i am trying to migrate paypal v1 to v2 rest api? - paypal

We have a simple application where customers add Credit Cards and we generate invoices on our application and then on payment date we charge that invoice.
We are currently using PayPal v1 SDK API with v1 endpoint.
As per PayPal they have deprecated v1 endpoints and we have to upgrade to v2 endpoint. We have done some small changes using (Checkout-Java-SDK) as per PayPal but when we try to charge actual order, it failed.
Later we found out that for v2 SDK point the customer need to approve each invoice before we can charge it, is this even possible without customer involvement?
We want to shift to v2 endpoint but due to this problem we cannot change v1 to v2.
Did miss something in the process?
Can anyone suggest a solution for this problem.
Note: PayPal suggested that we should switch to Brain Tree but we don't want to use it.


PayPal Charge User Based on Usage

What is the way to automatically bill my users based on their usage?
I need to bill the user behind the scenes a variable amount every month without any action from their side.
PayPal's subscription model does not work because the amount changes every month based on usage.
Is this possible with PayPal?
You will need either 'Reference Transactions' on the PayPal business account -- or the Braintree gateway. Contact PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/smarthelp/contact-us or https://www.braintreepayments.com/country-selection about approval for either.
If approved for you, either is its own specialized integration or v2 Vault API they should give you some guidance on.
(The PayPal v1 Vault API will not help you)

Payment Gateways: pay a percentage to two different accounts

For an e-commerce site I am building, for every transaction 90% needs to go to one account and 10% needs to go to another.
It looks as though Stripe can handle this using the 'Express' account using 'Connect', but it seems this account type is unavailable outside the US (we are based in Hong Kong).
It also looks like Paypal has 'Adaptive Payments' which would achieve the same result, but it says:
Important: Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for new integrations without guidance from PayPal.
As this is a very small website I don't want to go through the hassle of being a 'select partner' and they probably won't let me anyway. Is there any other way to achieve this?
If it makes any difference I will be using Drupal for the store.
Since adaptive payment is a limited release product, you may want to look at Braintree Marketplace. Basically, it works just like adaptive payment where you can split the payment. For availability, you will need to contact their sales team. For more information, refer this Braintree Marketplace

Paypal Rest API vs Classic Sdk

I am working with paypal first time.
I have a product and I want to integrate paypal with it.
I want to achieve the following tasks :
Client comes to my website and select a plan,which is a monthly recurring plan.
Then client is redirected to Paypal for payment.
Client makes payment.
Return backs to home page.
I have gone through the documentation of paypal and I have the following questions.
What should I use REST API or Classic Sdk, as I want to create Recurring Profile,Work with EXPRESS-CHECKOUT and REFERENCE TRANSACTIONS.
I have customers all over globe and it is stated in the documentation that, for the customers in Germany and China , I have to use REFERENCE TRANSACTION.
Some where in the documentation of Merchant SDK it is stated that the classic API's will be deprecated, so is it a good approach to use Classic SDK
I also wanted to track the transactions(payment) made by user, so that I can show him the amount that is deducted in each month in his profile details.
Please suggest a feasible solution to my problem.
Thanks in advance.
Here's what I use. I went to Web Payments Standard and created a Subscription button. (I like the unencrypted variety, but you can encrypt if you want.) In there, you set the terms of the subscription, as well as where to post the IPN message. When the IPN message comes back, you deal with it. You'll get a subscr_signup at the start along with a subscr_payment. Then, on renewals, you'll get a subscr_payment again. What I like to do is store every verified IPN message in the database for my customer.
For handling the management of those subscriptions for things like tracking info, refunds, subscription cancellations, and voids, you'll need to use NVP API, which is a very simple API. If you stored in a database every IPN message with all those fields, then you should be able to pass certain fields of those to the NVP API in order to get what you need done.
If you're worried about longevity of the APIs, then don't. All they do when they deprecate APIs is stop giving you good docs on them. They still let those older versions run. If they didn't, there would be major upheaval on the web with web commerce products breaking all over the place. However, that said, if you want to prepare for the future, then get on the Braintree Payments API because PayPal bought Braintree and that's the future of their API.

Is paypal REST API stable and out of beta?

I have looked at the Paypal REST API and at classic API. I like the Direct card processing support the REST API offers and the ability to use the Vault from the REST API.
Only problem is our PayPal sales rep insists the REST APIs are not stable and should not be used and wants us to use PayPal payments Pro with this Class API .
We have a business account and only expect to receive payments in the US, which per this link should be supported just fine. We need to accept payments using a mobile app and website. The mobile app needs to support one time transactions and both (app and website) need to support transactions using stored credit card information (which is where the Vault feature seems really handy).
I clearly see a lot of REST API questions so now doubt its in use.
Question for devs using the REST API over the past 6 months:
has it changed in a breaking manner for you?
Is it reasonably available (99.9%) for your applications?
Does using the Vault REST API feature require a Payments Pro account?
The RESTful APIs would work for you based off of what you stated. Granted they are not to parity with the Classic APIs just yet but the features you were requesting (Direct Card and Vault) are good to go. Pro is not required for Vault with a US account.
Lastly, without knowing the full conversation you had with your Sales Rep, I can't comment on why they felt so strongly against the RESTful APIs. However, if you open up a ticket at www.paypal.com/mts with all of your integration requirements, we can help you out with the best options available.

Woocommerce and PayPal Here integration

I'm interested to see if anybody is looking to integrate Woocommerce with the PayPal Here payment App? More so the importing of products from Woocommerce to the PayPal Here App. Be a great addition.
I haven't looked into that specifically, but I will be adding a "virtual terminal" / POS functionality into my PayPal for WooCommerce plugin before long. I've got it planned for the next full version release.
It basically gives you a section in the WP admin panel where site owners can easily put together invoices using their WooCommerce inventory and then process those orders accordingly. I will be including the Invoicing API's so you can create an invoice from the Woo VT order page, or you'll also have the ability to swipe a card using a USBSwiper card reader. Of course, you could also key in card data if you needed to do it that way.
The cool thing about that is even when you key in the transactions you still get your 2.2% - 2.9% rate depending on your volume because it would be processed over Payments Pro in that case. Same with invoicing or swiping.
Back to your original question, though, I'm unaware of any API or tool that allows us to interact directly with the Here inventory. They do have the Sideloader API for PayPal Here, which would allow you to send inventory (or a specific order) into the Here app from your own app in order to complete an order, but I don't think it lets you push inventory directly into the actual Here app.
On that note, what I could potentially do is build a stand-alone app that does nothing but pull in current WooCommerce inventory, and then from there you could create orders through the Sideloader API using that inventory, but it would use the Here app to actually complete the order. Seems a little clunky, but in theory, that should work fine.
If you want to contact me directly we could discuss getting this done for you.
Right at this time PayPal Here is designed to be card present, so you cannot import your products from Woocomerce into the PayPal Here App.
Here is a link to an FAQ on PayPal Here:
PayPal Here FAQ
Here is the current list of PayPal Here Partners:
PayPal Here Partners