I tried to compress web image using the below code (with image_compression_flutter package), however it takes about 1 minute to compress a 6 mb image.
Future<Uint8List?> compressImage(Uint8List imgBytes,
{required String path, int quality = 70}) async {
final input = ImageFile(
rawBytes: imgBytes,
filePath: path,
Configuration config = Configuration(
outputType: ImageOutputType.jpg,
// can only be true for Android and iOS while using ImageOutputType.jpg or ImageOutputType.pngÏ
useJpgPngNativeCompressor: false,
// set quality between 0-100
quality: quality,
final param = ImageFileConfiguration(input: input, config: config);
final output = await compressor.compress(param);
return output.rawBytes;
Is it because of web limitations it takes such a long time to compress?
Is there any workaround regarding this issue
Eventually, I found a solution for compressing web image. Image picker now has XFile type which can be directly compressed in web. It took about 2 seconds to compress a 12mb image to 50kb
final XFile? pickedImageFile = await ImagePicker().pickImage(
source: isCamera ? ImageSource.camera : ImageSource.gallery,
imageQuality: imageQuality,
maxWidth: maxWidth,
preferredCameraDevice: CameraDevice.rear);
While uploading to a server there is no need to convert XFile to any type. Just need to read bytes from pickedImageFile
await pickedImageFile.readAsBytes();
Is it possible to compress without saving in files images from API to resize image?
I found one of packages which is doing this job - flutter_native_image: ^0.0.6 but all of these packages works onle if I am going to pick uup images from file storage and after that to reduce size to dowload it to my app.
So can I reduce image weight? Now it is 2MB images which comes from API.
I was trying this thing:
if (hubConnection.state == HubConnectionState.Connected) {
await hubConnection.invoke('GetImage', args: [carId]).then((value) {
carImage = value as String;
var compressed = await FlutterNativeImage.compressImage(carImage ?? '',
quality: 50, percentage: 30);
print('is it compressed?');
But it gives me an error: '[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/ui_dart_state.cc(198)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(file does not exist, iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAB4AAAAQ4CAIAAABnsVYUAAAgAElEQVR4AXzBi65tWZqd1e/rY659TkRmpatsGXFHyI+BQOJJAPHkIHGxJVOUMzMizl5z/J2xduQ+kVUUtOaP/+N/90V3+x+4mA0XRxdHw1F'
I understood it says about my carImage variable is not File type, but Base64 type, so if there is any chance to make image size smaller without reaching out backend devs?
I want to change the size of the photos I take with flutter unit8list as http extension, for example, the size of the photo is 1280x800, but I want to adjust its size manually. Is this possible?
String imgurl = "http://.....jpg";
Uint8List bytes = (await NetworkAssetBundle(Uri.parse(imgurl),)
I am using image picker to pick image from device(App) and after that stored that file in provider class like that.
File? _img;
get img=> _img;
void putbannerimg(File img) {
_img = img;
I found out that image picker does not compress png images, I tried compressing it with flutter_image_compress
compressFile() async {
final formservice = Provider.of<PostForm>(context, listen: false);
File file = formservice.bannerfile;
final result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressWithFile(
quality: 54,
I tried this way And other multiple ways but getting different different errors I want to upload this file in firebase storage like this
var task = storageicon.putFile(formservice.iconfile);
please tell me where I am going wrong, without compress file all things are working fine
Edit: I found out that path should be a string how can I parse local code file in that
If you are using the "flutter_image_compress" package
You may have to use the compress function for files stored on the phone like this:
Future<File> testCompressAndGetFile(File file, String targetPath) async {
var result = await FlutterImageCompress.compressAndGetFile(
file.absolute.path, targetPath,
quality: 88,
rotate: 180,
return result;
"compressAndGetFile()" returns a file while "compressWithFile()" returns a Uint8List.
If i understand your last question right, you want to use an image built into your application by default.
For this, you have to open your "pubsepc.yaml", go to the "flutter:" mark and add "assets:" like so:
- path
"path", in my example, describes a top level folder containing assets like pictures.
You can freely describe its name.
I'm using this to return the video file but I got .jpg
Future<File> getVideo() async {
var video = await ImagePicker.pickVideo(
source: ImageSource.gallery);
return video;
I want to ImagePicker.pickVideo() return video file instead of .jpg file so I can upload this file to firebase, how can I achieve that?
I'm assuming that you're using the package:
pickVideo() method has been decrecated, and you will need to replace these apis with getVideo()
As explained the repositories' documentation:
Write this:
final _picker = ImagePicker();
PickedFile video = await _picker.getVideo(...)
However I would suggest to use this package as an alternative:
This package will allow you to select all videos on the device, including those taken from a users' Google Drive or iCloud providers. In this case write this:
FlutterDocumentPickerParams params = FlutterDocumentPickerParams(
allowedUtiTypes: [
allowedMimeTypes: [
invalidFileNameSymbols: ['/'],
return await FlutterDocumentPicker.openDocument(params: params);
You will need to make sure that the Mimes and Uti types for videos on iOS & Android are set correctly.
I used image_picker to choose an image from gallery or take a photo with camera and now I have to send it on request to backend as an array of bytes. My issue is that I don't know How I can encode the image. Can anyone tell me what I should use and how?
var image = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source: ImageSource.camera);
File imageFile=image ;
List<int> imageBytes = imageFile.readAsBytesSync();
String base64Image = base64UrlEncode(imageBytes);