TCP response breaks after 1460bytes - server

Response from one linux server to another linux server breaks after 1460 bytes , checked on server (MTU is default 1500).
but why it is happening to few requests only because all responses are more than 1460 bytes.


Fiddler doesn't work

Fiddler almost not work for me. Seems the problem only with https.
For example to open https I need to wait around 40 seconds
immediately after request
after ~40 seconds
Fiddler log:
18:02:46:3326 Fiddler Running...
18:02:46:3922 Windows 8+ AppContainer isolation feature detected.
18:03:09:5427 Assembly 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Fiddler2\CertMaker.dll' was not found. Using default Certificate Generator.
18:03:09:5467 /Fiddler.CertMaker> Using Fiddler.DefaultCertificateProvider+CertEnrollEngine for certificate generation; UseWildcards=False.
18:03:11:3745 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3855 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3895 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3915 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:11:3945 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:20:2192 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6091.
18:03:20:3110 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6134.
18:03:20:3120 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6130.
18:03:28:8160 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes. githubcom /ssllabs/research/wiki/Long-Handshake-Intolerance
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6095.
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6097.
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6099.
18:03:30:2198 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6101.
18:03:50:2219 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6163.
18:03:50:2219 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6141.
18:03:50:2219 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6167.
18:04:10:2230 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6176.
18:04:10:2230 [Fiddler] No HTTPS request was received from (chrome:10428) new client socket, port 6179.
Many times in chrome I see: Waiting for proxy tunnel...and site shows This webpage is not available (ERR_TIMED_OUT)
In EDGE I even can't open http site for all sub requests I see blue up arrow which means fiddler trying to load it (after ~40 seconds I get loaded all that requests)
I tried to reset Internet Properties-> Advanced tab-> Restore advanced settings - it doesn't help me.
Also I tried to restarted my system, also I restarted fiddler after any changes I made.
Fiddler settings:
Certificates generated by CertEnroll engine. I tried to change it to MakeCert. Few times I reset All certificates, also manually removes certificates.
Browsers: Chrome/Firefox
Gateway info in fiddler: No upstream gateway proxy is configured.
Recently I made clear installation of Windows 10.
I do not have any Antivirus.
Windows 10 Pro x64
Fiddler v4.6.2.0
I need fiddler for my work. Please help me
This is can be issue with Protocols. Currently in fiddler I have next protocols:> HTTPS handshake to (for #4) failed. System.IO.IOException Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. < An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
and> HTTPS handshake to (for #23) failed. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm
As I thought the issue was with protocols enabled in Internet Options in Windows and Fiddler protocols.
I ticked Use SSL 3.0 and use TSL 1.0 in Interent properties (all other should be unticked)
in Fiddler protocols I typed: ;ssl3;tls1.0
And after this changes everything works perfectly
Yes, Use SSL 3.0 and use TSL 1.0 in Internet properties for it to work. Previously I also did the same mistake but now working fine. I also checked on fiddler for the same.

