Assignment 3-additional participants - variable-assignment

Good Afternoon,
Regarding the signavio Swimlanes, when do we use additional participants in our process?
For instance, if I want an external actor to work on something with the main actor of the pool, and I do not want to add a whole other pool for just one activity, can I use additional participants?


How to manage a user's game state using akka

I am trying to figure out how to manage a users game state using akka.
The game state will be persisted to mysql and this cannot change because we have other services that require this.
Anything that happens in a game is considered an "event".
Then you I have "Levels" which someone can achieve. A level is achieved when you complete all the "events" associated with it.
So you have:
- event1 e.g. reach a point in the game
- event2 e.g. pickup a sword
- event3 e.g. defeat a monster
So in a game there are many levels, and 100's of events that are linked to levels.
So all "events" are sent via HTTP to my backend, and I save the event in the database.
I then have to load the users game profile in memory, and then re-calculate the Level's achieved since there was a new event that happened.
Note: This calculation cannot be done at the database level because it is a little more complicated that I am writing here.
The problem I see is that if I use akka, I can't have multiple actors processing the events for the same user, because the data can become stale.
Just to be clear, so when a new event arrives, I have to load the game profile in memory, loop through the levels and see if any of them have been achieved, if they have, update the database
e.g. update levels set achieved=true where level_id = 123 and user_id=234
e.g. actor1 loads the profile (all the levels and events for this user) and then processes the new event that just arrived in the inbox.
at the same time, actor2 loads the profile (same as actor1), and then processes the new event. When it persists the changes to mysql, the data will be out of sych.
If I was using threads, I would have to lock during the game profile calculation and persisting to the db.
How can I do this using Akka and be able to handle things in parallel, or is this scenerio not allow for it?
Let's think how you would manage it without actors. So, in nutshell, you have the following problem scenario:
two (or more) update requests arrive at the same time, both are
going to modify the same data
both requests read some stable data
state, then update it each in its own manner and persist to the DB
the modifications from the request which checked in first are lost, more precisely - overridden by the later request.
This is a classical problem. There are at least two classical solutions of it:
Optimistic locking
Pessimistic locking: it's usually achieved by applying Serializable isolation level for transactions.
It worth reading this answer with a nice comparison of both worlds.
As you're using Akka, you most probably want to prefer better concurrency and occasional failures, which are easy to recover. It goes on par with Akka motto let it crash.
So, you need to make the next steps:
Add version column to your table(s). It can be numeric or string (with hash). Numeric is the simplest one.
When you insert new record - initialize versions.
When you update the record - check version value has not changed. So, here's your update strategy:
Read record and its version.
Update record in memory.
Execute update query with criteria where rec_id=$id and version=$version.
If updated records count is 1 - you're good. If 0 - throw OptimisticLockException or smth like this.
Finally, it's time for Akka to do its job: come up with appropriate supervision strategy (I'd pick something like try again in 1 second). In actor's preRestart method return the update message back to the actor's mailbox (see Restart Hooks chapter in Akka docs).
With this strategy, even if two requests try to update the same record at a time, one of them will fail and will be immediately processed again.

Erlang store pool of mongodb connections

How can i store pool of mongodb connections in erlang.
in one function i create pool of db connections
Replset = {<<"rs1">>, [{localhost, 27017}]},
Pool = resource_pool:new (mongo:rs_connect_factory (Replset), Count),
in second function i need to get connection from pool.
{ok, Conn} = resource_pool:get (Pool).
But i can not do this, because i created pool in another function.
I try to use records, but without success (
What i need to do to get it a bit global cross module?
I think the best solution is to use gen_server and store data in its state.
Another way is to use ets table.
Some points to guide you in the correct direction:
Erlang has no concept of a global variable. Bindings can only exist inside a process and that binding will be local to that process. Furthermore,
Inside a process, there is no process-local bindings, only bindings which are local to the current scope.
Note that this is highly consistent with most functional programming styles.
To solve your problem, you need a process to keep track of your resource pool for you. Clients then call this process and asks for a resource. The resource manager can then handle, via, monitors what should happen should the client die when it has a checked out resource.
The easiest way to get started is to grab devinus/poolboy from Github and look into that piece of code.

