Modify the content of url in webview_flutter - flutter

I'm rendering HTML content from an external URL in webview_flutter.
I would like to remove/add/update some HTML content (divs) from the URL before it gets displayed.
One possible solution that I can think of is:
download the page content in a string
update the content
render the content
But this can cause other issues with the follow-up calls made from the page.
Any suggestion on how it could be done?


Is there any way to get the HTML from a web page once the JavaScript is loaded in a Flutter app?

I'm working on a URL preview widget, so I'd like to extract the meta tags from the HTML of a given URL.
However, the problem is that websites like Twitter don't return the entire HTML when they detect there's no JavaScript engine enabled (i.e. doing a GET request from the http package).
So, I'd like to know if there's any workaround for these cases, for example, using some kind of headless browser to get the entire HTML.

How to manipulate the meta area of the HTML dom with Scala-JS for a single page application

General Scala-JS page building advice needed. Most of the examples seem to be of the pattern where the main into which your single page application will go is between the tags in a landing page html file. How do you handle the need to insert something in the meta area of the dom? Do I need to render my landing page dynamically from the server to accomplish this? My specific need is to inject a script tag into the meta area of an already defined static html page. I'm using scalajs-react.
Generally you will want a server-rendered "root page" for the SPA. This allows you to dynamically compute proper cache busting file names for your script and stylesheet tags and to easily manage the cache expiration of the root page. Also, for proper html5 push state support you'll want to serve that page at every URL, which is easily done with a server side route.

Jeditable displays entire HTML document as replacement for the editable field after trigger/submit

I am using jeditable and had it working very weird.
after editing the editable field and submits it instead of printing the new content it displays the entire document window in the textbox(placeholder of editable content).
question: from the example where the author used save.php. what was the content of save.php?
is it necessary to send the result on a php file?? can't an HTML file work?
I believe within the comments box at the bottom of the author's main page - somebody has kindly provided a version of the save.php file for people to use and modify as needed.
The save.php file is used to actually save the values of the editable field/s. Without it, nothing would happen to the data and it would reset to the default text if the page is refreshed.
Options instead of a php file could be:
Saving the text/select changes to a Cookie
Using another server side methos such as asp, jsp, rails or .NET to process the saving of the changes.
an html page is a static page with no processing facility per say to communicate with the website server, so no.. html is not suitable for such a need.
Saving script must return the string you want to display on page after editing. You are now returning full html page.
Source of for all demofiles can be found from GitHub.

<fb:comment> tag not working properly

I have a GWT app and Im trying to put fb social plugin comment in side of my page. However I have the folowing problem.
If I put the tag in my .html it works perfect, but If I put id dynamically (like with an HTML widjet), It does not work. It just does not display anything.
Can anyone help me? Im having this problem in general, not only with the fb:comment tag.
Note: If I use the iframe implementation of, for example, "fb:like", it works perfect.
My understanding of facebook's api is that it loads your content, and parses out the tags in the fb namespace, replacing them before the actual content is drawn for the user. In contrast, none of the GWT compiled code (or indeed any Javascript code) gets a chance to make changes to the dom until the page has loaded in the browser fully, after facebook has made the changes it needs to.
My advice: Put the fb namespaced tags on the initial page, but perhaps wrap them in a div and mark them as display:none. Then you can grab them from your GWT code and wrap them up in a widget, only to be displayed when you are ready.

Just can't seem to fetch the mobile Gmail html, what is wrong?

I'm trying to cache the mobile Gmail webpage because UIWebView does not cache the content itself (mobile safari does, but not UIWebView).
I tried the methods listed here Reading HTML content from a UIWebView basically saving the html either directly from URLRequest or from UIWebView itself. When I try to put the html saved back into UIWebView it is not the same page!
This is the page that I want to save
alt text
This is the page that the html saved will display
alt text
If you're loading using loadData:MIMEType:textEncodingName:baseURL: make sure you're setting baseURL correctly - that way, the WebView will know where to look for relative stylesheets and so on.
Edit: For example, if I was saving this page, I'd set the base URL to Just can't seem to fetch the mobile Gmail html, what is wrong?.
That looks like the same page to me, but with different stylesheets attached. If you're just re-displaying identical HTML from your local server, the relative stylesheet paths in Google's HTML would no longer be correct. Also, any AJAX requests meant to run after the page loads would no longer work (both because the relative paths to the scripts would be wrong, and also because Cross-Site Scripting restrictions would prevent them from contacting Google).
Attempting to scrape content from an AJAX-enabled application is no small undertaking. You'd have to replicate a lot of GMail's functionality to truly reproduce the exact page Google presents.