How to exclude some item when query with typeorm in Nestjs and Postgres - postgresql

I want to build a query when i send username to server so i can exclude the record has the excludeUsers has the same username i sent.
Here is my data : `
"id": "f4830220-9912-4cbb-b685-edf4aaaf8fd5",
"createdAt": "2022-03-24T10:19:48.096Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-24T10:26:42.487Z",
"isDeleted": false,
"username": "vietphuongthoa98",
"link": "",
"type": "follow",
"current": 13456,
"target": 13556,
"totalPurchase": 100,
"purchasedPacks": [
"id": "fbb3079b-32c9-4c4b-a297-16741d1f5485",
"name": "Some packets",
"type": "follow",
"count": 2,
"price": 100,
"follows": 50,
"createdAt": "2022-03-23T07:18:22.898Z",
"isDeleted": false,
"updatedAt": "2022-03-23T09:49:30.192Z",
"description": "Some packages description.",
"originPrice": 0
"excludeUsers": [
"id": "9d8c25d2-8f03-46b3-92fa-b9489b943a56",
"deviceName": "iPhone 12 Pro Max",
"username": "hoaa.hanassii",
"platform": "ios",
"timeZone": 0,
"deviceAge": 21,
"subscribed": true,
"coins": 19600,
"subscriptionExpiration": "2022-04-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"isBlocked": false
Here is my query builder :
.leftJoin('featured_user.excludeUsers', 'excludeUsers')
.andWhere('excludeUsers.username != :username', {
username: filter.username,
The actual query result is :
SELECT "featured_user"."id" AS "featured_user_id",
"featured_user"."tenant_id" AS "featured_user_tenant_id",
"featured_user"."created_at" AS "featured_user_created_at",
"featured_user"."updated_at" AS "featured_user_updated_at",
"featured_user"."is_deleted" AS "featured_user_is_deleted",
"featured_user"."username" AS "featured_user_username",
"featured_user"."link" AS "featured_user_link",
"featured_user"."type" AS "featured_user_type",
"featured_user"."current" AS "featured_user_current",
"featured_user"."target" AS "featured_user_target",
"featured_user"."total_purchase" AS "featured_user_total_purchase",
"featured_user"."purchased_packs" AS "featured_user_purchased_packs",
"featured_user"."user_id" AS "featured_user_user_id",
"excludeUsers"."username" AS "excludeUsers_username",
"excludeUsers"."id" AS "excludeUsers_id"
FROM "featured_users" "featured_user"
LEFT JOIN "featured_users_exclude_users_users" "featured_user_excludeUsers" ON "featured_user_excludeUsers"."featured_users_id"="featured_user"."id"
LEFT JOIN "users" "excludeUsers" ON "excludeUsers"."id"="featured_user_excludeUsers"."users_id"
WHERE "excludeUsers"."username" != $1 -- PARAMETERS: ["hoaa.hanassii"]
The problem is nothing response. Any ideal ? Thanks

can you add getMany() end of querybuilder and try
.leftJoin('featured_user.excludeUsers', 'excludeUsers')
.andWhere('excludeUsers.username != :username', {
username: filter.username,


Shopify REST API: Unable to add a new product variant with new option type getting error "Option values provided for 1 unknown option(s)"

