Polars: how to add a column in front? - python-polars

What would be the most idiomatic (and efficient) way to add a column in front of a polars data frame? Same thing like .with_column but add it at index 0?

You can select in the order you want your new DataFrame.
df = pl.DataFrame({
"a": [1, 2, 3],
"b": [True, None, False]
shape: (3, 3)
│ z ┆ a ┆ b │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ i64 ┆ bool │
│ foo ┆ 1 ┆ true │
│ foo ┆ 2 ┆ null │
│ foo ┆ 3 ┆ false │


Polars: Unnesting columns algorithmically without a for loop

I am working with multiple parquet datasets that were written with nested structs (sometimes multiple levels deep). I need to output a flattened (no struct) schema. Right now the only way I can think to do that is to use for loops to iterate through the columns. Here is a simplified example where I'm for looping.
while len([x.name for x in df if x.dtype == pl.Struct]) > 0:
for col in df:
if col.dtype == pl.Struct:
df = df.unnest(col.name)
This works, maybe that is the only way to do it, and if so it would be helpful to know that. But Polars is pretty neat and I'm wondering if there is a more functional way to do this without all the looping and reassigning the df to itself.
If you have a df like this:
df=pl.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[2,3,4], 'c':[3,4,5], 'd':[4,5,6], 'e':[5,6,7]}).select([pl.struct(['a','b']).alias('ab'), pl.struct(['c','d']).alias('cd'),'e'])
You can unnest the ab and cd at the same time by just doing
If you don't know in advance what your column names and types are in advance then you can just use a list comprehension like this:
[col_name for col_name,dtype in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes) if dtype==pl.Struct]
We can now just put that list comprehension in the unnest method.
df=df.unnest([col_name for col_name,dtype in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes) if dtype==pl.Struct])
If you have structs inside structs like:
df=pl.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[2,3,4], 'c':[3,4,5], 'd':[4,5,6], 'e':[5,6,7]}).select([pl.struct(['a','b']).alias('ab'), pl.struct(['c','d']).alias('cd'),'e']).select([pl.struct(['ab','cd']).alias('abcd'),'e'])
then I don't think you can get away from some kind of while loop but this might be more concise:
while any([x==pl.Struct for x in df.dtypes]):
df=df.unnest([col_name for col_name,dtype in zip(df.columns, df.dtypes) if dtype==pl.Struct])
This is a minor addition. If you're concerned about constantly re-looping through a large number of columns, you can create a recursive formula to address only structs (and nested structs).
def unnest_all(self: pl.DataFrame):
cols = []
for next_col in self:
if next_col.dtype != pl.Struct:
return pl.DataFrame(cols)
pl.DataFrame.unnest_all = unnest_all
So, using the second example by #Dean MacGregor above:
df = (
{"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [2, 3, 4], "c": [
3, 4, 5], "d": [4, 5, 6], "e": [5, 6, 7]}
.select([pl.struct(["a", "b"]).alias("ab"), pl.struct(["c", "d"]).alias("cd"), "e"])
.select([pl.struct(["ab", "cd"]).alias("abcd"), "e"])
>>> df
shape: (3, 2)
│ abcd ┆ e │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ struct[2] ┆ i64 │
│ {{1,2},{3,4}} ┆ 5 │
│ {{2,3},{4,5}} ┆ 6 │
│ {{3,4},{5,6}} ┆ 7 │
>>> df.unnest_all()
shape: (3, 5)
│ a ┆ b ┆ c ┆ d ┆ e │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 │
│ 1 ┆ 2 ┆ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 │
│ 2 ┆ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 ┆ 6 │
│ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 ┆ 6 ┆ 7 │
And using the first example:
df = pl.DataFrame(
{"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [2, 3, 4], "c": [
3, 4, 5], "d": [4, 5, 6], "e": [5, 6, 7]}
).select([pl.struct(["a", "b"]).alias("ab"), pl.struct(["c", "d"]).alias("cd"), "e"])
>>> df
shape: (3, 3)
│ ab ┆ cd ┆ e │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ struct[2] ┆ struct[2] ┆ i64 │