How to build forged ICMP "Destination Unreachable" Type 3 Code 4 packet

I have created forged destination unreachable ICMP with type 3 and code 4 (fragmentation needed and DF bit is set). My setup has Server, Client, and a switch between them. Ideally this ICMP gets generated by router/gateway but I'm generating this at client. I'm creating this ICMP using Scapy tool. Here is how I'm creating:
ip = IP()
icmp = ICMP()
# IP Packet sent to client
ip.dst = ip_server
ip.src = ip_client
ip.protocol = 1 #shows that ip header contains icmp as data
# icmp type 3 + code 4
icmp.type = 3
icmp.code = 4
mtu =1300
icmp.unused = mtu
# build original packet for ICMP ping request
ip_orig = IP()
ip_orig.src = ip_server
ip_orig.dst = ip_client
icmp_orig = TCP() = 50000
tcp_orig.dport = 50000
tcp_orig.seq= original sequence number
# send the packet
send (ip/icmp/ip_orig/tcp_orig)
Steps I'm following to demonstrate the effect of this ICMP:
1> Server and client are talking to each other using sockets
2> As soon as server accepts the connection, I'm giving a 60 seconds pause in the machine during which I disable all the TCP ACKs going out of client machine (because if server receives ACKs for the message it sent then it wouldn't respond to ICMP).
3> Server sends it first message to client but won't receive any ACKs and server keeps re-transmitting the message, meanwhile I inject an ICMP message as mentioned in the above scapy code: send (ip/icmp/ip_orig/tcp/orig). I'm reporting MTU 1300 in the icmp i'm sending.
4> Ideally Server should reduce it's MTU and sends message back to client with MTU size of 1300.
But Server keeps re-transmitting the message with MTU size 1500. Kindly help me with this.
Why is server not reducing its MTU? Am I doing something wrong in my demonstration? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are a few pointers I outlined in this answer and in its comments:
The specification requires that the original IP header that is encapsulated in the ICMP error message (i.e. ip_orig) is exactly identical to the one received. Therefore, setting just its source IP address and destination IP addresses (i.e. ip_orig.src and ip_orig.dst, respectively) is probably not enough.
The sequence number of the original TCP header that is encapsulated in the ICMP error message (i.e. tcp_orig.seq) should be set as well, since the specification requires that at least 8 bytes of the problematic packet's IP layer payload are included in the ICMP error message.
Verify that path MTU discovery is enabled and that the DF bit is set. You can enable path MTU discovery with sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc=0.
Verify that there isn't any firewall and/or iptables rule that blocks ICMP messages.

TCP socket over HTTP proxy disconnects after idle timeout

I have a problem with TCP socket when using HTTP tunneling over proxy.
Client (C++) opens a TCP socket to a server (JAVA). I added support for HTTP proxy. Everything worked good, client sends "HTTP connect" request like this and continues to plain TCP connection after:
CONNECT servername:5555 HTTP/1.1
Host: servername:5555
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200
However, if idle timeout is configured in proxy and there is no actual data sent, connection is terminated though client sends TCP keep alive packets every 60 seconds. Idle timeout is configured to 10 minutes.
TCP keep alive is configured as following:
WSAIoctl(socket, SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS, &alive, sizeof(alive), NULL, 0, &dwBytesRet, NULL, NULL)
client IP -
Proxy IP - 192.168.92.yyy
244 47.133017000 192.168.92.yyy TCP 55 [TCP Keep-Alive] 64351 > 808 [ACK] Seq=4336 Ack=13084 Win=65700 Len=1
245 47.133336000 192.168.92.yyy TCP 66 [TCP Keep-Alive ACK] 808 > 64351 [ACK] Seq=13084 Ack=4337 Win=65536 Len=0 SLE=4336 SRE=4337
Any ideas how to keep connection alive?
I tried to add "Connection: Keep-Alive" header though HTTP1.1 should do it automatically. It didn't help anyway.
This is a timeout at the application layer, e.g. the connection is idle because no application data are sent. What you've tried will not work because:
Connection: keep-alive is for having multiple HTTP requests over a single connection. This does not apply here because from the view of the proxy there is only a single request (CONNECT).
TCP keep-alive is to notice if the peer is not reachable any longer (died without closing connection or connection broke somewhere in the middle). It does not apply for cases, where the TCP connection is still alive, but it is idle (no application data).
Having a idle timeout for the proxy makes sense. The idea of HTTP is, that the client sends a request and the server sends a response. If it is idle while receiving the request or the response usually something is broken (or you have a reaaaaaly slow connection). If it is idle after request and response finished it is perfectly valid to close the connection, even if the client asked for Connection: keep-alive, because keep-alive is not a requirement on the server but only a suggestion to keep the connection open for more requests if the server has enough resources to do so.

