Converting a double to a long, then back to double? - type-conversion

Does Converting a double to a long, then back to double, guarantees keeping the exact value to the left of the decimal point?
Working with C++: Conversion is as follows:
double d_var = func();
long l_var = (long)d_var;
d_var = (double)l_var;

For every programming language I have worked with it will keep the value to the left of the decimal point.

For typecast then the fractions are removed when casting, but for range then double can hold bigger numbers than long and therefore becomes something else during a typecast.
At least for common languages I can think of.


In Dart, how do you set the number of decimals in a double variable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do you round a double in Dart to a given degree of precision AFTER the decimal point?
(28 answers)
Closed last year.
I want to set a double, let's call it Price, in Dart, so that it always gives me a double of 2 decimal places.
So 2.5 would return 2.50 and 2.50138263 would also return 2.50.
The simplest answer would be double's built-in toStringAsFixed.
In your case
double x = 2.5;
x = 2.50138263;
Would both return 2.50. Be aware that this truncates (e.g., 2.519 returns 2.51). It does not use the standard rounding (half-even) banker's algorithm.
I recommend using a NumberFormat from the intl package; The parsing and formatting rules are worth learning since they appear in other languages like Java.
double d = 2.519;
String s = NumberFormat.currency().format(d);
returns USD2.52
s = NumberFormat('#.00').format(d);
returns 2.52
Since your are dealing with money, you should probably use NumberFormat.currency, which would add the currency symbol for the current locale.
Your question is more about how Dart handles the type double. Something like the following might work depending on your use-case:
void main() {
double num = 2.50138263;
num = double.parse(num.toStringAsFixed(2));
More info about how Dart handles double can be found here.

Which method is used in Kotlin's Double.toInt(), rounding or truncation?

On the official API doc, it says:
Returns the value of this number as an Int, which may involve rounding or truncation.
I want truncation, but not sure. Can anyone explain the exact meaning of may involve rounding or truncation?
p.s.: In my unit test, (1.7).toInt() was 1, which might involve truncation.
The KDoc of Double.toInt() is simply inherited from Number.toInt(), and for that, the exact meaning is, it is defined in the concrete Number implementation how it is converted to Int.
In Kotlin, the Double operations follow the IEEE 754 standard, and the semantics of the Double.toInt() conversion is the same as that of casting double to int in Java, i.e. normal numbers are rounded toward zero, dropping the fractional part:
println(1.1.toInt()) // 1
println(1.7.toInt()) // 1
println(-2.3.toInt()) // -2
println(-2.9.toInt()) // -2
First of all, this documentation is straight up copied from Java's documentation.
As far as I know it only truncates the decimal points, e.g. 3.14 will become 3, 12.345 will become 12, and 9.999 will become 9.
Reading this answer and the comments under it suggests that there is no actual rounding. The "rounding" is actually truncating. The rounding differs from Math.floor that instead of rounding to Integer.MIN_VALUE it rounds to 0.
use this roundToInt() in kotlin
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
fun main() {
var r = 3.1416
var c:Int = r.roundToInt()
Use the function to.Int(), and send the value to the new variable which is marked as Int:
val x: Int = variable_name.toInt()

Implicit type of constant in swift tutorial

When I do example from tutorial, I get some issue from constants variables topic.
If someone explain my example I'll be appreciate for this.
When you don't specify a type, a floating point number literal will be inferred to be of type Double.
Double, as its name suggests, has double precision than Float. So when you do:
let a = 64.1
The actual value in memory may be something like 64.099999999999991. Since Double shows only 16 significant digits, it shows 64.09999999999999, rounding off the last "1".
Why does let b: Float = 64.1 show the correct number?
When you specify the type to float, the precision decreases. Float only shows 8 significant digits. That's 64.099999, but there's a "9" straight after that, so it rounds it up to get 64.1.
This has nothing to do with explicitly stating the variable type. Try specifying it to be a Double:
let b: Double = 64.1
It will still show 64.09999999999999.

How to make a simple division of Double by Int in Swift?