│ {1,2} ┆ {3,4} ┆ 5 │
│ {2,3} ┆ {4,5} ┆ 6 │
│ {3,4} ┆ {5,6} ┆ 7 │
>>> df.unnest_all()
shape: (3, 5)
│ a ┆ b ┆ c ┆ d ┆ e │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 │
│ 1 ┆ 2 ┆ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 │
│ 2 ┆ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 ┆ 6 │
│ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 ┆ 6 ┆ 7 │
In the end, I'm not sure that this saves you much wall-clock time (or RAM).
The other answers taught me a lot. I encountered a new situation where I wanted to easily be able to get each column labeled with all the structs it came from. i.e. for
I wanted to recover
as a string which I could easily use when reading a subset of columns with pyarrow via
pq.ParquetDataset(path).read(columns = ["my.test.thing"])
Since there are many hundreds of columns and the nesting can go quite deep, I wrote functions to do a depth first search on the schema, extract the columns in that pyarrow friendly format, then I can use those to select each column unnested all in one go.
First, I worked with the pyarrow schema because I couldn't figure out how to drill into the structs in the polars schema:
schema = df.to_arrow().schema
navigating structs in that schema is quirky, at the top level the structure behaves differently from deeper in. I ended up writing two functions, the first to navigate the top level structure and the second to continue the search below:
def schema_top_level_DFS(pa_schema):
top_level_stack = list(range(len(pa_schema)))
while top_level_stack:
working_top_level_index = top_level_stack.pop()
working_element_name = pa_schema.names[working_top_level_index]
if type(pa_schema.types[working_top_level_index]) == pa.lib.StructType:
second_level_stack = list(range(len(pa_schema.types[working_top_level_index])))
while second_level_stack:
working_second_level_index = second_level_stack.pop()
def schema_DFS(incoming_element,upstream_names):
current_name = incoming_element.name
combined_names = ".".join([upstream_names,current_name])
if type(incoming_element.type) == pa.lib.StructType:
stack = list(range(len(incoming_element.type)))
while stack:
working_index = stack.pop()
working_element = incoming_element.type[working_index]
So that running
column_paths = []
gives me column paths like
to actually do the unnesting, I wasn't sure how to do better than a function with a case statement:
def return_pl_formatting(col_string):
col_list = col_string.split(".")
match len(col_list):
case 1:
return pl.col(col_list[0]).alias(col_string)
case 2:
return pl.col(col_list[0]).struct.field(col_list[1]).alias(col_string)
case 3:
return pl.col(col_list[0]).struct.field(col_list[1]).struct.field(col_list[2]).alias(col_string)
case 4:
return pl.col(col_list[0]).struct.field(col_list[1]).struct.field(col_list[2]).struct.field(col_list[3]).alias(col_string)
case 5:
return pl.col(col_list[0]).struct.field(col_list[1]).struct.field(col_list[2]).struct.field(col_list[3]).struct.field(col_list[4]).alias(col_string)
case 6:
return pl.col(col_list[0]).struct.field(col_list[1]).struct.field(col_list[2]).struct.field(col_list[3]).struct.field(col_list[4]).struct.field(col_list[5]).alias(col_string)
Then get my unnested and nicely named df with:
df.select([return_pl_formatting(x) for x in column_paths])
To show the output on the example from #Dean MacGregor
test = (
{"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [2, 3, 4], "c": [
3, 4, 5], "d": [4, 5, 6], "e": [5, 6, 7]}
.select([pl.struct(["a", "b"]).alias("ab"), pl.struct(["c", "d"]).alias("cd"), "e"])
.select([pl.struct(["ab", "cd"]).alias("abcd"), "e"])
column_paths = []
print(test.select([return_pl_formatting(x) for x in column_paths]))
│ e ┆ abcd.cd.d ┆ abcd.cd.c ┆ abcd.ab.b ┆ abcd.ab.a │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 │
│ 5 ┆ 4 ┆ 3 ┆ 2 ┆ 1 │
│ 6 ┆ 5 ┆ 4 ┆ 3 ┆ 2 │
│ 7 ┆ 6 ┆ 5 ┆ 4 ┆ 3 │

How to use join in expression context?

