How to cluster a data set in WEKA - cluster-analysis

This is my homework question:
Use the OnlineRetail.arff from the Canvas. Pick one of the clustering algorithms to segment customers into different groups using Weka. Explain why you choose the method and visualize your result.
I feel like I have tried everything and I am getting no where. How do you determine which clustering algorithm to use? When I try to run them on WEKA most of them are greyed out and give me errors. Do I have to manipulate the data in order to cluster it, and if so how?
These are the attributes. They are a mix of string and numeric values. I keep getting errors that k-means and other clustering techniques cannot take strings. How do I combat this?


Best way to validate DBSCAN Clusters

I have used the ELKI implementation of DBSCAN to identify fire hot spot clusters from a fire data set and the results look quite good. The data set is spatial and the clusters are based on latitude, longitude. Basically, the DBSCAN parameters identify hot spot regions where there is a high concentration of fire points (defined by density). These are the fire hot spot regions.
My question is, after experimenting with several different parameters and finding a pair that gives a reasonable clustering result, how does one validate the clusters?
Is there a suitable formal validation method for my use case? Or is this subjective depending on the application domain?
ELKI contains a number of evaluation functions for clusterings.
Use the -evaluator parameter to enable them, from the evaluation.clustering.internal package.
Some of them will not automatically run because they have quadratic runtime cost - probably more than your clustering algorithm.
I do not trust these measures. They are designed for particular clustering algorithms; and are mostly useful for deciding the k parameter of k-means; not much more than that. If you blindly go by these measures, you end up with useless results most of the time. Also, these measures do not work with noise, with either of the strategies we tried.
The cheapest are the label-based evaluators. These will automatically run, but apparently your data does not have labels (or they are numeric, in which case you need to set the -parser.labelindex parameter accordingly). Personally, I prefer the Adjusted Rand Index to compare the similarity of two clusterings. All of these indexes are sensitive to noise so they don't work too well with DBSCAN, unless your reference has the same concept of noise as DBSCAN.
If you can afford it, a "subjective" evaluation is always best.
You want to solve a problem, not a number. That is the whole point of "data science", being problem oriented and solving the problem, not obsessed with minimizing some random quality number. If the results don't work in reality, you failed.
There are different methods to validate a DBSCAN clustering output. Generally we can distinguish between internal and external indices, depending if you have labeled data available or not. For DBSCAN there is a great internal validation indice called DBCV.
External Indices:
If you have some labeled data, external indices are great and can demonstrate how well the cluster did vs. the labeled data. One example indice is the RAND indice.
Internal Indices:
If you don't have labeled data, then internal indices can be used to give the clustering result a score. In general the indices calculate the distance of points within the cluster and to other clusters and try to give you a score based on the compactness (how close are the points to each other in a cluster?) and
separability (how much distance is between the clusters?).
For DBSCAN, there is one great internal validation indice called DBCV by Moulavi et al. Paper is available here:
Python package:

Cluster assignment remapping

I have test classification datasets from UCI Machine Learning repository which are labelled.
I am stripping of the labels and using the data to benchmark a few clustering algorithm and then I am planning to use external validation methods. I will run the algorithm with different initial configurations, for say, 50 times and then take the mean value. For 50 iterations the algorithm labels the data points of one single cluster with different numbers. Because in each run the cluster labels can change, also because each iteration might have slightly different cluster assignments, how to somehow remap each of the clusters to one uniform numbering.
Primary idea is to remap by checking how many of the points in the class labels intersect the maximum in the actual labels and then making a remap based on that, but this can get incorrect remappings because when the classes will have more or less equal number of points, this will not work.
Another idea is to keep the labels while clustering, but make the clustering algorithm ignore it. This way all the cluster data will have the label tags. This is doable but I have already have a benchmarked cluster assignment data to be processed therefore I am trying to avoid modifying and re-benchmarking my implementation (which will take quite some time and cpu) of the cluster analysis algorithms and include the label tag to the vectors and then ignore it.
Is there any way that I can compute average accuracy from the cluster assignments I have right now?
The domain in which I am studying (metaheuristic clustering algorithms) I could not find a paper comparing these indexes. The paper which compares seems to be incorrect in their values. Can anyone point me to a paper where clustering results are compared using any of these indexes?
What do you do when the number of clusters doesn't agree?
Do not try to map clusters.
Instead, use the proper external validation measures for clustering, which do not require a 1:1 correspondence of clusters. There are plenty, for details see Wikipedia.