when creating a product in Shopify via the REST API, adds a default option and variant like below
"options": [
"id": 9651869188247,
"product_id": 7644173172887,
"name": "Title",
"position": 1,
"values": [
"Default Title"
"variants": [
"id": 42211487744151,
"product_id": 7644173172887,
"title": "Default Title",
"price": "1.00",
"sku": "",
"position": 1,
"inventory_policy": "deny",
"compare_at_price": null,
"fulfillment_service": "manual",
"inventory_management": "shopify",
"option1": "Default Title",
"option2": null,
"option3": null,
"created_at": "2022-06-17T17:18:24+05:30",
"updated_at": "2022-06-17T17:18:24+05:30",
"taxable": true,
"barcode": null,
"grams": 0,
"image_id": null,
"weight": 0.0,
"weight_unit": "kg",
"inventory_item_id": 44310083534999,
"inventory_quantity": 0,
"old_inventory_quantity": 0,
"requires_shipping": true,
"admin_graphql_api_id": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/42211487744151"
I want to update the existing Option and Variants of a product to show "Color" & "Size" as options and variants of them. For that I tried the Shopify Rest API but that still is raising the below error
request model:
"variant": {
"product_id": 7644173172887,
"option1": "red",
"option2": "small",
"price": "1.0",
"title": "S"
response :
"errors": {
"base": [
"Option values provided for 1 unknown option(s)"
You are not specifing what endpoint you're using but I can see that you're specifing the Product Id and that should not be the case. If you need to add a new variant this is the request you should do
{"variant":{"option1":"Red", "option2" :"Small", "title": "Red", "price":"1.00"}}
You will also need to update the current "Default Title" variant (I suggest, if possible to create the product with a valid variant).
{"variant":{"id":42211487744151,"option1":"Red","option2" : "S", "price":"99.00", "title" : "Red"}}

How to use embedsMany in laravel to get all attributes? Only foreign key is returning

Hello Good Developers,
I am trying to implement embedsMany relationship of jenssegers/laravel-mongodb
I have two collections:
ProfileSection - {
"_id": "5c865ea4257db43fe4007331",
"general_name": "MY_PROFILE",
"type": "public",
"points": 100,
"status": 1,
"translated": [
"con_lang": "US-EN",
"country_code": "US",
"language": "EN",
"text": "My Profile",
"description": "My Profile"
"updated_at": "2019-03-11T13:12:04.000Z",
"created_at": "2019-03-11T13:12:04.000Z"
Profile Questions - {
"_id": "5c865ea3257db43fe40072b2",
"general_name": "STANDARD_EDUCATION",
"country_code": "US",
"order": 1,
"profile_section_id": "5c865ea4257db43fe4007331",
"profile_section": "My Profile",
"translated": [
"con_lang": "US-EN",
"text": "What is the highest level of education you have completed?",
"hint": null,
"mapping": {},
"answers": [
"precode": "1",
"text": "3rd Grade or less",
"mapping": {}
"updated_at": "2019-03-11T13:12:03.000Z",
"created_at": "2019-03-11T13:12:03.000Z"
In ProfileSection I have added
public function questions()
return $this->embedsMany(ProfilerQuestions::class, '_id', 'profile_section_id');
If I execute ProfileSection::find('5c865ea4257db43fe4007331')->questions
It returns me Profile Questions Object with only one attribute: 5c865ea4257db43fe4007331 i.e ObjectId of Profile Section
I tried using ->with('questions) before accessing questions object
like this
but it's not working
I don't understand what's the issue will definitely need some help.

