How do i make the div on top of the background(Which has clip-path) to show fully irrespective of the clip-path usage - background-image

The colorful image is the background which has clip-path, I want the gray color(div) to be shown fully


How to use animation as background image

enter image description here
Taking a look at that picure, animation is use as background in the left and on the right side of the page, an image is used as the background. Please hw can i go about using both backgrounds on one webpage.

Swift iOS UI Advice

I am looking for some general advice and maybe some example code of what I am trying to accomplish if anyone knows of any for an iOS swift project. I would like to either:
A) Make the background, of the blue view, gray and only show a certain percent of the blue area.
B) Overlay the gray area on top of the blue view and just keep making gray area bigger.
What I am trying to do is simulate battery power and show a battery.
I've considered using a progress bar and doing option A, but the blue area is NOT a solid color. Its actually an image. I've tried using an image for the progress bar, but the image needs to keep its dimensions. (Ex: If progress shows 20% it needs to show only 20% of the image or "blue area", but if you use an image as the progress bar it just shrinks the image and still shows 100% of it instead of just the 20% I need to show).
You can easily write a custom self-drawing UIView that will behave in exactly the way you describe. In other words, you tell your UIView a percentage, and it redraws itself with the blue on the left and the gray on the right. You can even draw the darker gray stroke outline shown in your drawings. All easily accomplished in code.
I like being able to lay things out visually and take advantage of autolayout. Here's how I would do this (in a nib/storyboard):
Place a UIView on your canvas and give it the gray background. Give it whatever autolayout constraints are appropriate for you.
Place a UIView inside the one from #1 and give it the blue background. Anchor it's left, top, and bottom to the gray parent view and give it whatever width (doesn't matter).
Add an outlet to that width constraint you made in #2.
Now all you have to do is modify the "constant" property of that width constraint to give you the desired "progress". So if your gray view is 100 wide and you want to present "20%" progress, then just do "yourWidthConstraint.constant = 20".

Create Mosaic on image

In image app i have to blur the selected areas of image. Something like create mosaic at selected area of image. i have to get each pixel color of selected area and then increase the size of each pixel. here is the reference link that i am using . But not able to implement this practically for selected area. Can any one have some sample for the same.
There are two solutions for this
1. Get the screen shot of the area where you want the mosaic effect and apply effect to the same portion. Then add the image(with mosaic effect) to the original image.
2.Get the pixel of the area you want to be effected and then gave effect to those pixels.*

How to know the background color of Pdf

Sometimes pdf might have a transparent background. And In my application I have given a option to choose background. So, in case of pdf with transparent background and background color black all things becomes black black so, any way to check or any key inside dictionary of pdf page that can help me? Any help will appreciated.
The easiest solution for you would be to remove black color from available background colors.
Generally, all pdf pages have transparent background and the white background color is set by the viewer application. It is possible to set a background color for each page. You can read all about it in Page Group under Transparency section of the PDF Reference.
It is also possible to show a background color for a page by setting 'BoxColorInfo' dictionary in the page dictionary with appropriate values.
But I am not sure what you can achieve by knowing what color a page background is, since black background is going to be a problem for PDFs with transparent pages anyways.
EDIT: Following is the paragraph from PDFReference i was trying to point you to:
Ordinarily, the page is imposed directly on an output medium, such as
paper or a display screen. The page group is treated as an isolated
group, whose results are then composited with a backdrop color
appropriate for the medium. The backdrop is nominally white, although
varying according to the actual properties of the medium. However,
some applications may choose to provide a different backdrop, such as
a checkerboard or grid to aid in visualizing the effects of
transparency in the artwork.
It says that most PDFs would have a transparent and it is your application which shows the background color. Hope this helps.

Change background color of UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal

I would like to change the color behind the flip from white to a different color or picture. Is that possible?
Change the background colour of the UIWindow in MainWindow.nib. Either "black" or "clear" should both work (I think...)
It's one of the first things I do to any app, otherwise you get bits of white showing on a view rotation (in the very old days of 2.x there were huge patches of white; they've since masked off the screen edges during a rotation, but a few pixels still show through) and when you show/hide the status bar (e.g. for UIImagePicker) and stuff. Black looks a lot better than white for the window background.