Postgres domain type information available in JDBC? - postgresql

When querying columns that are a Postgres domain type using JDBC (with driver version 42.3.3), there doesn't seem to be any way of getting the domain information; only the underlying datatype is reported.
create domain account_uuid_type as uuid;
create domain customer_uuid_type as uuid;
create table test (
account_uuid account_uuid_type,
customer_uuid customer_uuid_type
insert into test
(account_uuid, customer_uuid)
When querying the table from Java using select account_uuid, customer_uuid from test, the information from the PgResultSet is that the pgType values for the columns is uuid. There's no mention of the more specific domain information. Is there a way of asking Postgres to add the domain information into the metadata?


NUMBER is automatically getting converted to DECFLOAT

I am new with DB2. I am trying to run an alter query on an existing table.
Suppose the EMP table is Already there in db which have below columns
id int
name varchar(50)
Now I am trying to Add a new column Salary for that I am running below query.
The above query run successfully. After that I described the EMP table it gave me below result:
As I am trying to add a column with NUMBER datatype, I dont know how NUMBER is getting converted to DECFLOAT.
It will be helpful if anybody can explain this.
Db2 version details are as follow :
Service_Level: DB2 v11.1.2.2
Fixpack_num : 2
For Db2 for Linux/Unix/Windows, with NUMBER data type enabled (it is not the default), this is the documented behaviour.
The effects of setting the number_compat database configuration
parameter to ON are as follows. When the NUMBER data type is
explicitly encountered in SQL statements, the data type is implicitly
mapped as follows:
If you specify NUMBER without precision and scale attributes, it is mapped to DECFLOAT(16).
If you specify NUMBER(p), it is mapped to DECIMAL(p).
If you specify NUMBER(p,s), it is mapped to DECIMAL(p,s).

Crate DB exception, no viable alternative at input 'VARCHAR'

I'm using Elastic search to store large amount of data to make it searchable, but for configuration items I'm still using HSQL DB.
Is it possible to eliminate HSQL DB completely and use my existing Elastic search in combination with Crate DB?
Things I have tried:
tried connecting to my existing Elastic search using Crate driver and Crate client but I got an exception No handler found for action "crate_sql". Does that mean I cannot use my existing ES and have to use inbuilt ES in crateDB??
After connecting to crateDB elastic search (and not my existing ES). I was able to get connection using CrateDriver and run SQL queries. But in one of module I'm creating table using below command:
create table some_table_name
id VARCHAR(256),
userName VARCHAR(256),
fieldName VARCHAR(256),
primary key (id),
unique (userName, fieldName)
...but then I got an exception:
io.crate.action.sql.SQLActionException: line 1:28: no viable alternative at input 'VARCHAR'
Does that mean I cannot write create table query using SQL syntax and SQL data types?
I know it will work if I use string data type instead of varchar, but I don't want to change all those queries now.
No you cannot use existing ES nodes together with Crate. The whole SQL analyzer/planner/execution layer is done server side, not client side. In fact the crate clients are rather dumb.
You'll have to change the types and also remove / change anything that isn't supported by crate. For example defaults or unique constraints aren't supported (up to 0.39 - in the future support might be added)
In your case the varchar type isn't valid in Crate, instead you'll have to use "string".
See Data Types Documentation for a list of supported data types.

How to include schema inf while using dblink in PostgreSQL?

I am trying to use dblink in PostgreSQL to run query on different databases. The following works if the table "user" is under the public schema:
select * from dblink(
'hostaddr= port=5434 dbname=dbname user=username password=password',
'select id from user')
as t1(
id bigint
However, I need to run the query on some other defined schemas. Does anyone know how to add the schema information in the above query? I can't figure it out from the PostgreSQL docs.
When you write SQL query like
PostgreSQL will resolve table name like user into fully qualified name like schema.tablename using schema search path, which by default is set to "$user",public.
In other words, user will resolve into public.user unless you tweaked server configuration.
However, you can specify schema explicitly in your statement, like this:
SELECT id FROM otherschema.user

Database replication from SQL Server 2000 to PostgreSQL

We are SQL Server users and recently we have one database on PostgreSQL. For consistency purpose we are replication database on SQL Server 2000 to other database on SQL Server 2000 and now we would also need to replicate it to the database on PostgreSQL. We were able to do that using ODBC and Linked Server. We created an ODBC DSN for database on PostgreSQL and using that DSN we created a Linked Server on SQL Server. We were able to replicate tables from SQL Server database to that linked server and hence to PostgreSQL database successfully. Now the issue faced is while replication, the datatype bit, numeric(12,2) and decimal(12,2) are converted to character(1), character(40) and character(40) respectively. Is there any solution on how to retain those data types in PostgreSQL database ? I mean the bit should become boolean, and numeric and decimal data type should remain as it is in the replicated table of postgresql. We are using PostgreSQL 9.x
SQL Server table,
Code varchar(15),
booleancol bit,
numericcol numeric(10, 2),
decimalcol decimal(10, 2)
after being replicated to PostgreSQL it becomes,
id integer,
"Code" character varying(15),
booleancol character(1),
numericcol character(40),
decimalcol character(40),
Thank you very much.
Please, use:
boolean type for true/false type of columns (there's no bit type in postgres);
NUMERIC type exists also in the PostgreSQL (according to the SQL standard). But I suggest you should better use real PostgreSQL type, as it will be working faster.
I recommend you to create target table on the PostgreSQL side manually, specifying proper field types, as ODBC+Linked Server combination is not doing it's job properly.
You can always consult this part of the official documentation for existing data types.
have you heard of Foreign Data Wrappers?