How to set review for revision using Gerrit REST API

I'm trying to setup Teamcity building and verifying patchsets from Gerrit. The last step should set Verified to -1 if build failed. I'm playing around with Gerrit REST API and I think I found a proper command:
The documentation says:
As response a ReviewInfo entity is returned that describes the applied
My request looks like this:
POST <gerrit-url>/a/changes/I696f00f4968fcb35fa614ce6325499aa15367150/revisions/current/review
"message": "Build failed",
"labels": {
"Verified": -1
As a response I get full revision info:
"id": "dev_test~master~<change-id>",
"project": "dev_test",
"branch": "master",
"hashtags": [],
"change_id": "<change-id>",
"subject": "a test",
"status": "NEW",
"created": "2017-04-03 07:53:19.000000000",
"updated": "2017-04-04 08:47:34.000000000",
"submit_type": "MERGE_IF_NECESSARY",
"mergeable": true,
"insertions": 133,
"deletions": 7,
"unresolved_comment_count": 0,
"_number": 381,
"owner": {
"_account_id": 4,
"name": "<my-name>",
"email": "<my-email>",
"username": "<my-username>",
"labels": {
"Code-Review": {
"all": [
"value": 1,
"date": "2017-04-04 08:47:34.000000000",
"permitted_voting_range": {
"min": -2,
"max": 2
"_account_id": 4,
"name": "<my-name>",
"email": "<my-email>",
"username": "<my-username>"
"values": {
"-2": "This shall not be merged",
"-1": "I would prefer this is not merged as is",
" 0": "No score",
"+1": "Looks good to me, but someone else must approve",
"+2": "Looks good to me, approved"
"default_value": 0
"Verified": {
"all": [
"value": 0,
"permitted_voting_range": {
"min": -1,
"max": 1
"_account_id": 4,
"name": "<my-name>",
"email": "<my-email>",
"username": "<my-username>"
"values": {
"-1": "Fails",
" 0": "No score",
"+1": "Verified"
"default_value": 0
"permitted_labels": {},
"removable_reviewers": [],
"reviewers": {
"_account_id": 4,
"name": "<my-name>",
"email": "<my-email>",
"username": "<my-username>"
"current_revision": "913330441711b067899a664a60c78be518e547b4",
"revisions": {
"913330441711b067899a664a60c78be518e547b4": {
"kind": "REWORK",
"_number": 6,
"created": "2017-04-03 14:08:14.000000000",
"uploader": {
"_account_id": 4,
"name": "<my-name>",
"email": "<my-email>",
"username": "<my-username>"
"ref": "refs/changes/81/381/6",
"fetch": {
"ssh": {
"url": "ssh://<url>",
"ref": "refs/changes/81/381/6"
"http": {
"url": "http://<url>",
"ref": "refs/changes/81/381/6"
It's not affected by request. Same response is returned when I send request using GET method or using POST method with invalid JSON in body(!)
Gerrit version is: 2.13.6-3008-gcdc381e
Do I something wrong?
PS. Here is similar question, but it isn't helpful: Gerrit set-review api doesn't work
It seems that I getting response from GET request not POST
I figured it out. It's not gerrit problem. I used http request and our server redirected to https with 301 which the Postman fallowed and returned response for GET request.

HTTP requests are tampered by other HTTP requests, with golang and standard library