PostgreSQL frontend unexpectedly closes connection

I'm a little bit confused with the following case.
I've got a Postgres server running on host A, and a java based client running on host B. The client uses org.postgresql.Driver JDBC driver (version 9.1-901.jdbc3).
sometimes while executing long running stored procedure I get exception " Socket closed". I'm using org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource for retrieving
DBCP pool is configured with default options.
I got tcp dump in order to figure out on which side (client or server) socket is being closed;
Here is what I've got:
1. Client B sends a test query message when tries to borrow connection from dbcp pool ("Select 1")
2. Server A sends successful response back (Type: Command completion, Ready for query)
3. Client B sends ACK message in response on server A response (see the item 2).
4. Client B sends query message to the server A.
5. Server A sends ACK message in response on client Query message (see the item 4).
6. Client B sends terminating message (Type : Termination) after some time passed (from 3 to 10 or sometimes even more minutes).
7 Client B sends FIN ACK message to the server.
8. Server A sends back ACK on termination message.
9. Server A sends ACK on (FIN, ACK) message (item 7).
10. Server A sends back a response on the client query (from item 4) Type: Row description Columns: 40.
11. Client B sends RST message (reset).
12. Server A continues sending response on the query Type: Data row Length: 438 Columns 40 and so on.
13 Client B sends RST message (reset) again.
14. Server A continues sending response on the query Type: Data row Length: 438 Columns 40 and so on.
15. Client B sends RST message (reset).
After that communication seems to be finished.
After the item 6, in my client logs I got Exception like the following:
Caused by: Socket closed
at Method)
at org.postgresql.core.VisibleBufferedInputStream.readMore(
at org.postgresql.core.VisibleBufferedInputStream.ensureBytes(
at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.ReceiveChar(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(
Could you please help me to figure out the reason of such a failure. (This bug happens once per 10 successful cases.)
We had a similar problem, and it was caused by a firewall or connection tracking router between the server and the client.
I am guessing you took the tcpdump on the server side. The query runs for a considerable time with no traffic on the connection. The firewall has a timer on the open connection; it expires and the firewall closes the connection towards the server, and also back towards the client. On the capture at the server side, it looks like the client is closing the connection.
You could verify this by capturing on the client side simultaneously as you capture on the server side - on the client side it will look like the server has closed the connection, while on the server side it looks like the server is closing the connection. In reality the firewall is closing it in both directions.
To prevent this, you can set tcp_keepalives_idle, tcp_keepalives_interval and/or tcp_keepalives_count (if your OS supports TCP Keepalives). Alternatively, you will have to change the settings on the firewall.


I'm trying to implement a communication between a legacy system and a Linux system but I constantly get one of the following scenarios:
(The legacy system is server, the Linux is client)
Function recv(2) returns 0 (the peer has performed an orderly shutdown.)
< PSH, ACK (the data)
Function connect(2) returns -1 (error)
When the server have send its data, the client should answer with data, but instead I get a "FIN, ACK"
Why is it like this? How should I interpret this? I'm not that familiar with TCP at this level
When the server have send its data, the client should answer with data, but I instead get a "FIN, ACK" Why is it like this? How should I interpret this?
It could be that once the server has sent the data (line 4) the client closes the socket or terminates prematurely and the operating system closes its socket and sends FIN (line 5). The server replies to FIN with ACK but the client has ceased to exist already and its operating system responds with RST. (I would expect the client OS to silently ignore and discard any TCP segments arriving for a closed connection during the notorious TIME-WAIT state, but that doesn't happen for some reason.)
Some host TCP stacks may implement a half-duplex close sequence, as Linux or HP-UX do. If such a host actively closes a connection but still has not read all the incoming data the stack already received from the link, this host sends a RST instead of a FIN (Section in RFC 1122). This allows a TCP application to be sure the remote application has read all the data the former sent—waiting the FIN from the remote side, when it actively closes the connection. However, the remote TCP stack cannot distinguish between a Connection Aborting RST and this Data Loss RST. Both cause the remote stack to throw away all the data it received, but that the application still didn't read
After FIN, PSH, ACK --> One transaction completed
Second request receiving but sending [RST] seq=140 win=0 len=0