Akka Actor Setup: In Main method or in 'Manager' class?

Does anyone have any advice about how the creation of a large number of akka actors should be managed?
My new middleware project currently contains about 10 actors, but over time this will inevitably grow to a high number. I'm creating all my actors in my main function, but this could potentially get out of control as the system grows, with the function spanning an entire screen.
I could of course move all the actor creation into a function in a separate class, though this doesn't really solve the problem as such.
I'm not sure if there are any patterns available to help manage this setup procedure?
Normally one should have but a few top-level Actors (i.e. ones that are created by using system.actorOf). This is because you get a very poor fault-tolerance if all Actors are just as likely to ruin things for the others. So what you should do is to think about how you want failure to be contained in your application and then create actors as children of other actors using context.actorOf.
It really depends on the relationship of the actors. If they have no parent/child relationship to each other it doen't really matter where you start them. If they have such a relationship, you should start your actors inside their parents, because you have to use the context of the parent actor to create another actor as its child.
It is difficult to answer your question without knowing more about the nature of the actors you are creating. For example, if you can logically group your actors, I'd do something like this:
def initialize() = {
// Initialize Misc actors
val foo = FooActor()
val bar = BarActor()
If they have a parent/child relationship you should do as #drexin suggests.
Edit: Almost forgot: I you are creating multiple actors of the same type with different parameters, I'd of course use a loop and not copy and paste, e.g.
def initializeLotsOfActors(num:Int) =
for(i <- 0 to num) new ActorThatTakesAnInt(i);
(because nobody likes copy and paste :D)

More parallel actors in scala

(sort of followup to How to make a code thread safe in scala? )
I have a scala class that can inherently be called only from one thread (let's call it class ThreadUnsafeProducer); it is, however, safe to have more threads to each access exactly one object. However, the ThreadUnsafeProducer is quite memory heavy, so I don't want each thread to have one ThreadUnsafeProducer.
I want to have a given number N of ThreadUnsafeProducer objects (ideally one for each CPU).
I have lots of threads Consumer that all share the same object SharedObject.
I want to somehow use Actors model to give messages to either SharedObject or ThreadUnsafeProducer (I am not sure which) to have a given number of concurrent ThreadUnsafeProducer running. And I am quite lost in all the Akka/Actors classes.
I recently found Akka Routing classes
It looks really nice and exactly what I need. If it works it would be beautiful.

how to create a use case diagram for the forum system

there would be users with different privilages and as a consequence there would be a lot of conditions, so how can i model the conditions in the use case diagrams? for example, the forum manager may create a post or update a post or even delete a post, create a threads or update avialable threads, delete threads, etc.
1- should i have different "use case" elements for each task? i mean add an oval/circle element for each task?? like creating an oval for "create a post", an oval for "updating the post",.....
2- is it correct to have one actor for each privilage?? like one for anonymuse user, one for logged in user, .....
You shouldn't get into conditions and ifs and buts in use cases diagrams. A set of use cases is intended to provide an overview of the system's functionality, and each use case describes an interaction between the system and one or more actors. You want to keep that description simple and succinct.
Each use case should in some way make sense to the actor. To a person using a forum, it does make sense that creating a post is a separate activity from updating one (or responding to one), so that seems like a sensible start to me. You should not be overly concerned with the number of use cases at this stage. The number of use cases does not translate directly into system complexity, and a large number of clearly defined use cases is better than a small number of large, ambiguous ones.
The next step is to elaborate your use cases, and that's where you can start talking about conditions. Elaboration is typically done using an activity diagram which describes how the interaction between the actor and the system proceeds, eg Poster initiates post; System checks poster's privileges; System rejects post if privileges are insufficient; etc.
There is of course no right or wrong, but generally speaking it's a bad idea to use actors such as "logged in user" etc, and in fact you should avoid employing a "user" actor at all. Why? Because the interaction is actually between the system and a person, whereas a user (account) is an in-system representation of a person's privileges.
In other words, if you find yourself using actors which are in fact concepts from within the system, you've taken a wrong turn somewhere. Every use case must involve a system-external actor, otherwise you're not describing the system from the outside.
A better set of actors for a forum system would probably be Poster, Reader and Manager (and possibly a System Administrator as well).