Joining Results from Two Separate Databases

Is it possible to JOIN rows from two separate postgres databases?
I am working with system with couple databases in one server and sometimes I really need such a feature.
According to
There is no way to query a database other than the current one.
Because PostgreSQL loads database-specific system catalogs, it is
uncertain how a cross-database query should even behave.
contrib/dblink allows cross-database queries using function calls. Of
course, a client can also make simultaneous connections to different
databases and merge the results on the client side.
EDIT: 3 years later (march 2014), this FAQ entry has been revised and is more helpful:
How do I perform queries using multiple databases?
There is no way to directly query a database other than the current
one. Because PostgreSQL loads database-specific system catalogs, it is
uncertain how a cross-database query should even behave.
The SQL/MED support in PostgreSQL allows a "foreign data wrapper" to
be created, linking tables in a remote database to the local database.
The remote database might be another database on the same PostgreSQL
instance, or a database half way around the world, it doesn't matter.
postgres_fdw is built-in to PostgreSQL 9.3 and includes read/write
support; a read-only version for 9.2 can be compiled and installed as
a contrib module.
contrib/dblink allows cross-database queries using function calls and
is available for much older PostgreSQL versions. Unlike postgres_fdw
it can't "push down" conditions to the remote server, so it'll often
land up fetching a lot more data than you need.
Of course, a client can also make simultaneous connections to
different databases and merge the results on the client side.
Forget about dblink!
Say hello to Postgres_FDW:
To prepare for remote access using postgres_fdw:
Install the postgres_fdw extension using CREATE EXTENSION.
Create a foreign server object, using CREATE SERVER, to represent each remote database you want to connect to. Specify connection
information, except user, and password, as options of the server
Create a user mapping, using CREATE USER MAPPING, for each database user you want to allow to access each foreign server. Specify
the remote user name and password to use as user and password options
of the user mapping.
Create a foreign table, using CREATE FOREIGN TABLE or IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA, for each remote table you want to access. The columns
of the foreign table must match the referenced remote table. You can,
however, use table and/or column names different from the remote
table's, if you specify the correct remote names as options of the
foreign table object.
Now you need only SELECT from a foreign table to access the data
stored in its underlying remote table.
It's really useful even on large data.
Yes, it is possible to do this using dblink albeit with significant performance considerations.
The following example will require the current SQL user to have permissions on both databases. If db2 is not located on the same cluster, then you will need to replace dbname=db2 with the full connection string defined in the dblink documentation.
FROM table1 tb1
FROM dblink('dbname=db2','SELECT id, code FROM table2')
AS tb2(id int, code text);
) AS tb2 ON tb2.column = tb1.column;
If table2 is very large, you could have performance issues because the sub-query loads up the entire table2 before performing the join.
No you can't. You could use dblink to connect from one database to another database, but that won't help if you're looking for JOIN's.
You can't use different SCHEMA's within a single database to store all you data?
Just a few steps and You can reach the goal:
follow this reference step by step
*** connecting to second db ie db2
Now just **copy paste the 1-7 processes** (make sure u use correct username and password and ofcourse db name)
1.**CREATE EXTENSION dblink;**
2.**SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_proc.proname
FROM pg_proc, pg_namespace
WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid
AND pg_proc.proname LIKE '%dblink%';**
3.**SELECT dblink_connect('host=localhost user=postgres password=postgres dbname=db1');**
4.**CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres VALIDATOR postgresql_fdw_validator;**
5.**CREATE SERVER postgres2 FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER postgres OPTIONS (hostaddr '', dbname 'db1');**
6.**CREATE USER MAPPING FOR postgres SERVER postgres2 OPTIONS (user 'postgres', password 'postgres');**
7.**SELECT dblink_connect('postgres2');**
---Now, you can SELECT the data of Database_One from Database_Two and even join both db results:
**SELECT * FROM public.dblink
('postgres2','SELECT col1,um_name FROM public.tbl1 ')
AS DATA(um_userid INTEGER),tbl2 where DATA.col1=tbl2.col2;**
You can also Check this :[How to join two tables of different databases together in postgresql [\[working finely in version 9.4\]][1]
You need to use araqnid mentioned above, something like this works fine:
select ST.Table_Name, ST.Column_Name, DV.Table_Name, DV.Column_Name, *
from information_schema.Columns ST
full outer join dblink('dbname=otherdatabase','select Table_Name,
Column_Name from information_schema.Columns') DV(Table_Name text,
Column_Name text)
on ST.Table_Name = DV.Table_name
and ST.Column_Name = DV.Column_Name
where ST.Column_Name is null or DV.Column_Name is NULL
You have use dblink extension of postgresql.
Reference take from this Article:
DbLink extension of PostgreSQL which is used to connect one database to another database.
Install DbLink extension.
Verify DbLink:
SELECT pg_namespace.nspname, pg_proc.proname
FROM pg_proc, pg_namespace
WHERE pg_proc.pronamespace=pg_namespace.oid
AND pg_proc.proname LIKE '%dblink%';
I have already prepared full demonstration on this. Please visit my post to learn step by step for executing cross database query in Postgresql.
Cannot be done? Of course we can, without special extensions. In our case, we had to compare two tables from different database servers, e.g. ACC and PROD, hence an even harder case than from most answers. Especially because ACC and PROD are deliberately on different servers to create a barrier, so you will not easily gain enough rights to perform a GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER.
The obvious solution is to export both tables, and import both in the same database, e.g. DEV, or your own local db, under appropriate names, e.g. table1_acc and table1_prod, or schemas like acc and prod. Then, you may JOIN those with no special problems.