The neovim plugin for tpope/vim-surround isn't working in VSCode - visual-studio-code

I'm looking for thoughts on how I've configured this differently this time.
I have been using this plug in previous versions.
I have the init.vim correctly configured (the plugin works with nvim) from the console.
I'm using the dein plugin manager.
I know the init.vim is being loaded from vscode.
I'm just not getting the surround functionality in vscode.
What's even stranger is it's working on my old laptop just fine, AFAIK I've copied all the settings.
The only difference is the the version of NeoVim installed, but as I mentioned - the plugin works from the console.

Leave the path to the init.vim blank. Still not sure why this works on the old laptop with this value ...


VSCode with ROS/ROS2 project

I have been trying to use VSCode with ROS and ROS2 projects. However, I encounter some issues.
Previously I used QTCreator with ROS, it works fine, including functions like linter and auto navigation (go to definition/declaration, find usage, etc).
However, in VSCode, linter no longer works, and auto navigation either fails to work or pointing to wrong location.
Is there setup I should do? I have already installed the ROS plugin.

Live server vs code is not working and any of the solutions work

I have downloaded live server but it is not working. It doesn't show me any error messages like it does to others. I tried reinstalling it, I tried reinstalling vs code too, but nothing happened. I see from people which have it working that it displays on the tab of the IDE but for me it’s not there. I try to open it with right-clicking on one of the HTML files but nothing happens. I also checked my default browser and added it to the json.file.
I just decided to install an earlier version of the live server extension and it worked.

Latex file on vs code does not autocompile on save

I use the extension Latex Workshop, however my preview does not auto update on save. I have to run pdflatex each time.
I tried uninstalling and installing the extension, deleting the extensions file, and even reinstalled vs code. Yet, the same thing persists.
Is there a specific setting, etc that needs to be changed?
Strangely for me it only seems to work when configuring "onSave"
As from here the setting for this is:
With value "onFileChange".
Note that this is the default value for this setting, so it should detect the changes automatically, but give it a try.
Local and ssh installation:
For me the problem was that I had Latex Workshop installed on SSH but not locally. After installing locally, the LaTEX icon showed up and also auto-compile on save worked right away.

vscode path file auto-complete has stopped working

I am using VScode (version 1.20, windows 10). Path file Auto-complete has stopped working around the time I upgraded from 1.19 to 1.20. When I enter "ctrl+space", I just get what seems to be a random list of words. Here is a screenshot of what I get:
I add a look at this github issue. But the solution proposed (user settings editor.quickSuggestions) did not work in my case. Is this a bug in the 1.20 version? I downgraded to 1.19. Still the problem remains.
If any one could give me a hint, or a solution, how would be very thankful.
Hi this drove me crazy until I realised I didn't have the project folder open in explorer, only the file. That should be all you need.

Sublime Text 3 plugin, Anaconda, doesn't work

I've installed anaconda plugin using package control in sublime text 3, I've python 33 and anaconda installed separately and their path has been added to the PATH variable in MS Windows 7 (if matters). every plugin works fine except anaconda plugin which doesn't work at all! It has been install and I can see the user and default settings. But none of key bindings works. The lint capability is also doesn't work.
I've tried external path in the user setting via adding my anaconda installation path but it seems Sublime doesn't accept windows path such as :
I've also tried re-installing but nothing has changed.
This was a known issue already fixed in the last version. Just upgrade the plugin using Package Control.
Refer to for more details
It is an old question but I struggled a bit with it.
If you are using Windows executable, make sure to use slash after each backslash
Without the slash, the anaconda will not take the executable's path into account