How to import aar or jar file in new Bumblebee Android Studio? - import

Android Studio 4.2 had a Reveal in Finder and you could import your aar file, but now ,in Bumblebee I don't know that how should import aar file.


Configure flutter SDK by project in Android Studio

I am using FVM (Flutter version management) with multiple projects in Android Studio.
I'd like for each android studio project to configure the flutter sdk to <my-project-path>/.fvm/flutter_sdk so that each project uses the right version of the flutter SDK in Android Studio
But when I go into the Android Studio's preferences and change the Flutter SDK path it is updated for all my projects.
Is there any way the sdk can be configured for each project independently?
Then you start new Flutter project in Android Studio, the first screen ask you the path to Flutter SDK. Put there right path.
Flutter SDk path: you/path
As you use fvm, you need to run:
fvm install <VERSION>
in project directory. Fvm made symbolic links. You need to wait until setup is finished, then restart AS.
If you want to ignore the Flutter SDK root directory within Android Studio you can add the following to .idea/workspace.xml:
<component name="VcsManagerConfiguration">
<path value="$PROJECT_DIR$/.fvm/flutter_sdk" />

Flutter - how to predefine project/how to predefine pubspec.yaml in Android Studio

I would like to have a predefined pubspec.yaml file, with packages which I use everywhere, after every flutter project creation in Android Studio. How can I achieve this?

Intellisense not working for flutter plugin project in android studio

I am using android studio Artic-Fox 2020.3.1. I created a flutter plugin project using the android studio, intellisense is not working for the android module but it's working fine for lib module.
There is no compiler error or any suggestion. Nothing is working.
Flutter version : 2.5.1
Dart version 2.14.2
Any help will be appreciated.

How to add flutter to android studio?

I have installed flutter plugin in android studio. Created new flutter project. But when the project is made there is no lib file. I have flutter sdk installed.

Flutter with VS Code, Unable to locate Android Studio executable

I re-installed Flutter and Android Studio.
I have already installed Java and SDK libraries and I can run the application from VS Code.
But when I tried to open Android module in Android Studio I am getting:
Unable to locate Android Studio executable
if you are on mac the put this in :
flutter config --android-studio-dir "/Applications/Android"
The Flutter extension locates Android Studio by calling flutter config --machine. It looks like Flutter isn't returning an Android Studio path there, so you could run:
flutter config android-studio-dir /path/to/android/studio
And then Flutter should remember it, and provide it to the VS Code extension when it looks.
Simple go to C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jbr
folder and copy all Folder with files
then paste it on C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre folder
And Restart your PC.
Hope your Problem is gone.
Thank you