Purescript: Convert Maybe Type to Type - purescript

The following simple code converts an Integer value to a string value and logs it.
module Main where
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Prelude ((<>), Unit, discard)
import Data.Int (toStringAs, radix)
type CustomerFeedback = {
customerServiceScore :: Int,
productQualityScore :: Int,
onTimeDeliveryScore :: Int
feedback :: CustomerFeedback
feedback = {
customerServiceScore : 4,
productQualityScore : 2,
onTimeDeliveryScore : 6
stringifyCustomerFeedback :: CustomerFeedback -> String
stringifyCustomerFeedback feedback = "Service: " <> toStringAs (radix 10) feedback.customerServiceScore
main ∷ Effect Unit
main = do
log (stringifyCustomerFeedback(feedback))
However, running this code produces the following error:
Could not match type
Maybe Radix
with type
while checking that type Maybe Radix
is at least as general as type Radix
while checking that expression radix 10
has type Radix
in value declaration stringifyCustomerFeedback
Questions would be as follows:
How do you change the code above so it outputs a string as expected and not an error?
What's the point of a Maybe Radix type if using it where you would use a Radix causes an error? How do you use a Maybe value?

The idea of the radix function is that you give it a number and it creates a Radix from it. But not every number constitutes a valid Radix. For example, if you give it -5, it shouldn't work. And neither should 0 or 1 for example. For some technical reasons, radices above 32 are also deemed invalid.
So that's why it returns Maybe: it would be Nothing in case the number you gave it wasn't a "valid" radix.
And the use case for that function is when you don't actually know the number ahead of time. Like if you get it from the user. Or from some sort of config file or whatnot. In that case, if you get a Nothing, you would interpret that as "invalid user input" or "corrupted config file" and report an error accordingly. And you won't even get as far as calling toStringAs. This is one of the big selling points of static types: applied properly, they can force you to write a correct, reliable program, without ignoring edge cases.
However, in case you already know that you're interested in decimal radix, just use decimal. It's a Maybe-free constant provided by the library, along with some other frequently used ones, such as binary and octal.
stringifyCustomerFeedback feedback = "Service: " <> toStringAs decimal feedback.customerServiceScore


Checking whether values are Upper case or lower case

I'm trying to build a function in q/kdb+ that can detect whether the string passed to the function is Upper case (True) OR lower case (false)
I have done several attempts but I'm constantly hitting a road block
Here's my function, would appreciate the help. TIA
isAllCaps: {[input] if[input = lower; show 0b; show 1b]}
The above function basically takes an input as specified. It then checks from the if statement whether it is lower, if it is lower then it should return a false(0b), if not then return a true (1b). Really struggling with something so simple here. I'm just getting the following error:
evaluation error:
[1] isAllCaps:{[input] if[input = lower; show 0b; show 1b]}
[0] isAllCaps"a"
I have also tried other methods but only certain inputs were coming out to be successful.
For instance:
isAllCaps: {[x] if[ x = upper type 10h; show 1b; show 0b]}
This equates to if x is upper type string, show true, else show false. Again, getting a type error. Idk why? All the tests are in strings i.e., "John_Citizen" etc. etc.
Tried this but I'm getting 2 outputs.
isAllCaps: {[L] if[L = lower L; show 0b; show 1b] } Am I missing something?
Try following code:
isAllCaps: {[L] show L~upper L};
It shows 1b if string is uppercase, and 0b otherwise.
There are 2 mistakes in you code
~ should be used to compare strings. = does character-wise comparison. I.e. "aa"~"aa" gives 1b, but "aa"="aa" gives 11b
Use if-else, instead of if. See 10.1.1 Basic Conditional Evaluation for more details
You can use the in-built uppercase alphabet .Q.A to achieve what you want:
{all x in .Q.A}
This lambda will return 1b if the input string consists only of capital letters and false otherwise.
Start by removing some misapprehensions.
lower returns the lower case of its argument.
show displays and returns its result. You can use it as you have to ensure the function’s result is printed on the console, but it is not required as, for example return would be in JavaScript.
If you have a boolean as the result of a test, that can just be your result.
Compare strings for equality using Match ~ rather than Equals
That said, two strategies: test for lower-case chars .Q.a, or convert to upper case and see if there is a difference.
q){not any x in .Q.a}"AAA_123"
q){not any x in .Q.a}"AaA_123"
The second strategy could hardly be simpler to write:
q){x~upper x}"AaA_123"
q){x~upper x}"AAA_123"
Together with the Apply . operator, the Zen monks construction gives you fast ‘point-free’ code – no need for a lambda:
q).[~] 1 upper\"AaA_123"
q).[~] 1 upper\"AAA_123"

Mypy fails to find a type error in simple one line function [duplicate]

