Create New Parameter - streamsets

Trying to create a new parameter in StreamSets and I am getting this error >
I am following exactly the official tutorial, but it seems this validation is new!

The behavior for handling pipeline parameters has not changed recently.
Looking at the image you provided, the parameter is not specified correctly. You have $(p_batch_size); the correct format for the parameter is ${p_batch_size}. Try replacing the parentheses with braces.


How do I make Cloudformation reprocess a template using a macro when parameters change?

I have a Cloudformation template that uses a custom Macro to generate part of the template. The lambda for the Macro uses template parameters (via the templateParameterValues field in the incoming event) to generate the template fragment.
When I change the Cloudformation Stack's parameters, I get an error:
The submitted information didn't contain changes. Submit different information to create a change set.
If I use the CLI I get a similar error:
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the UpdateStack operation: No updates are to be performed.
The parameters I am changing are only used by the Macro, not the rest of the template.
How can I make Cloudformation reprocess the template with the macro when I update these parameters?
After working with AWS Support I learned that you must supply the template again in order for the macro to be re-processed.
Even if it is the same exact template it will cause the macros to be reprocessed.
You can do this via the Console UI (by uploading the template file again) or the CLI (by passing the template / template URL again).
I recently came across this when using the count macro to create instances.
I found i was able to modify just the parameters used just by the macro by moving that part of the template to a nested stack and passing the parameters through.
It does involve a bit more work to setup by having the separate stacks, but it did allow me to modify just the parameters of the parent stack how i wanted.

Why does this viewHelper error occur in TYPO3 and how do I fix ilt?

When trying to get my custom extension to run in TYPO3 v9.5.11, I get this error message:
Undeclared arguments passed to ViewHelper
TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\FlashMessagesViewHelper: renderMode, class, id.
Valid arguments are: queueIdentifier, as
I do not exactly know who is trying to pass arguments to the ViewHelper and why it would be failing.
Would creating my own viewHelper be beneficial in this scenarion or is there an easy way of fixing the issue?
in your custom extension, the FlashMessages ViewHelper is used.
You can easily search recursively for <f:flashMessages in the extension folder.
The error message gives you the changes, you need to do:
Valid arguments are: queueIdentifier, as
But in your extension, the arguments renderMode, class and id are used.
You need to remove the invalid arguments, maybe the documentation gives you the needed hints:

Testcafe Selector to identify element inside the specific component of DOM Structure

How to convert the below Relative path to TestCafe Selector?
If I try the above one, it recognizes specific DOM Component which contains multiple elements and one of those is 'Follow'.
how to achieve this using TestCafe Selectors.
I did not succeeded with the below one :
I checked your code and found a couple of possible causes, which can lead to the issue.
TestCafe Selectors do not have the contains method so the first example is incorrect.
Though I don't know your html structure, I can currently assume that there is no need to pass the # char in the attribute argument.
Thus your second example looks valid excepting the # char.
If this recommendation does not help, please provide us with a working example that shows the issue and create a separate bug report in the TestCafe repository using the following form

Calling a python function from MATLAB, generates an object with only some attribute

From MATLAB I am calling a Python function that creates and returns a Python object MyPyObj created by me with some attribute. The object is correctly returned however some attribute is missing and when I try to access them in MATLAB, a No appropriate method, property, or field error is returned. Does someone know why this happens?
Have you already tried this:
commandStr = 'python /Users/myName/pathToScript/ 2';
[status, commandOut] = system(commandStr);
if status==0
fprintf('squared result is %d\n',str2num(commandOut));
I managed to solve the problem following this post. Basically I needed to use
py.getattr(myPyObj, 'name_of_the_hidden_attribute')
However I am still not able to understand why myPyObj.name_of_the_hidden_attribute throws an error. I want to provide also this link in case my solution does not fix the problem for other users.

what is the best way to specify default value for a date parameter in ireport

I have created a parameter in iReport Value_DT with Date data type.
If I'm using expression "new java.util.Date("01-SEP-14") as default value it works fine but this is hard code.
I'd like to use user defined function from Oracle DB, i.e. it might be similar to "new java.util.Date(new java.util.Date($F{GETACCOUNTINGDATE})) where GETACCOUNTINGDATE is oracle function.
With such syntax I have an error "The constructor Date(Timestamp) is undefined".
What should be changed in order to use function from DB in default parameter?
I'm not sure of any way to do this directly in the default value expression without writing custom code. I believe you would need to write a custom class with a static method which connects to your database, calls GETACCOUNTINGDATE, and returns the date. You could then, bundle this as a JAR, put it in your classpath and call this method in your Default Value Expression.
That's quite a bit of work though, so alternatively you may be able to 'recreate' the date using Java Date Function libraries.
We've used apache dateUtils:
org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils.addMonths(new Date(),0))
I know a colleague has used jchronic to use strings and create dates.