cat main.go:
package main
import (
func main() {
//setup the config
configFile := "config.json"
fd, err := os.Open(configFile)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can't open config file: %v", configFile)
CFG := config{}
err = json.NewDecoder(fd).Decode(&CFG)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("parse config error: %v", err)
//init DB connection
db.InitConnectionInfo(CFG.Database.Host, CFG.Database.Port, CFG.Database.Database, CFG.Database.Username, CFG.Database.Password)
//register HTTP handler
sessionHandler := &handlers.SessionHandler{}
http.Handle("/sessions", sessionHandler)
http.Handle("/sessions/", sessionHandler)
userHandler := &handlers.UserHandler{
Facebook: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Facebook.Key, Secret: CFG.Facebook.Secret},
Sina: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Sina.Key, Secret: CFG.Sina.Secret},
Google: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Google.Key, Secret: CFG.Google.Secret},
Tencent: &oa.OAuth{AppId: CFG.Tencent.Key, Secret: CFG.Tencent.Secret},
Mixpanel: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Mixpanel.Token},
FacebookShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Facebook.Token},
SinaShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Sina.Token},
GoogleShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Google.Token},
TencentShare: &hu.Share{Token: CFG.Tencent.Token},
http.Handle("/users", userHandler)
http.Handle("/users/", userHandler)
//and so on ...
//run server
log.Println("start listen: ", CFG.FcgiAddr)
l, _ := net.Listen("tcp", CFG.FcgiAddr)
log.Fatalf("server error is %v", fcgi.Serve(l, nil))
//##select {}
log.Println("end listen")
build it and deploy behind nginx.
then client query /users/1234567/places, /users/1234567, and so on...
get the response is {blank data}, {normal user(1234567) data} or {normal user(1234567) data}, {normal user(1234567) data}.
same prefix of query, and same handler, looks like it is overload the response by subsequent HTTP request.
How can I do it?
May need me to give an example of a response:
correct response is :
"meta": {
"code": 200,
"text": "OK"
"data": {
"count": 21,
"place-tag-maps": [{
"id": "95842310160384",
"place-id": "95551731663150",
"tag-id": "95551579750669",
"ct": "2014-07-01T09:07:28Z"
}, {
"id": "95842310160385",
"place-id": "95551731663150",
"tag-id": "95551579750694",
"ct": "2015-01-15T17:41:23Z"
}, {
"id": "96262389694470",
"place-id": "95551731663150",
"tag-id": "95910120456455",
"ct": "2016-07-18T13:11:39Z"
}, ...],
"places": [{
"id": "95551731663150",
"name": "Kam Fung Restaurant",
"address": "G/F, 41 Spring Garden Ln",
"coordinate": {
"latitude": 22.275576,
"longitude": 114.172582
"telephone": "+852 2572 0526",
"city-id": "95530516807703",
"city": "Hong Kong",
"country": "Hong Kong",
"type": "4sq",
"ref-id": "4b1613f8f964a520cdb623e3",
"ct": "2016-02-23T07:42:43.565489Z",
"mt": "2017-02-22T09:35:48.302929Z",
"rating": 7.5,
"stats": {
"foursquare": {
"count": 111,
"value": 7.5
"spottly": {
"save-count": 12
"permanent-close": false,
"price": ""
}, ...],
"posts": [{
"collection-id": "95551746474003",
"coordinate": {
"latitude": 22.275576,
"longitude": 114.172582
"ct": "2017-02-22T09:35:47Z",
"facebook-tag-users": [],
"id": "97501586849795",
"medias": [],
"message": "",
"mt": "2017-02-22T09:35:47Z",
"owner-id": "96527264645120",
"place-id": "95551731663150",
"share-to": [],
"star": 5,
"status": "Done",
"tags": []
}, ...],
"users": [{
"id": "95551581323446",
"uid": "hk_epicurus",
"uid-ignore-case": "hk_epicurus",
"name": "Hk Epicurus",
"head": "",
"site": "",
"location": "Hong Kong",
"description": "Hong Kong Food \u0026 Travel Bear.\nGrew up in Aust, Malaysia, Tokyo \u0026 HK. \nInstagram: EpicurusHongKong\nFacebook, Spottly \u0026 Twitter: HK Epicurus \n微博: 香港美食-伊比\nFacebook Fans Page:",
"ct": "2013-10-13T19:12:41Z",
"mt": "2015-11-08T15:22:45Z"
}, ...]
"meta": {
"code": 200,
"text": "OK"
"data": {
"friends": [{
"id": "97331335725056",
"from-id": "97273770803200",
"to-id": "96527264645120",
"ct": "2017-01-23T07:58:41Z"
"user": {
"ct": "2013-04-30T23:30:05Z",
"description": "Founder and Chief Everything Officer of Spottly. Loves to eat. Have a really bad memory. Wants to remember the best places and make travel research better",
"followers": {
"count": 41291
"followings": {
"count": 322
"head": "",
"id": "96527264645120",
"location": "Vancouver | Hong Kong | Beijing ",
"mt": "2015-10-27T09:47:12Z",
"name": "Edwyn Chan",
"site": "",
"uid": "edwyn",
"uid-ignore-case": "edwyn"
but mistake response is
"meta": {
"code": 200,
"text": "OK"
"meta": {
"code": 200,
"text": "OK"
"data": {
"friends": [{
"id": "97331335725056",
"from-id": "97273770803200",
"to-id": "96527264645120",
"ct": "2017-01-23T07:58:41Z"
"user": {
"ct": "2013-04-30T23:30:05Z",
"description": "Founder and Chief Everything Officer of Spottly. Loves to eat. Have a really bad memory. Wants to remember the best places and make travel research better",
"followers": {
"count": 41291
"followings": {
"count": 322
"head": "",
"id": "96527264645120",
"location": "Vancouver | Hong Kong | Beijing ",
"mt": "2015-10-27T09:47:12Z",
"name": "Edwyn Chan",
"site": "",
"uid": "edwyn",
"uid-ignore-case": "edwyn"
the first response is error. or it's same as the second response.
sequence request is correct response, parallel request is incorrect response.
problem resolved。
the basic reason is this case:
var x = &{...} //init value
fillX(..., x) //fill the fields of x pointer
//here the fields of x pointer is not same to inner of fillX func
so, change to
var x = &{...}
x = fullX(..., x)
the problem resolved.
but why go pointer is the behavior?
Finally, this problem resolved.
Because the http.Handle register path-pattern and handler pair, the handler is construct by register time only-once, not for any request of path-pattern.
if record info within handler, It will been change by after request.

