Unity problem with ordering and sorting layers - unity3d

I've some problems with Unity layers. Before was everything ok, now, I don't know why the game view show some elements behind. Has you can see in the image the red background in the game view isn't visible even if it has the same sorting layer has the text and its order in layer is fewer.

So, it would be helpfull if you would also share screenshots of the components you use, like SpriteRenderer...
Also, also, maybe show the layers you have configured.
Here is one setup for example:
You can configure which sorting layers you want and in what order
After that in your Render Component of Choice you can set this layer and use the number (order in layer) for finer sorting

Finally I solved removing the sprite renderer for the background of the parent of the texts and I putted a separated sprite square for all the background with a order fewer


Particles are in front of UI elements in unity

So all i'm looking for is simple. I want the UI elements such as Buttons/Logo/..etc to be in front any particle effects in the Canvas.
In the answer Here someone suggested to add a canvas component to each and every UI element I want to show in front of the particles and that work somehow the only problem in this way the buttons won't click at all.
All elements are on the default sorting layer including the particles object and the camera.
Is that hard to do that?
Please help.
set "Order in layer" of Particles to 0 and UI elements to 1 or a better way of doing this is to go to add new layers, create a foreground and background layer, set foreground to 1 and background to 0 and then change from the default layer to which ever you want in front or back.
My solution was to change the material I was using in the particle system. Change "Sprite-Default" to a material with "Rendering Mode" Opaque and "Shader" to "Standard".

Unity: Filter to give slight color variations to whole scene?

In Unity, is there a way to give slight color variations to a scene (a strain of purple here, some yellow blur there) without adjusting every single texture? And for that to work in VR stereo images too (and ideally in semi-consistent way as one moves around, and perhaps also without having to use computing-heavy colored lights)? Many thanks!
A simple way to achieve this if your color effect is fixed would be to add a canvas that renders a half transparent image to the whole screen. But I suppose that you might prefer some dynamic effect.
To achieve this, look at Unity's post processing stack. It allows you to add many post process effects, such as chromatic aberation and color grading, that might allow you to do what you want

How can I put a UI Image always on top in Unity 3D

I have noticed that in a canvas the elements are drawn from top to bottom so the image above is covered by the image below. The problem is that I want an ui image that is not the last sibling of the canvas to stay on top of all the others. How can I do?
I think you can try two ways.
Use Transform.SetAsFirstSibling() to put the UI Component on top
Use CanvasGroup.sortingOrder to help your UI Component grouping.
there are couple of functions you can use for setting orders

Unity sorting layer

I am developing a small 2d game. I have used sorting layers to my game objects. But when I add new ui text to the scene, it applies to the bottom layer of the scene. I even can not find a sorting layer option there. How can I bring the ui text to front. Thanx
It depends, it could be that you have your canvas set to a particular render mode. So try clicking on the canvas and where it has a drop down menu called render mode select screen-space camera, attach your camera to it and then set your sorting layers from there until you get what you need. Should work with 'World Space' as well. Hope that helps.

how to create dynamic UI that adjust itself to current screen dimensions after loading?

I have created a level editor using new UI system in Unity3D.
Using Level Editor:
I can drag the ui elements,
I am able to save them in scriptable objects
But how could i save and load them at runtime?
I mean, if i create a level with some {width x hight} resolution and if i load it on different resolution, then the whole UI positioning get distorted.
How could i anchor them correctly programmatically?
Any help would be appreciated.
There are good video tutorials about the 4.6.x UI here:
Especially for positioning the elements I recommend watching: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/ui/rect-transform.
I suggest you learn how to use the anchor correctly first. If you want to change the position and size of UI element in a script you can do that through the RectTransform component. It offers functions like offsetMax,offsetMin and sizeDelta for position your UI element. The functions you need to use depend on your anchor setting.
as LokiSinclair said. You just need to Adjust the Scale that the new UI provided. It is the four Arrow on the Canvas of each Object and every UI object is inheriting their scale behavior from their Parent.