Why does "mypy" consider "int" as a subtype of "float"? A subtype shall support all methods of its supertype, but "float" has methods, which "int" does not support:
def f(x : float) -> bool:
return x.is_integer()
The static type checker accepts passing an "int" argument for a "float" parameter:
(3.8.1) myhost% mypy test.py
Success: no issues found in 1 source file
But this does not guarantee, that there are no errors at runtime:
(3.8.1) myhost% python test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 5, in <module>
File "test.py", line 2, in f
return x.is_integer()
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'is_integer'
because "float" has additional methods, which "int" does not have.
'Why does "mypy" consider "int" as a subtype of "float"?'
Because practicality has so far been considered to beat purity here. This is not to say that one could not propose that typing define a Scalar type that would include ints and floats but only be valid for arithmetic operations.
Note that int / int was changed in 3.0 so that float(int / int) == float(int) / float(int), to make int and float arithmetic consistent for equal int and float values.
Note also that a type-check passing does not mean no runtime errors: division by zero and overflow are still possible, as well as many others.
As #juanpa.arrivillaga pointed out, the explanation is on https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/duck_type_compatibility.html.
A subtype shall support all methods of its supertype, but "float" has methods, which "int" does not support
int is not a subtype of float, so it doesn't have to support methods of float.
The mechanism is good because passing integer values shouldn't cause errors, unless you really want them as in your example. You explicitly tried to use a method which doesn't exist. In common situations, we only make arithmetic operations on numbers, so a problem rarely exists and you can always avoid it by adding .0 as you wrote.
It is a common behavior in most languages to assume that int is a special case of float, consider for example C++ int to float implicit conversion.

Big Int in scala

I'm new to Scala. I'm trying to create a test case for a simple factorial function.
I couldn't assign the result value in the assert statement. I'm getting
Integer number is out of range even for type Long error in IntelliJ.
test("Factorial.factorial6") {
assert(Factorial.factorial(25) == 15511210043330985984000000L)
I also tried to assign the value to val, using the 'L' literal, again it shows the same
val b: BigInt = 15511210043330985984000000L
I'm clearly missing some basic stuff about Scala, I would appreciate your help, to solve this
The value you are giving is indeed larger than can be held in a Long, and that is the maximum size for a literal value in Scala. However you can initialise a BigInt using a String containing the value:
val b = BigInt("15511210043330985984000000")
and therefore
assert(Factorial.factorial(25) == BigInt("15511210043330985984000000"))

Using zero constant as long in a less verbose way [duplicate]

object LPrimeFactor {
def main(arg:Array[String]):Unit = {
def start(until:Long){
var all_prime_fac:Array[Int] = Array()
var i = 2
(compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
integer number too large
Even though I changed the arg type to Long, it's still not fixed.
Pass the argument as a Long (notice the L at the end of the number):
// ^
To create a Long literal you must add L to the end of it.
Please remember literals values, if you has not any type direct suffix, the compiler try to get your numeric type values, such as 600851475143 as type Int, which is 32-bit length, two complement representation
MIN_VALUE = -2147483648(- 2 ^ 31)
MAX_VALUE = 2147483647(2 ^ 31 - 1)
So please add right suffix on the literal value, as 600851475143L

Specman: Why DAC macro interprets the type <some_name'exp> as 'string'?

I'm trying to write a DAC macro that gets as input the name of list of bits and its size, and the name of integer variable. Every element in the list should be constrained to be equal to every bit in the variable (both of the same length), i.e. (for list name list_of_bits and variable name foo and their length is 4) the macro's output should be:
keep list_of_bits[0] == foo[0:0];
keep list_of_bits[1] == foo[1:1];
keep list_of_bits[2] == foo[2:2];
keep list_of_bits[3] == foo[3:3];
My macro's code is:
define <keep_all_bits'exp> "keep_all_bits <list_size'exp> <num'name> <list_name'name>" as computed {
for i from 0 to (<list_size'exp> - 1) do {
result = appendf("%s keep %s[%d] == %s[%d:%d];",result, <list_name'name>, index, <num'name>, index, index);
The error I get:
*** Error: The type of '<list_size'exp>' is 'string', while expecting a
numeric type
for i from 0 to (<list_size'exp> - 1) do {
Why it interprets the <list_size'exp> as string?
Thank you for your help
All macro arguments in DAC macros are considered strings (except repetitions, which are considered lists of strings).
The point is that a macro treats its input purely syntactically, and it has no semantic information about the arguments. For example, in case of an expression (<exp>) the macro is unable to actually evaluate the expression and compute its value at compilation time, or even to figure out its type. This information is figured out at later compilation phases.
In your case, I would assume that the size is always a constant. So, first of all, you can use <num> instead of <exp> for that macro argument, and use as_a() to convert it to the actual number. The difference between <exp> and <num> is that <num> allows only constant numbers and not any expressions; but it's still treated as a string inside the macro.
Another important point: your macro itself should be a <struct_member> macro rather than an <exp> macro, because this construct itself is a struct member (namely, a constraint) and not an expression.
And one more thing: to ensure that the list size will be exactly as needed, add another constraint for the list size.
So, the improved macro can look like this:
define <keep_all_bits'struct_member> "keep_all_bits <list_size'num> <num'name> <list_name'name>" as computed {
result = appendf("keep %s.size() == %s;", <list_name'name>, <list_size'num>);
for i from 0 to (<list_size'num>.as_a(int) - 1) do {
result = appendf("%s keep %s[%d] == %s[%d:%d];",result, <list_name'name>, i, <num'name>, i, i);
Why not write is without macro?
keep for each in list_of_bits {
it == foo[index:index];
This should do the same, but look more readable and easier to debug; also the generation engine might take some advantage of more concise constraint.