get json key value using powershell

I have the following json output string:
"meta": {
"limit": 20,
"next": null,
"offset": 0,
"previous": null,
"total_count": 1
"objects": [{
"bcontext": "/api/v2.0/buildercontext/2/",
"bugs": [],
"build": {
"bldtype": "obj",
"branch": "main",
"buildstatus": [{
"build": "/api/v2.0/build/2140634/",
"failurereason": "_checkfailures (seen: FAIL - /testrun/18647678/ - area[4769] AIM-SANITY)",
"id": "1294397",
"lastupdate": "2015-03-31T14:30:18",
"overridden": false,
"overridedesc": "",
"overrideuser": null,
"recommended": false,
"resource_uri": "/api/v2.0/buildstatus/1294397/",
"slatype": {
"id": "26",
"name": "VA_Bats",
"resource_uri": "/api/v2.0/sla/26/"
"changeset": "494625",
"coverage": false,
"deliverables": ["/api/v2.0/deliverable/4296455/", "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4296956/", "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4296959/", "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4296986/", "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4296992/", "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4296995/", "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4297034/", "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4297058/"],
"git_host": null,
"git_repo": null,
"id": "2140634",
"p4host": {
"id": "10",
"p4port": "",
"p4weburl": "",
"resource_uri": "/api/v2.0/perforceserver/10/"
"resource_uri": "/api/v2.0/build/2140634/",
"site": "/api/v2.0/site/25/",
"site_name": "mbu",
"slastested": ["/api/v2.0/sla/26/"],
"submit_time": "2015-03-31T05:40:21",
"submit_user": "haharonof"
"builder": "/api/v2.0/builder/1423/",
"clean": true,
"componentbuilds": "vcops-vsphere-solution-pak=sb-5242047,vrops=sb-5242013,vscm=sb-5242025,vsutilities=sb-5242029;parentbuilder=1410",
"deleted": false,
"endtime": "2015-03-31T06:20:58",
"helpzillas": [],
"id": "4296956",
"location": {
"httpserver": "",
"id": "1",
"name": "PA",
"nfsserver": "",
"pxedir": "/mts/builder-pxe",
"resource_uri": "/api/v2.0/location/1/",
"resultspath": "/results"
"nfsserver": "build-storage60",
"p4client": "vmktestdevnanny-builder-1423",
"path": "/storage60/release/sb-5242148",
"ready": true,
"resource_uri": "/api/v2.0/deliverable/4296956/",
"result": "PASS",
"sbbuildid": 5242148,
"sbjobid": 5242148,
"sbuser": "arajamanickam",
"starttime": "2015-03-31T06:16:50",
"targetchangeset": "494625",
"targets": "vcopssuitevm",
"triagetime": null,
"vmodl": null
I want to get sbbuildid using powershell. How can I get this?
By converting your json to an object, using the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet (assuming $jsonString contains the json above):
$jsonObj = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json
$sb_build_id = $build_info.Substring($build_info.IndexOf("sbbuildid") + 11, 8).trim()
Put whole string in $build_info