.
Thanks for any help.
Use FB.getLoginStatus of the JavaScript SDK to see if you have a user connected to your app visiting your page. If not, redirect them to the server-side auth dialog (using client-side auth would not be a good idea, since most browsers will block a popup that’s opened without any actual user interaction).

Facebook Connect dialog box

Our programer built a facebook connect feature on our website.
The steps:
1. User clicks the facebook connect
2. The user gets a popup with user/pass request from facebook
3. The user gets another popup to authorized the permissions and connect
I'm wondering how we can control the content on that 3rd pop-up pages.
Currently it says something like "Install MyWebsiteName?" I'm wondering if that language can be changed.
You can configure a lot of what the authorization popup does via your app settings. Goto and customize it there.
Languages can be done using the "Translate you app" link in the left column of that same link above.