OSRM routing to specific node - osrm

I'm trying to attempt a multilevel routing with several nodes on the same latlong simulating a shopping mall environment. The routing of the OSRM is based on lat long for start and end. Is there a way to change the end destination to one of the nodes?


GKE Autopilot Session Affinity

I'm looking to move some game servers I was running on VMs over to a GKE Autopilot deployment, and I'm trying to figure out how I can configure the Ingress component to route both players of the same game to the same Pod (i.e. I want a single public game URL that will route both players/any spectators over to the same backing pod that will have the game state in memory, given the game id in the path of the request or as a header/cookie). I'm still relatively new to Kubernetes, so I'm having trouble finding a good example/the magic Google search terms that would set me on the right path to solving this. This seems to point out that HEADER_FIELD/HTTP_COOKIE are options I can specify, but I can't seem to find an example that demonstrates how this would work. Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Regarding multicluster ingress, if your setup has a different cluster and you want a specific traffic or url to route to a specific pod then you can use multicluster ingress. About the sample you are requesting you can also see the sample diagram from the same link under MultiClusterIngress Resource.
From the link, you will see, there are two example url (foo.example.com and bar.example.com) and how it will route these to a specific pod. Based on the sample diagram in the document. “In the diagram, there are two clusters, gke-eu and gke-asia. Traffic flows from foo.example.com to the Pods that have the label app:foo across both clusters. From bar.example.com, traffic flows to the Pods that have the label app:bar across both clusters.”
A sample yaml configuration is also available from the link I shared. Regarding your concern, the sample url can have the same concept of your public url so the player that will access your url will route to the specific pod that you like.

Kubernetes Cluster Federation retired?

I have come across a need that I need to serve application users based on their geo-location.
One possibility, I could think of it to have application installed on multiple k8s clusters hosted in different region and then load-balance the traffic based on geo-location of the users.
While exploring this idea, I came across several articles on "Kubernetes Cluster Federation" (e.g. https://kubernetes.io/blog/2016/10/globally-distributed-services-kubernetes-cluster-federation/). But seems like this functionality has been retired as mentioned in https://github.com/kubernetes-retired/federation.
Does someone know:
If there is any alternative for "Kubernetes Cluster Federation"?
Is there any other solution/s to address the need of serving users based on their geo-location?
If we leave the application part, is there any way to store the data in same geo-location?
https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kubefed is a successor to the "Kubernetes Cluster Federation", though I am not sure what is its current state. If you want to deploy a global loadbalancer, I suggest to have a look into https://www.k8gb.io/ .
...k8s clusters hosted in different region and then load-balance the traffic based on geo-location of the users
If you determine the user location simply by the network location, you can use DNS geolocation routing capability such as Route 53 to reach nearest services. In this context k8s federation is not required.
If we leave the application part, is there any way to store the data in same geo-location?
Apart from global scale database solution such as Aurora, Spanner, your application can point to a centralize database that resides in one of the region; if the increase latency is acceptable.

How to provide multiple services through a cloud gateway?

Assume I'm working on a multiplayer online game. Each group of players may start an instance of the game to play. Take League Of Legends as an example.
At any moment of time, there are many game matches being served at the same time. My question is about the architecture of this case. Here are my suggestions:
Assume we have a cloud with a gateway. Any game instance requires a game server behind this gateway to serve the game. For different clients outside the cloud to access different game servers in the cloud, the gateway may differentiate between connections according to ports. It is like we have one machine with many processes each of them listening on a different port.
Is this the best we can get?
Is there another way for the gateway to differentiate connections and forward them to different game instances?
Notice that these are socket connections NOT HTTP requests to an API gateway.
EDIT 1: This question is not about Load Balancing
The keyword is ports. Will each match be served on a different port? or is there another way to serve multiple services on the same host (host = IP)?
Elaboration: I'm using client-server model for each match instance. So multiple clients may connect to the same match server to participate in the same match. Each match need to be server by a match server.
The limitation in mind is: For one host (=IP) to serve multiple services it need to provide them on different ports. Match 1 on port 1234. So clients participating in match 1 will connect to and communicate with the match server on port 1234.
EDIT 2: Scalability is the target
My match server does not calculate and maintain the world of many matches. It maintains the world of one match. This is why each match need another instance of the match server. It is not scalable to have all clients communicating about different matches to connect to one process and to be processed by one process.
My idea is to serve the world of each match by different process. This will require each process to be listening on a different port.
Example: Any client will start a TCP connection with a server listening on port A. Is there is a way to serve multiple MatchServers on the same port A (so that more simultaneous MatchServers won't result in more ports)?
Is there a better scalable way to serve the different worlds of multiple matches?
Short answer: you probably shouldn't use proxy-gateway to handle user connections unless you are absolutely sure there's no other way - you are severely limiting your scaling ability.
Long answer:
What you've described is just a load balancing problem. You can find plenty of solutions based on given restrictions via google.
For League Of Legends it can be quite simple: using some health-check find server with lowest amount of load and stick (kinda like sticky sessions) current game to this server - until the game is finished any computations for particular game are made there. You could use any kind of caching mechanism to store game - server relation for subsequent requests on gateway side.
Another, a bit more complicated example could be data storage for statistics for particular game - it's usually solved via sharding which is a usual consequence of distributed computing. It could be solved this way: use some kind of hashing function (for example, modulo) with game ID as parameter to calculate server number. For example 18283 mod 15 = 13 for game ID = 18283 and 15 available shards - so 13th server should store/serve this data.
Main problem here would be "rebalancing" - adding/remove a shard from cluster, for example.
Those are just two examples, you can google more of them using appropriate keywords. Just keep in mind that all of this is just a subset of problems of distributed computing.