Suppose I have a mapping dataframe that I would like to join to an original dataframe:
df = pl.DataFrame({
'A': [1, 2, 3, 2, 1],
mapper = pl.DataFrame({
'key': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
'value': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
I can map A to value directly via df.join(mapper, ...), but is there a way to do this in an expression context, i.e. while building columns? As in:
(pl.col('A')+1).join(mapper, left_on='A', right_on='key')
With would furnish:
shape: (5, 2)
│ A ┆ value │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ str │
│ 1 ┆ b │
│ 1 ┆ b │
│ 2 ┆ c │
│ 2 ┆ c │
│ 3 ┆ d │
Probably, yes. I just putted df.select(col('A')+1) inside.
df = df.with_columns([
df.select(col('A')+1).join(mapper, left_on='A', right_on='key')['value']
│ A ┆ value │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ str │
│ 1 ┆ b │
│ 2 ┆ b │
│ 3 ┆ c │
│ 2 ┆ c │
│ 1 ┆ d │

How to form dynamic expressions without breaking on types

Any way to make the dynamic polars expressions not break with errors?
Currently I'm just excluding the columns by type, but just wondering if there is a better way.
For example, i have a df coming from parquet, if i just execute an expression on all columns it might break for certain types. Instead I want to contain these errors and possibly return a default value like None or -1 or something else.
import polars as pl
df = pl.scan_parquet("/path/to/data/*.parquet")
# Prints: {'date_time': <class 'polars.datatypes.Datetime'>, 'incident': <class 'polars.datatypes.Utf8'>, 'address': <class 'polars.datatypes.Utf8'>, 'city': <class 'polars.datatypes.Utf8'>, 'zipcode': <class 'polars.datatypes.Int32'>}
Now if i form generic expression on top of this, there are chances it may fail. For example,
# Finding positive count across all columns
# Fails due to: exceptions.ComputeError: cannot compare Utf8 with numeric data
print(df.select((pl.all() > 0).count().prefix("__positive_count_")).collect())
# Finding positive count across all columns
# Fails due to: pyo3_runtime.PanicException: 'unique_counts' not implemented for datetime[ns] data types
# Finding positive count across all columns
# Fails due to: exceptions.SchemaError: Series dtype Int32 != utf8
# Note: this could have been avoided by doing an explict cast to string first
print(df.select((pl.all().str.lengths() > 0).count().prefix("__empty_count_")).collect())
I'll keep to things that work in lazy mode, as it appears that you are working in lazy mode with Parquet files.
Let's use this data as an example:
import polars as pl
from datetime import datetime
df = pl.DataFrame(
"col_int": [-2, -2, 0, 2, 2],
"col_float": [-20.0, -10, 10, 20, 20],
"col_date": pl.date_range(datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 5, 1), "1mo"),
"col_str": ["str1", "str2", "", None, "str5"],
"col_bool": [True, False, False, True, False],
shape: (5, 5)
│ col_int ┆ col_float ┆ col_date ┆ col_str ┆ col_bool │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ f64 ┆ datetime[ns] ┆ str ┆ bool │
│ -2 ┆ -20.0 ┆ 2020-01-01 00:00:00 ┆ str1 ┆ true │
│ -2 ┆ -10.0 ┆ 2020-02-01 00:00:00 ┆ str2 ┆ false │
│ 0 ┆ 10.0 ┆ 2020-03-01 00:00:00 ┆ ┆ false │
│ 2 ┆ 20.0 ┆ 2020-04-01 00:00:00 ┆ null ┆ true │
│ 2 ┆ 20.0 ┆ 2020-05-01 00:00:00 ┆ str5 ┆ false │
Using the col Expression
One feature of the col expression is that you can supply a datatype, or even a list of datatypes. For example, if we want to contain our queries to floats, we can do the following:
df.select((pl.col(pl.Float64) > 0).sum().suffix("__positive_count_")).collect()
shape: (1, 1)
│ col_float__positive_count_ │
│ --- │
│ u32 │
│ 3 │
(Note: (pl.col(...) > 0) creates a series of boolean values that need to be summed, not counted)
To include more than one datatype, you can supply a list of datatypes to col.
(pl.col([pl.Int64, pl.Float64]) > 0).sum().suffix("__positive_count_")
shape: (1, 2)
│ col_int__positive_count_ ┆ col_float__positive_count_ │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ u32 ┆ u32 │
│ 2 ┆ 3 │
You can also combine these into the same select statement if you'd like.
(pl.col(pl.Utf8).str.lengths() == 0).sum().suffix("__empty_count"),
(pl.col([pl.Float64, pl.Int64]) > 0).sum().suffix("_positive_count"),
shape: (1, 4)
│ col_str__empty_count ┆ col_str__null_count ┆ col_float_positive_count ┆ col_int_positive_count │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ u32 ┆ u32 ┆ u32 ┆ u32 │
│ 1 ┆ 1 ┆ 3 ┆ 2 │
The Cookbook has a handy list of datatypes.
Using the exclude expression
Another handy trick is to use the exclude expression. With this, we can select all columns except columns of certain datatypes. For example:
pl.exclude([pl.Utf8, pl.Boolean]).min().suffix("_min"),
shape: (1, 7)
│ col_int_max ┆ col_float_max ┆ col_date_max ┆ col_bool_max ┆ col_int_min ┆ col_float_min ┆ col_date_min │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ f64 ┆ datetime[ns] ┆ u32 ┆ i64 ┆ f64 ┆ datetime[ns] │
│ 2 ┆ 20.0 ┆ 2020-05-01 00:00:00 ┆ 1 ┆ -2 ┆ -20.0 ┆ 2020-01-01 00:00:00 │
Unique counts
One caution: unique_counts results in Series of varying lengths.
shape: (3, 1)
│ __unique_count_col_int │
│ --- │
│ u32 │
│ 2 │
│ 1 │
│ 2 │
shape: (4, 1)
│ __unique_count_col_float │
│ --- │
│ u32 │
│ 1 │
│ 1 │
│ 1 │
│ 2 │
As such, these should not be combined into the same results. Each column/Series of a DataFrame must have the same length.

