Is it possible to create Flutter app automated testing? - flutter

Is there any way to run an automated tests on the flutter app without writing code for test cases?

If there was a way, nobody would be writing tests. So no, definitely not.


Mobile App testing with Appium with WebdriverIO with Flutter

My company is creating a new mobile app and it seems that part of the tech stack will involve the use of flutter.
I want to use appium with webdriverIO because it a great tool to run my automated tests.
Is this possible with flutter?
Has anyone used flutter before and what were your opinions?
So I tried using appium and various other testing platforms like Selenium or Cypress. None of them helped me with the Automation Tests.
Though, Recently came across a github project, flutter_convenient_test, I not only helped be automate the tests but also helped me with the Assertions.
Here's a way of doing it perfectly.
await t.get(find.byTooltip('Home Page')).tap();
So here, so may need to add tooltip to each widget(also custom widgets you use), and then run this on the above platform.
OR you can use the Text widget if you have a Text heavy app.
await t.get(find.text('Add Account')).should(findsOneWidget);

Are there unit tests in flutter?

Can we able to write the automation test cases by using flutter for web application
I need answer for we can able to write the automation test cases by using flutter for web application
Yes. goes over how Flutter does testing. That same link goes over some good CI tools to automate all of it.

How to pitch test automation technology for Flutter app

Our team is building a new store management app using Flutter.
In order to make our CI process better, I want to start building automated tests for it.
I want to make sure that our core features like adding products, purchasing goods, calculating reports and others work.
I was told that I can do such tests only in Dart. However, I haven't ever worked with it (I've originally built tests in Python) and curious if there any other ways to build test automation for Flutter apps except Dart.
Please advise if you have ideas about it!
I'd recommend using appium for Flutter App !
Look for appium-flutter-driver and appium-uiautomator2-driver and how you can integrate them in your automation project !

Functional testing automation tools for iPad/iPhone?

There doesn't seem to be many choices out there for running functional tests on the iPad/iPhone. A quick search brought up a few options: FoneMonkey, Frank, UI Automation.
Does anyone have experience with any of these or have suggestions for better solutions?
I'm the FoneMonkey project founder, so admittedly a bit biased, but I would strongly recommend you give FoneMonkey a try. It provides robust recording and playback for native iPhone and iPad apps, and you can easily extend custom scripts with Objective-C logic to automate virtually any UI scenario.
The next release (due out later this week) generates UIAutomation-based tests in JavaScript, as well as ready-to-run OCunit tests.
Stu Stern
I also found these:
Are there some more?
This is another tool that could be used for UI testing.
Debugging with console environment.
libcat : interactive iPhone application development
There is also one more app in app store. Name of app is TestStudio from Telerik. (
It is good but you require Mac Book to install their extension where you can register your app and then use that app on iPad to test.
Hope this will help.

There is any tool for UI Unit Testing iPhone application(Not SenTestCase)

I am looking for any tool or approach using which I can do UI unit test for iPhone application, I am aware of SenTestCase framework however which is used to do that testing for code I am looking for UI unit testing.
Check out UISpec
It's an open source ui testing framework being developed for the iphone.
You can use OCUnit/SenTest to do unit tests in the UI as well as on the other code - this blog post from Chris Hanson is about Cocoa UI unit testing but the same principles apply to Cocoa Touch.
Try libcat for UI testing and automation.
also providing console mode.
interactive iPhone application development
If you're willing to build a special testing target for your app, you can use the Ruby-based Cucumber framework to drive an iPhone GUI remotely:
There is also Fone Monkey which allows you to record actions and then add assertions.
Google has a pretty cool set of tools as well.