Can inspec use the output of a command to trigger and only_if skip of a control? - inspec

I am trying to set something up like this:
only_if('physical device') do
command('hostnamectl') do
its('stdout') { should match /Chassis: desktop/ }
describe command('ifquery --list') do
its ('stdout') { should eq "lo\nbond0\neth0\neth1\neth2\n" }
because I'm hitting up a group of physical and virtual machines using the same control and I want to check and see that all the physical devices have 3 ethernet interfaces and all the virtual devices has 1.
There's only a handful of places you can go in linux to tell if you're running a vm or baremetal, but they almost all require grepping something out of a file, so I need to check stdout somehow.
So, what I'm wondering is, how do I use stdout with a command to skip something?


How to modify a packet before it is sent to a printer?

I am using old (3 years) label software automatically print barcodes on a production line to a Zebra printer. I just realized and confirmed with their IT that this software, for whatever reason when a print job is triggered, it sends a ^PR6 to the printer, setting the print speed to 6 (and overwriting the 2 I have set). No amount of tooling around with the printers settings or properties we changed were able to override this. IT also told me this product is at end of life and likely no one there will make a patch on it.
It seems like my only solution is to somehow catch this packet before it goes from the server to the printer and remove this ^PR6 from the beginning of the packet so that the print job uses the printers settings. Is there a way that I can do this?
This is all on a Windows Server 2012 system.
Newer printers have a command override command. Send the following command to the printer that you want to ignore the ^PR6:
! U1 setvar "device.command_override.add" "^PR"
More information can be found in the ZPL manual:

Modifying PORTQRY output to easily use in csv, xls files

looking for some pointers with using portqry and specifically, piping or modifying the output to a CSV.
I have around 20000 servers to check, all with a variance of 3-4 open ports to test and automating portqry seems the easiest way for me. Can't use 3rd party software as it's an Enterprise firewalled solution I'm testing.
So, I can easily use a FOR loop to make portqry run across a txt file line by line which outputs into another txt file.
This is fairly useless at the numbers I'm testing as I need to be able to filter and analyse the data easily.
I then moved onto using a couple of .bats to redirect my output based on the errorlevel of portqry, ie 0,1,2,3. Which kind of works but is still a pain as I have to hardcode the output for my CSV.
(Excuse the pseudo code)
FOR %I in foo.txt, DO 'PORTQRY -n %I -e PORT#
#IF errorlevel =0 '%I,22,LISTENING' >> fooLISTENING.txt
goto END
#IF errorlevel =1........
This is still a bit of a pain as I'd rather see all targets in one place and then filter by listening, etc.
Another issue is that not being able to resolve the host doesn't seem to be an applicable errorlevel number.
At this point I'm starting to look at PowerShell to accomplish this, assign variables at each line then write them into a CSV, but it'd take a while to get that setup in my environment.
Any ideas while I have portqry though? Or indeed if you know of PS that would do the trick that'd be great too.

PowerShell monitoring external processes as they run

I have a script that runs an external process which creates some output (a file) and then I also capture console output to file (the log)
p4d -r $root -jc | out-file $output
I later check the log output, grab some info and the script carries on.
The problem is that the external process could (and has once) stalled and I need a way to check that on the fly to handle the error.
The best way I can think to do this is to monitor the file that the process creates for increasing size. Obviously this isn't without issue as it could potentially stall at any point and we don't know the resulting file size.
I will likely check the size of the last successful process and use that to set some limits.
My question is how do I achieve the whole check a process whilst it's running thing?

Running two process in one command-line with split-screen

I need to split the command prompt window without making two windows. On one side I need a file to be read and on the other side (split with lines) to be command prompt gathering CPU Usage and RAM Usages. Things I need to know if I can do:
- Gather CPU and RAM Usage from command prompt or batch
- Have two process running side by side in the same window
- Read configuration files in a specific format (such as: server-dir=C:\Users...)
- Have both sides update every second with no glitches in graphics
Could it be done? An example of this would be handle (a minecraft server handler, can be seen here:

Programmatically change text config files in Linux with minimal effort

I am looking for a tool that would ease the modification of text configuration files for tasks like:
Set ForwardAgent yes on /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Append HGUSER to AcceptEnv in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (that's more complex as it does accept several params, if yours is not alread there it should add it)
Most important:
running it several times should have no side effects.
if something looks weird, it should complain (for example if you find the same line several times in a file, or if the expected syntax does not match).
Is there any linux tool that can easily be used to automate things like this?
The whole point is to be able to write these config patches somewhere so you can deploy them on several machines or on a new machine when needed.
I would certainly do this with bash scripting. Here is a great tutorial.
to change a line in a file you could do something like:
check the file exists
grep for the value you want to change - error if it appears multiple times or something
use sed to change that line
to append something to a file
check if file exists
grep to ensure it hasn't been appended to already
echo whatever >> file - the double greater than appends to a file
with each of these I would make a backup copy of the file first, just in case something goes wrong
You might want to have a look at the Unified Configuration Interface (UCI) used in Embedded Linux systems. If you have the flexibility to adapt the UCI format for your config files, this is pretty similar to what you are looking for.