What is this page unresponsive error in Blazor WASM? - dom

I am developing an industry-level blazor application in .NET 6. currently, it is not a simple application, because It has several assemblies and each assembly has a considerable amount of razor files classes, interfaces, etc. I am using some heavy manipulation inside the applications for the data getting and sending requests. So my issue is, currently I am getting this page unresponsive error on chrome browser. I can't load the page.
I cleared the browser cache, tried on different browsers .but they didn't work.
Does anybody know what may be the reason for this ??


Can CanvasKit-based Flutter web app be embedded in other (non-Flutter) web apps/websites?

We're planning to build a Flutter web app that will need to be embedded within partners' websites (built with different web technologies). We have to use CanvasKit as rendering performance is important (it's a non-trivial component).
As far as I've researched, Web Components support is not available for Flutter for now (correct me if that's wrong). So the only method of embedding I can think of is an iframe. As CanvasKit relies on WebAssembly, I'm concerned about whether that will work as intended. So my question is this: is it possible to embed CanvasKit-based Flatter web apps within other (non-Flutter) web apps, and if so - does it have any downsides worth mentioning, compared to "typical" web apps (e.g., those built with React).
I have to decide strategically for my team whether to use Flutter for such a project or stick to a traditional web stack. Any input will be greatly appreciated.
I am currently writing a flutter project for the web that is embedded in the web via iframe. Everything works fine, at first it was difficult how to pass parameters inside flutter (to interact with the server (id / additional options etc)) solved this issue through query parameters in a web browser and get inside flutter through (GETX package Get.parameters['']).My opinion.... Before starting global development, write a simple project that could interact inside your site, embed in iframe and pass any parameters)

Why to use Model from MVC in frontend?

I've done almost all of my web projects using Java(Spring MVC + Thymeleaf) and it's MVC technologies. Recently I've heared about REST and started learning some stuff about it. I realized that it is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my whole life!(I'm just joking around, it's definitely not)
All we need is just to parse data to json type and then return it to the frontend. And in frontend we no longer need to use Model and it's objects. Frontend can get all required data in nice-to-work-with json type using one single GET request!
We don't need to use some weird Thymeleaf constructions to handle errors or to iterate through the list in our template! We can handle all events and process all data using javascript and it's frameworks. It is much more powerful.
Does there exist something I missed? When to use Model? When to use json-type data?
These are two (somewhat overlapping) approaches to frontend development: generating pages on the backend and on the frontend.
Using a backend model and Thymeleaf templates (or any other HTML templates), you generate your web page on the server side. This means the following benefits
you can write frontend and backend logic in one language (Java);
you can enforce data and security constraints in one place - on the backend, using Java code or configuration;
in many cases, it's faster for the user to get their first page, since the rendering happens on the server, and the user gets an already rendered page;
But this approach has the following drawbacks:
the server has to render the pages, which means more load on the server;
most of the modern web sites and applications use JavaScript anyway, so you'll have to write at least some JavaScript;
server-generated pages don't even come close to what's possible to render in the browser.
Providing a REST API for a JavaScript frontend, you have the following benefits:
you unload your server, since most of the UI related work happens on the user's device;
you can achieve much more with modern frontend frameworks;
navigating on an already rendered UI is faster, since you don't need for the server to render every page, you only need to get a relatively small JSON response and then update the page dynamically.
But this approach has the following tradeoffs:
the user generally waits longer to see their first page, as the browser needs to download a lot of scripts and then spend time on dynamic rendering of the page;
in a large application, you need to either have a full-stack developer team, or two teams working on frontend and backend separately;
you have to write your UI logic in JavaScript. Make of it what you will :)
you have to sometimes duplicate the constraints both on the frontend and on the backend: e.g., if a user can't edit a field, you have to both show it as read-only on the frontend, and add validation in your REST service, since the user may try to access your REST API directly and bypass the frontend validation;
you have to be more aware of securing your REST API in general.

Real time use of REST web service in web application

I am new to REST and watched few videos and read few blogs on REST webservice and I came to know that generally people are using REST for supporting multiple devices like mobile and computer etc.
Now consider I am developing order management system and I want to support both computer as well as tablets. If in m traditional web application, I am using Spring MVC at front end, how REST will fit here so that it will support both the kind of devices.
One more doubt is, whatever examples I have browsed, it return html or json data. I want to develop the application the way spring MVC or struts works like returning name of jsp and jsp will be rendered with dynamic data (instead of returning string represented html).
I hope my question is clear. Please bear me as my questions are vague but I am looking from implementation and design point of view.
Just to start REST isn't anything to do with supporting mobile browsers. It is the architecture pattern HTTP follows. The Web had been REST since the early days.
I'm guessing what you mean is a server that returns light weight JSON that the client renders into HTML rather than the server returning HTML directly to browser. To do that you can use a java script framework that expects JSON data and that has a template engine to generate HTML on the fly in the browser. I think Anglar and Ember work like this.
Though I would only do this if you need to, and you don't need to do this just to support mobile browsers, you can support mobile just by making sure your CSS is responsive.

Session not sticking for ASP.NET MVC2 in IIS7.5 in IE8

We have an ASP.NET MVC2 web application. For reasons outside the scope of this issue we decided to use the classic session state in the application. Following features are implemented in it related to session.
Session_Start event handler in global.asax stores a variable in session. This is in relation to a workaround to detect session expiration.
Session being used has the following values in web.config:
sessionState timeout="30" mode="InProc" cookieless="UseCookies"
Forms authentication is being used has the following values set in web.config:
forms loginUrl="~/Account.aspx/LogOn" timeout="1440" protection="All" slidingExpiration="false"
The web application was working in IIS6 without issues, until we deployed it onto IIS7.5. On IIS7.5 Everything apart from Session seems to be working. It seems the session either regenerates or loses values; in short it doesn’t stick, only happens in IE8; still works in Chrome and firefox.
Search on Google leads to a possible answers that; the global.asax doesn’t get fired in IIS7.5. Some guys got it working as a web application in IIS7.5; but we are running it as a site. Converting it to a web application doesn’t seem to solve the problem for us as we tried that too.
The configuration for our new server is Windows 2008 R2, IIS7.5, asp.net framework 2,3.5 and 4 are installed on the machine.
An interesting aspect of this is that the session seems to be working on google chrome and firefox browsers; which leads us to think that this may have something to do with the cookie generation on the client.
If someone has faced this issue and has a resolution we are all ears.
Thanks in advance for the help.

Not using Web Server for html pages

For an intranet application instead of using a proper web server, it has been planned to just deploy static html pages by sharing it over the network. This static html page is continously updated in the background by a program running on that PC and people access this html page by typing the shared file path directly in the browser. A maximum of 10 simultaneous users are expected to access it.
Can any one see the disadvantages or advantages in this type of deployment?
The problem is that this is what Web server side programming languages are designed to solve. One disadvantage is that this makes the process overly complicated. Web servers can be pretty light weight if the issue is not wanting extra administrative overhead. It sounds like you'd be writing a lot of data unnecessarily. I'd suggest using some Web based programming language/platform like PHP, Perl, ASP.NET, etc to just serve up content.