Powershell does'nt recognize PnP cmdlets - powershell

im trying to use some PnP cmdlets and i keep getting the error:
Read-PnPProvisioningTemplate : The term 'Read-PnPProvisioningTemplate' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet
Save-PnPProvisioningTemplate : The term 'Save-PnPProvisioningTemplate' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet
i have already reinstalled the module a couple times and updated the Module too, but it doesnt show any affect.
my code is
$template = Read-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Path "C:\Users\Desktop\XMLs\Myfile7.xml"
Save-PnPProvisioningTemplate -Out myfile23.pnp -Template $template
Any Help would be great!


Error while setting the DenyAddAndCustomizePages property of tenant site using PnP Powershell

I am trying to set DenyAddAndCustomizePages property of my tenant site using the script below but it gives an error. What should be the alternative for using it with new PnP.Powershell module? Our project was running for several months with SharepointPnPPowershell But as this is now deprecated and not supported anymore, after installing PnP. Powershell we are seeing lots of issues.
Method invocation failed because [PnP.PowerShell.Commands.Model.SPOSite] does not contain a method named 'update'.
I tried to include Import-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -Scope "Local" as described at the end of the article below but that did not work.
$site = Get-PnPTenantSite -Detailed -Url $Url
$site.DenyAddAndCustomizePages = "Disabled"
$site.Update() | Out-Null
I'm guessing you found the answer by now? If not, have you tried this?
Set-PnpTenantSite -Identity $siteUrl -DenyAddAndCustomizePages:$false | Out-Null

wlanapi.dll in powershell. Disable background scanning

Looking for some help with a script. I have tried and failed. I am not really advanced in powershell.
importing dlls is new for me. Any help is appreciated.
I want to use powershell to import the wlanapi.dll and use micrsoft native wifi functions to disable wireless background scanning, and enfore streaming mode.
The script should do this on execute. That way I can run it, or set it in a start up script.
Functions I am wanting to use:
Import is something you do via the PSModule paths where your modules or DLLs live.
You must tell PowerShell where the DLL is, no different than you'd have to if you loaded a module (.psm1 file with or without a manifest) of which you did not install to one of the defined PowerShell module paths.
You can use Add-Type...
Add-Type -Path $UncToCustomDll
... yet also, you can also use reflection:
$customDLL = 'UncToYourDLL'
See also Lee Holmes article on the topic here:
Load a Custom DLL from PowerShell
If you try to import and it's not in a know location, you get this.
Import-Module SomeNewCustomOr3rdP.dll
Import-Module : The specified module 'SomeNewCustomOr3rdP.dll' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
Of course, that error is pretty specific. It has no idea where to find it because that name does not match a module name.
So, this ...
Import-Module 'c:\users\mj\desktop\SomeNewCustomOr3rdP.dll'
Or create a folder of the same basename as the DLL in the PSModulePath, copy the DLL to the that named folder and use import as normal
Then this...
Import-Module SomeNewCustomOr3rdP
... should work as expected. All-in-all, Add-Type, Import-Module, and Reflection.Assembly::LoadFile($customDll), all accomplish the same thing, grant you access to the resource you specified.
If you are using a 3rdP DLL/Module, all this has to be done manually. If you are using published modules/packages that are in the MS powershellgallery.com, then this:
# Find all modules with wlan in the name
Find-Module -Name '*wlan*' |
Format-Table -AutoSize
# find all packages with wlan in the name
Find-Package -Name '*wlan*' |
Format-Table -AutoSize
# Get the detail on wlanapi specifically
Find-Package -Name 'wlanapi'
# Download and save a module or package
Find-Package -Name 'wlanapi' |
Save-Package -Path "$env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules"
Install-Package -Name 'wlanapi' -Force
Import-Module -Name wlanapi

Error while doing Get-Module in powershell 2.0

I'm new to powershell.I'm facing an error while working on an existing script.
In C:/Scripts I have 3 files . One .ps1 file and 2 .psm1 file.
ps1 file Name : RunScript.ps1
This imports .psm1 files like below.
$modules = #(
foreach ($module in $modules) {
if (-not $(Get-Module $module)) {
Import-Module $module -Force -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
This above code is giving me error as below
Get-Module : Running the Get-Module cmdlet without ListAvailable
parameter is not supported for module names that include a path. Name
parameter has this element 'C:\Scripts\Modules\Module1.psm1' which
resolves to a path. Update the Name parameter to not have path
elements, and then try again.
It is expecting to not give path of the file. But how do I do Get-Module in this scenario. Any help is very helpful.Thanks.
Get-Module returns modules imported into the current session or modules installed that are available for you to import. You should install your module then it will be available with the get-module cmdlet by using the name of your module.
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to do with your script? You only want to import it if its not already imported?
I would have added this as a comment but I cant yet...