Incorrectly clustered instances in Weka

I use Weka tool for data mining purpose of mine. When I feed the data set and cluster it using the SimpleKMeans algorithm it displays following statement.
Incorrectly clustered instances : 857.0 69.7883 %
Is it ok to proceed with that percentage ? If not please let me know how to reduce that percentage.
If you have labels, then use them, and do not use clustering at all.
Clustering is meant for data where you do not have labels.
How do you plan to proceed?

K means Analysis on KDD Cup Dataset 99

What kind of knowledge/ inference can be made from k means clustering analysis of KDDcup99 dataset?
We ploted some graphs using matlab they looks like this:::
Experiment 1: Plot of dst_host_count vs serror_rate
Experiment 2: Plot of srv_count vs srv_serror_rate
Experiment 3: Plot of count vs serror_rate
I just extracted saome features from kddcup data set and ploted them.....
The main problem am facing is due to lack of domain knowledge I cant determine what inference can be drawn form this graphs another one is if I have chosen wrong axis then what should be the correct chosen feature?
I got very less time to complete this thing so I don't understand the backgrounds very well
Any help telling the interpretation of these graphs would be helpful
What kind of unsupervised learning can be made using this data and plots?
Just to give you some domain knowledge: the KDD cup data set contains information about different aspects of network connections. Each sample contains 'connection duration', 'protocol used', 'source/destination byte size' and many other features that describes one connection connection. Now, some of these connections are malicious. The malicious samples have their unique 'fingerprint' (unique combination of different feature values) that separates them from good ones.
What kind of knowledge/ inference can be made from k means clustering analysis of KDDcup99 dataset?
You can try k-means clustering to initially cluster the normal and bad connections. Also, the bad connections falls into 4 main categories themselves. So, you can try k = 5, where one cluster will capture the good ones and other 4 the 4 malicious ones. Look at the first section of the tasks page for details.
You can also check if some dimensions in your data set have high correlation. If so, then you can use something like PCA to reduce some dimensions. Look at the full list of features. After PCA, your data will have a simpler representation (with less number of dimensions) and might give better performance.
What should be the correct chosen feature?
This is hard to tell. Currently data is very high dimensional, so I don't think trying to visualize 2/3 of the dimensions in a graph will give you a good heuristics on what dimensions to choose. I would suggest
Use all the dimensions for for training and testing the model. This will give you a measure of the best performance.
Then try removing one dimension at a time to see how much the performance is affected. For example, you remove the dimension 'srv_serror_rate' from your data and the model performance comes out to be almost the same. Then you know this dimension is not giving you any important info about the problem at hand.
Repeat step two until you can't find any dimension that can be removed without hurting performance.

ELKI implementation of OPTICS clustering algorithm detects only one cluster

I'm having issue with using OPTICS implementation in ELKI environment. I have used the same data for DBSCAN implementation and it worked like a charm. Probably I'm missing something with parameters but I can't figure it out, everything seems to be right.
Data is a simple 300х2 matrix, consists of 3 clusters with 100 points in each.
DBSCAN result:
Clustering result of DBSCAN
MinPts = 10, Eps = 1
OPTICS result:
Clustering result of OPTICS
MinPts = 10
You apparently already found the solution yourself, but here is the long story:
The OPTICS class in ELKI only computes the cluster order / reachability diagram.
In order to extract clusters, you have different choices, one of which (the one from the original OPTICS publication) is available in ELKI.
So in order to extract clusters in ELKI, you need to use the OPTICSXi algorithm, which will in turn use either OPTICS or the index based DeLiClu to compute the cluster order.
The reason why this is split into two parts in ELKI probably is so that you can on one hand implement another logic for extracting the clusters, and on the other hand implement different methods like DeLiClu for computing the cluster order. That would align well with the modular architecture of ELKI.
IIRC there is at least one more method (apparently not yet in ELKI) that extracts clusters by looking for local maxima, then extending them horizontally until they hit the end of the valley. And there was a different one that used "inflexion points" of the plot.
#AnonyMousse pretty much put it right. I just can't upvote or comment yet.
We hope to have some students contribute the other cluster extraction methods as small student projects over time. They are not essential for our research, but they are good tasks for students that want to learn about ELKI to get started.
ELKI is a fast moving project, and it lives from community contributions. We would be happy to see you contribute some code to it. We know that the codebase is not easy to get started with - it is fairly large, and the generality of the implementation and the support for index structures make it a bit hard to get started. We try to add Tutorials to help you to get started. And once you are used to it, you will actually benefit from the architecture: your algorithms get the benfits of indexing and arbitrary distance functions, while if you would implement from scratch, you would likely only support Euclidean distance, and no index acceleration.
Seeing that you struggled with OPTICS, I will try to write an OPTICS tutorial in the new year. In particular, OPTICS can benefit a lot from using an appropriate index structure.