Looking at various posts on this topic but still no luck. Is there a simple way to make division/conversion when dividing Double (or Float) with Int? Here is a simple example in playground returning and error "Double is not convertible to UInt8".
var score:Double = 3.00
var length:Int = 2 // it is taken from some an array lenght and does not return decimal or float
var result:Double = (score / length )
Cast the int to double with var result:Double=(score/Double(length))
What this will do is before computing the division it will create a new Double variable with int inside parentheses hence constructor like syntax.
You cannot combine or use different variable types together.
You need to convert them all to the same type, to be able to divide them together.
The easiest way I see to make that happen, would be to make the Int a Double.
You can do that quite simply do that by adding a ".0" on the end of the Integer you want to convert.
Also, FYI:
Floats are pretty rarely used, so unless you're using them for something specific, its also just more fluid to use more common variables.

Inaccurate division of doubles (Visual C++ 2008)

I have some code to convert a time value returned from QueryPerformanceCounter to a double value in milliseconds, as this is more convenient to count with.
The function looks like this:
double timeGetExactTime() {
LARGE_INTEGER timerPerformanceCounter, timerPerformanceFrequency;
if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&timerPerformanceFrequency)) {
return (double)timerPerformanceCounter.QuadPart / (((double)timerPerformanceFrequency.QuadPart) / 1000.0);
return 0.0;
The problem I'm having recently (I don't think I had this problem before, and no changes have been made to the code) is that the result is not very accurate. The result does not contain any decimals, but it is even less accurate than 1 millisecond.
When I enter the expression in the debugger, the result is as accurate as I would expect.
I understand that a double cannot hold the accuracy of a 64-bit integer, but at this time, the PerformanceCounter only required 46 bits (and a double should be able to store 52 bits without loss)
Furthermore it seems odd that the debugger would use a different format to do the division.
Here are some results I got. The program was compiled in Debug mode, Floating Point mode in C++ options was set to the default ( Precise (/fp:precise) )
timerPerformanceCounter.QuadPart: 30270310439445
timerPerformanceFrequency.QuadPart: 14318180
double perfCounter = (double)timerPerformanceCounter.QuadPart;
double perfFrequency = (((double)timerPerformanceFrequency.QuadPart) / 1000.0);
double result = perfCounter / perfFrequency;
return (double)timerPerformanceCounter.QuadPart / (((double)timerPerformanceFrequency.QuadPart) / 1000.0);
Result with same expression in debugger:
Result of perfTimerCount / perfTimerFreq in debugger:
Result of 30270310439445 / 14318180 in calculator:
Does anyone know why the accuracy is different in the debugger's Watch compared to the result in my program?
Update: I tried deducting 30270310439445 from timerPerformanceCounter.QuadPart before doing the conversion and division, and it does appear to be accurate in all cases now.
Maybe the reason why I'm only seeing this behavior now might be because my computer's uptime is now 16 days, so the value is larger than I'm used to?
So it does appear to be a division accuracy issue with large numbers, but that still doesn't explain why the division was still correct in the Watch window.
Does it use a higher-precision type than double for it's results?
If you don't mind the performance hit, cast your QuadPart numbers to decimal instead of double before performing the division. Then cast the resulting number back to double.
You are correct about the size of the numbers. It throws off the accuracy of the floating point calculations.
For more about this than you probably ever wanted to know, see:
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Thanks, using decimal would probably be a solution too.
For now I've taken a slightly different approach, which also works well, at least as long as my program doesn't run longer than a week or so without restarting.
I just remember the performance counter of when my program started, and subtract this from the current counter before converting to double and doing the division.
I'm not sure which solution would be fastest, I guess I'd have to benchmark that first.
bool perfTimerInitialized = false;
double timerPerformanceFrequencyDbl;
LARGE_INTEGER timerPerformanceFrequency;
LARGE_INTEGER timerPerformanceCounterStart;
double timeGetExactTime()
if (!perfTimerInitialized) {
timerPerformanceFrequencyDbl = ((double)timerPerformanceFrequency.QuadPart) / 1000.0;
perfTimerInitialized = true;
LARGE_INTEGER timerPerformanceCounter;
if (QueryPerformanceCounter(&timerPerformanceCounter)) {
timerPerformanceCounter.QuadPart -= timerPerformanceCounterStart.QuadPart;
return ((double)timerPerformanceCounter.QuadPart) / timerPerformanceFrequencyDbl;
return (double)timeGetTime();