How to maintain a static URL with HAProxy

I am using Haproxy with two different nodes having different machines 'geographically scattered'
Load-balancer-one having dns = http1.example.com
Load-balancer-two having dns = http2.example.com
The service is listening on DNS main site with original hostname --haproxy
My question is how to maintain a static URL? i.e. it must not show the back-end server domain's or IPs, I want to show only original hostname.
The simplest method is to setup a round robin DNS entry that returns the IP addresses of both servers.
You likely however want to use a GSLB (global server load balancing) solution that can remove failed load balancers from responses based on a health check. If you are in multiple data centers, some GSLB solutions can route users to the most performant location for them.
F5 and Netscaler have hardware GSLB solutions. Dyn, Akamai, UltraDNS and others offer GSLB as a service. AWS' Route53 has a weighted round robin solution. They do not currently offer health checking or routing based on geographic location.

Redirect users to the nearest server based on their location without changing url

This is my case:
I have 6 servers across US and Europe. All servers are on a load balancer. When you visit the website (www.example.com) its pointing on the load balancer IP address and from their you are redirect to one of the servers. Currently, if you visit the website from Germany for example, you are transfered randomly in one of the server. You could transfer to the Germany server or the server in San Fransisco.
I am looking for a way to redirect users to the nearest server based on their location but without changing url. So I am NOT looking of having many url's such as www.example.com, www.example.co.uk, www.example.dk etc
I am looking for something like a CDN where you retrieve your files from the nearest server (?) so I can get rid of the load balancer because if it crashes, the website does not respond (?)
For example:
If you are from uk, redirect to IP 53.235.xx.xxx
If you are from west us, redirect to IP ....
if you are from south europe, redirect to IP ... etc
DNSMadeeasy offers a feature similar to this but they are charging a 600 dollars upfront price and for a startup that doesnt know if that feature will work as expected or there is no trial version we cannot afford: http://www.dnsmadeeasy.com/enterprise-dns/global-traffic-director/
What is another way of doing this?
Also another question on the current setup. Even with 6 servers all connected to the load balancer, if the load balancer has lag issues, it takes everything with it, right? or if by any change it goes down, the website does not respond. So what is the best way to eliminate that downtime so that if one server IP address does not respond, move to the next (as a load balancer would do but load balancers can have issues themselves)
Would help to know what type of application servers you're talking about; i.e. J2EE (like JBoss/Tomcat), IIS, etc?
You can use a hardware or software load balancer with Sticky IP and define ranges of IPs to stick to different application servers. Each country's ISPs should have it's own block of IPs.
There's a list at the website below.
Here's also a really, really good article on load balancing in general, with many high availability / persistence issues addressed. That should answer your second question on the single point of failure at your load balancer; there's many different techniques to provide both high availability and load distribution. Alot depends on what kind of application your run and whether you require persistent sessions or not. Load balancing by sticky IP, if persistence isn't required and you're LB does health checks properly, can provide high availability with easy failover. The downside is that load isn't evenly distributed, but it seems you're looking for distribution based on proximity, not on load.