polars outer join default null value

Can I specify the default NULL value for outer joins? Like 0?
The join method does not currently have an option for setting a default value for nulls. However, there is an easy way to accomplish this.
Let's say we have this data:
import polars as pl
df1 = pl.DataFrame({"key": ["a", "b", "d"], "var1": [1, 1, 1]})
df2 = pl.DataFrame({"key": ["a", "b", "c"], "var2": [2, 2, 2]})
df1.join(df2, on="key", how="outer")
shape: (4, 3)
│ key ┆ var1 ┆ var2 │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ i64 ┆ i64 │
│ a ┆ 1 ┆ 2 │
│ b ┆ 1 ┆ 2 │
│ c ┆ null ┆ 2 │
│ d ┆ 1 ┆ null │
To create a different value for the null values, simply use this:
df1.join(df2, on="key", how="outer").with_column(pl.all().fill_null(0))
shape: (4, 3)
│ key ┆ var1 ┆ var2 │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ i64 ┆ i64 │
│ a ┆ 1 ┆ 2 │
│ b ┆ 1 ┆ 2 │
│ c ┆ 0 ┆ 2 │
│ d ┆ 1 ┆ 0 │

How to create fields dynamically

Is there any way to create fields dynamically?. I know there are some ways. But it will be better to know best approach in polars. For example I want to add 12 shifted columns to existing dataframe.(lag1, lag2, lag3...lagN) How to achieve this?
You can just use the python language for that. Polars expressions are lazily evaluated, so you can create them anywhere, in a for loop, a function, list comprehension, you name it.
Below I give an example of dynamically created lag columns, one by calling a function, assigning to a variable and then using that variable. And one with a list comprehension.
# some initial dataframe
df = pl.DataFrame({
"a": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"b": [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
# a function that returns a lazy evaluated expression
def lag(name: str, n: int) -> pl.Expr:
return pl.col(name).shift(n).suffix(f"_lag_{n}")
# a lazy evaluated expression assigned to a variable
lag_foo = lag("a", 1)
out = df.select([
] + [lag("b", i) for i in range(5)] # create exprs with a list comprehension
This outputs:
shape: (5, 6)
│ a_lag_1 ┆ b_lag_0 ┆ b_lag_1 ┆ b_lag_2 ┆ b_lag_3 ┆ b_lag_4 │
│ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- ┆ --- │
│ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 ┆ i64 │
│ null ┆ 5 ┆ null ┆ null ┆ null ┆ null │
│ 1 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 ┆ null ┆ null ┆ null │
│ 2 ┆ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 ┆ null ┆ null │
│ 3 ┆ 2 ┆ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 ┆ null │
│ 4 ┆ 1 ┆ 2 ┆ 3 ┆ 4 ┆ 5 │