Where can the jmsActivationSpec be set when trying to integrate WebSphere MQ with Wildfly? - jboss

I have been trying to integrate IBM WebSphere MQ with WildFly server, as part of a application-server redeployment POC.
Have managed to deploy and added the resource adapter (wmq.jmsra.rar).
Also, managed to set-up the jmsQueueConnectionFactory via Connection Definitions, and jmsQueue via Admin Objects.
However, can't seem to find a configuration which would allow for setting of jmsActivationSpec. Greatly appreciate some help!


REST Spring Boot Web Service on Websphere 9

I want to create a Spring Boot REST Web Service and deploy and publish it in Traditional Websphere 9 Application Server. Is it possible ?
What all challenges I might encounter? Can someone please provide me few pointers for reference?
Yes this can be done. It is not a good design, but yes it can be done. Back in the day when I was working for a big bank, they deployed java spring-boot microservices in IBM websphere(Not liberty).
How to do it?
1) Package your deployable as war. You can do this by editing your pom to package as WAR.
2) You can either add connection string config in your springboot starter class or get a JNDI created in the websphere instance. We observed that performance of the API's improved when the app used websphere JNDI as opposed to app created connection bean.
3) If you use IBM MQ, the best course of action is get a non-ssl and ssl based channel created at MQ and a JNDI for the MQ connection as well.
4) If you plan to create MQ connection beans within the app, like we did, ensure the JKS file has all the valid set of signers of your org.
Problems we faced
1) Our app used a lot of third party rule engine like drools, so ensure the websphere server.xml is configured to servlet version 3.1 or higher
2) Webshpere admin console is helpful, but don't just blindly believe if it says green to your container, always check your app logs for errors.
3) Common pain points are establishing a successful connection with IBM MQ host. Get a MQ server admin to troubleshoot all MQRC errors.
4) If you plan to use Oracle as backend, ensure the DBA has created a wallet for you to enable both SSL and Non SSL connections. Some organisations are picky with non-sssl db connections. It is easier to handle all this if you leverage webspehere JNDI for DB connections.
Let me know if this helped.
Both WebSphere Traditional and WebSphere Liberty support Spring boot.
Are you looking for something like this?

Configure JBOSS EAP Server and Load Balancer

We need to setup JBOSS Server , Load Balancer for our Java/J2EE application in production server for approx 5000 users.
Can someone please elaborate on infrastructure required , like suitable Hardware ?
What kind on Web Server , then Application server like JBOSS EAP , How to setup load balancer , enable audit logs. Configure clustering, fail over and load balancing. Configure Web Connectors and web properties in JBoss applications.
High availability and disaster recovery. These topics are very important.
I am actually a developer , have never configured deployment environment in production as an Administrator. I tried to search similar post , but got no results. Please guide the architecture as guideline. I will explore it further
You have asked about a huge range of topics here. You can find guides on how to set up and configure most of them in the JBoss EAP documentation, which is available here: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/

Can Bluemix environment be replicated on developer laptops?

Can Bluemix environment with Liberty be replicated on developer laptops for offline development? Will I be able to run Bluemix local with Openstack on a quad core i5?
You can run Cloud Foundry in a VM on your laptop using bosh-lite. You could also install the open source Liberty buildpack into this local CF with the buildpack dependencies cached giving you an environment that could work offline.
The Bluemix services will not be available to you though, if you are offline, so the answer really depends on what services you need. You could reasonably set up some kind of local database but many of the services would just be unavailable.
I am not sure what exact your requirement is. IBM Liberty profile can be setup with Eclipse and you can create a server in local to test your java/JEE code. This is very simple, you need to install liberty plugin in Eclipse and create a server. See documentations in IBM web site.
See this url if it helps.. you can integrate BlueMix server to your Ecplise IDE

SPNEGO on Bluemix Liberty

On the Bluemix Liberty feature list, it says Spnego-1.0 is supported. Does anyone have any Bluemix documentation (not plain Liberty, because this would mean I installed the Liberty server on my own enterprise domain) on how to even begin to use this? It seems to me that if SPN are locked down to a domain name, how would this even work for an app running on a domain such as this: "www.ng.bluemix.net"?
Does this mean there is a requirement to have Bluemix infrastructure installed onto our enterprise infrastructure to even begin thinking about Spnego?
SPNEGO makes sense if you're trying to achieve SSO between say a Microsoft Desk Top and say a WASaaS (WAS or Liberty) running a web app in a Softlayer VM behind a private firewall, then a SPNEGO solution would work. In a more public setting, OpenID Connect should be considered as an option.
If SPNEGO really needs to be used, see the Liberty documentation. You can then customize a Liberty server.xml file in Bluemix to get this to work. To use a custom Liberty server.xml file, see the info noted under standalone applications.

Can I host WSO2 CEP on Bluemix?

I want to run my WSO2 CEP on IBM Bluemix. Is it possible to host it as a Liberty application or any other option is available there ?
WSO2 CEP is a Java Web application including Tomcat as application server, so you may have to build it from source and push the war on Bluemix to try it working on liberty application server. Anyway between WSO2 CEP prerequisites there is Java Oracle jdk, and Bluemix is running on IBM jdk, so you could have some other problems.
So maybe it could be better to run it on a (group of) Bluemix Container: these are based on Docker containers, so you could create a custom docker image from the (really) several images available, and then you can push it to a Bluemix container on cloud.
Bluemix/Docker containers are fully portable so you can very easily create your one and take it everywhere and also make it scaling very simply on Bluemix cloud environment.
You can start from here