OpenScad: How to use difference() with imported STL? - openscad

I can import external STL to OpenScad, and use it as is.
Yet I fail to manipulate the imported object, mostly with the difference() command.
Mostly I need to cut pieces out of the imported STL. I know it can be done on the slicer (I was PrusaSlicer), yet I prefer to do it on the OpenScad because I can do it systematically on the source code. Also, sometimes the needs to cut are not as simple as the slicer can do.
For example: difference() { import("ext_stl.stl", convexity=20); cube([10,30,10]); }
I assume the imported STL is written in a format that OpenScad can't handle, so I wonder if there is any way to translate this input STL file into something that OpenScad could handle it?
I tried importing the STL into a module and use the reference to this module.
I also tried loading it into PrusaSlicer and exporting as a new STL - also failed.


Removing annotations from a Modelica model

I'm developing a Modelica library and need to produce a document with source code listings. I'd like to be able to include the source of the Modelica models without annotations.
I could manually edit them out, but I'm looking for a more automated strategy. I'm guessing the most convenient and straightforward approach is to use some tool to save .mo files with no annotations and include those in my document (I'm using \lstinputlisting in LaTeX).
Is it possible to do this? I have access to Dymola, OpenModelica and JModelica. Dymola is obviously capable of producing such a listing, as it's able to include it in the automatically generated documentation (File > Export > HTML...). I've been looking into scripting with Dymola and OpenModelica, but haven't found a way to do this either.
JModelica seems like it could be a good option, but I don't have experience working with Python. If this is possible and someone gives me some pointers, I'm willing to look into it myself. I found a mention to a prettyprint function that might do the job, but I'm not sure where to start. I can't even find reference to that function in the latest documentation.
It would also be more convenient for me to find a way of doing it with Dymola/OpenModelica (whether through the UI or by using a script). Have I missed something?
I think you could use saveTotalModel("", MyModelName) in OpenModelica. This will strip most annotations (not ones used for code generation if I remember correctly) and pretty-print the source code including all dependencies. Then you just copy-paste the models/packages that you want to include in the listing. Or if you prefer, you can do something like the following to only include code for a particular model:
saveTotalModel("", MyModel.A.B);
str := list(MyModel.A.B);
writeFile("MyModel.A.B.listing", str);

Matlab simulink c code generation

I would like to import an existing C code (or any other text) into my generated code by Matlab simulink.I have some tasks that made in C,but in the future i want to develop in matlab.I work in simulink,and I can compile the models,but I want to use some special function what I previously wrote in C (because of pointer etc.).
The problem is that I don't know how to put in these texts into the model,and after the code generation these texts stay in the original format,and placed in the expected line.
And what I would like:
You can achieve this using the S-Function Builder. It allows one to create C code blocks, which get compiled with the model run. If using Code Generator, it gets inserted into generated code.
I generally use it to call functions from my external code or libraries, as in some Raspberry Pi Driver blocks I created.
It generates .c, .h and .mex files for each block and is quite clunky but does work!
BTW: If it's just to use an external pointer, you can happily use ImportedPointer/ExportedPointer for this. I find this handy for variables between generated code and container.

Stubs in Matlab Toolbox Testing

As a follow up to my previous question, I run into a new obstacle: how to generate stubs for functions in a toolbox?
I found Andy Campbell's solution for the non toolbox case. This does not work in my case because Matlab complains: package directories are not allowed in MATLAB path in Pathfixtures!
I also don't see how this concept will overwrite the import statements within the toolbox, e.g. in file2.
This is my setup:
Let's say I want to stub file1 in file2. And file2 has as a first statement: import folder1.file1.
function inject_file1_stub(testCase, answer)
import matlab.unittest.fixtures.PathFixture;
file1('', answer);
So currently I believe this concept is not applicable in my case, so how is this done correctly with matlab?
I know one can shadow an implementation of a function in a toolbox, if one adds another path with the same toolboxname and function to the path. For this I would have to recreate a subset of the current folder setup:
So my current idea for a fixture is
create temporary folder with tempdir
use mfilename to check what subset of the toolbox directories I have to recreate
generate folder structure
copy from the overload folder to the new toolbox system
Add this to path
Run tests
In teardown
remove the temporary folder
remove the entry from path
I have not implemented this yet, and seems a bit redundant knowing that there is a Pathfixture in matlab already.
Pointers to other toolboxes which show how they have solved these kind of problems are also welcome.
It is true that you can't add subfolders of packages to the path, but that doesn't mean you can't shadow these path functions. To do this you need to separate the test related content out of your source location. For example, if your source looks like:
Then you can put your tests somewhere else so your structure would look something like:
<test-home>/file2Test.m % could also put tests into packages if you want
Then inside of file1Test and/or file2Test you would use a PathFixture to add:
to the path.
Also, another thing to consider is defining an interface in your source code for these dependencies and leveraging dependency injection (with or without a DI framework) in order to get test specific behavior into your tests.