Get-AzureWebsite : Requested value 'Dynamic' was not found

We have a set of custom powershell modules which use the Azure powershell cmdlets - they have been working fine for over a year. I just set up a new machine and whenever I try to run Get_AzureWebsite I receive the following error:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-AzureWebsite 'anything'
Get-AzureWebsite : Requested value 'Dynamic' was not found.
This may just be a machine setup but am worried that these comdlets may be being deprecated - appreciate if anyone can help or knows how to fix this?
It may be fixed by updating the version of Azure PowerShell . More detail please refer to the issue and feedback. Please refer to how to install and configure Azure PowerShell. I didn't reproduce it on the Azure PowerShell v2.1.0. It works successfully.Please try to use the following code to get the current Azure PowerShell version .
(Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object{ $_.Name -eq 'Azure' }) `
| Select Version, Name, Author, PowerShellVersion | Format-List;
Okay so this is versions of Azure and AzureRM cmdlets.
Working install is
Install-Module -Name AzureRM -RequiredVersion 1.3.2
Install-Module Azure -AllowClobber
Not sure about -AllowClobber but this was printed in the Azure Console....
PackageManagement\Install-Package : A command with name 'Get-AzureStorageContainerAcl' is already available on this
system. This module 'Azure' may override the existing commands. If you still want to install this module 'Azure', use
-AllowClobber parameter.
At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PowerShellGet\\PSModule.psm1:1661 char:21
Guess there is a class in the Storage namespace or something
I installed the latest azure powershell and then ran again the script.
It worked fine.
Just to add you need to restart your machine after installing latest powershell, else you might face error "the required module Azure.Storage is not loaded"

Specific PowerShell Module Not Autoloading

Im using PowerShell 4 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
A specific module, WebAdministration, does not get auto loaded when calling a Cmdlet that comes from this module. All other modules I have tried auto load successfully. I can load this module manually using Import-Module and it behaves as expected.
The PSModulePath environment variable contains the path with the module. Other modules from this path auto load.
The module is not custom. It is a built in IIS feature. The feature is enabled.
AutoLoading is enabled. $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference is set to "All"
Get-Command "Get-WebBinding" doesn't work, but Get-Command | where {$_.Name -eq "Get-WebBinding"} does.
Get-Module -ListAvailable | where { $_.Name -eq "WebAdministration"} returns the module with the correct path.
PSModulePath = %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\
WebAdministration Module Path = C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\WebAdministration
Output from simple test
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference = "All"
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WebBinding
Get-WebBinding : The term 'Get-WebBinding' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling
of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-WebBinding
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Get-WebBinding:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Import-Module WebAdministration
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-WebBinding
protocol bindingInformation sslFlags
-------- ------------------ --------
http *:8082: 0
http *:8081: 0
Any suggestions on why the auto loading isn't working would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's how I chose to load modules when I start up ISE each time. This gives me the option to load certain modules. I know this isn't what you asked for, but this does automatically load modules, and be sure to note how these modules are called.
Create the following file:
Path: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\WindowsPowershell
File: Microsoft.PowerShellISE_profileX.PS1
In the file, I use this code, but modify as needed:
$a = new-object -comobject wscript.shell
$intAnswer = $a.popup("Connect to Office 365?",0,"Office 365",4)
if ($intAnswer -eq 6){
#YES - Go to Cloud
#$a.popup("You answered yes.")
Set-Location H:\sandbox
#. .\Start3.ps1
. .\Auto-Connector.ps1
. .\Refresh-PSSession.ps1
. .\ScriptLoaders.ps1
Set-Location H:\sandbox
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
I would consider using the #Requires statement at the top of the script file after you have imported it for the profile that the script will be running under. The script will likely not run unless it can find the module that the script requires. You then do not need to use the 'import-module' cmdlet as its already handled for you. You can read more about the requires statements here.
for example:
#Requires -Modules WebAdministration
Try reinstalling the module to see if that makes a difference.
If that doesn't work, while it's annoying that the autoload isn't functioning, you can import the module before use and expect it to work.
Import-Module WebAdministration
Or if you need a one-liner:
Import-Module WebAdministration; Get-WebBinding
The only real clue I can find on why this may not work is that modules using providers may not autoload. WebAdministration provides the IIS: PSDrive. However, as I've indicated in a previous comment, I am able to autoload the WebAdministration module on WS 2016 with PS 5.1 installed, which goes against this statement. My hypothesis is this limitation might not be relevant in PS 5.1+, but I can't say for certain since I don't have a PS 4.0 env to test with.