What is the closest thing MATLAB has to namespaces?

We have a lot of MATLAB code in my lab. The problem is there's really no way to organize it. Since all the functions have to be in the same folder to be called (or you have to add a bunch of folders to MATLAB's path environment variable), it seems that we're doomed have loads of files in the same folder, all in the global namespace. Is there a better way to organize our files and functions? I really wish there were some sort of module system...
MATLAB has a notion of packages which can be nested and include both classes and functions.
Just make a directory somewhere on your path with a + as the first character, like +mypkg. Then, if there is a class or function in that directory, it may be referred to as mypkg.mything. You can also import from a package using import mypkg.mysubpkg.*.
The one main gotcha about moving a bunch of functions into a package is that functions and classes do not automatically import the package they live in. This means that if you have a bunch of functions in different m-files that call each other, you may have to spend a while dropping imports in or qualifying function calls. Don't forget to put imports into subfunctions that call out as well. More info:
I don't see the problem with having to add some folder to Matlab's search path. I have modified startup.m so that it recursively looks for directories in my Matlab startup directory, and adds them to the path (it also runs svn update on everything). This way, if I change the directory structure, Matlab is still going to see all the functions the next time I start it.
Otherwise, you can look into object-oriented code, where you store all the methods in a #objectName folder. However, this may lead to a lot of re-writing code that can be avoided by updating the path (there is even a button add with subfolders if you add the folder to the path from the File menu) and doing a bit of moving code.
If you would like to organize your code so that some functions are only visible to the functions that call them directly (and if you don't want to re-write in OOP), you put the calling functions in a directory, and within this directory, you create a subdirectory called private. The functions in there will only be visible to the functions in the parent directory. This is very useful if you have to overload some built-in Matlab functions for a subset of your code.
Another way to organize & reuse code is using matlab's object-oriented features. Each Object is customarily in a folder that begins with an "#" and has the file(s) for that class inside. (though the newer syntax does not require this for a class defined in a single file.) Using private folders inside class folders, matlab even supports private class members. Matlab's new class notation is relatively fully-featured, but even the old syntax is useful.
BTW, my startup.m that examines a well-known location that I do my SVN checkouts into, and adds all of the subfolders onto my path automatically.
The package system is probably the best. I use the class system (#ClassName folder), but I actually write objects. If you're not doing that, it's silly just to write a bunch of static methods. One thing that can be helpful is to put all your matlab code into a folder that isn't on the matlab path. Then you can selectively add just the code you need to the path.
So say you have two projects, stored in "c:\matlabcode\foo" and "c"\matlabcode\bar", that both use common code stored in "c:\matlabcode\common," you might have a function "setupPaths.m" like this:
function setupPaths(projectName)
basedir = fullfile('c:', 'matlabcode');
addpath(genpath(fullfile(basedir, projectName)));
switch (projectName)
case {'foo', 'bar'}
addpath(genpath(fullfile(basedir, 'common')));
Of course you could extend this. An obvious extension would be to include a text file in each directory saying what other directories should be added to the path to use the functions in that directory.
Another useful thing if you share code is to set up a "user specific/LabMember" directory structure, where you have different lab members save code they are working on. That way you have access to their code if you need it, but don't get clobbered when they write a function with the same name as one of yours.

Export from OpenCascade, import into OpenSceneGraph

We have a modeling tool which uses OCC, and a 3d editor using OSG. What I want to do is, export the model from the first tool and import into the second tool. I have been searching the web for days, but I can't find a solution.
Three things can solve my problem:
An exporter for OCC to export into OSG supported formats (.ive, .osg, and many more),
An importer for OSG to import from OCC supported formats (.stp, .step, .igs, .iges, .brp, .brep ),
A converter tool for converting between two formats, one format supported by OCC and one format supported by OSG.
Has anybody done this before, or know of anything that can help?
I am trying to avoid writing a custom exporter for OCC.
I found a solution. OpenCascade has an import/export example, which can export VRML files without texture support. Some modifications on the import export code and some modifications on other parts (where the OCC model is represented by VRML classes) was enough to successfully export my model to a VRML file. Then i built the VRML plugin for OpenSceneGraph and successfully imported the model.
CADExchanger (OCC based) does a pretty good job converting between BRep and other formats (STEP, IGES, STL, VRML...)
Why don't you have a look at
I'm assuming OSG takes meshes?
Load the STEP / IGES file in (python)OCC, grab its mesh, push the verts / indices to OSG.
Would that work?