How to debug session leaking or close all sessions in python MongoDB? - mongodb

It is my first time to use MongoDB to manage an image dataset(~10 million images).
My environment is MongoDB 5.0.6 with PymongoDB 4.0.2 and Python 3.9.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.
My dataset is accessing PyMongoDB and then it is used to train a DNN in Pytorch. My code warns at the begining:
UserWarning: MongoClient opened before fork.
Create MongoClient only after forking.
See PyMongo's documentation for details:
(I check this url and get nothing. I think I indeed recreate the client each time when the class is instantiaed)
After running for a while, my code crashs, and exit
Unable to add session ID ffd152cf-97d3-454a-882a-c6fc693e2985 - 47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU=
into the cache because the number of active sessions is too high,
full error:
{'ok': 0.0,
'errmsg': 'Unable to add session ID ffd152cf-97d3-454a-882a-c6fc693e2985 - 47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU= into the cache because the number of active sessions is too high',
'code': 261,
'codeName': 'TooManyLogicalSessions'}Unable to add session ID 85b35e6c-fc83-41d1-915b-83e6841c5467 - 47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU= into the cache because the number of active sessions is too high, full error: {'ok': 0.0, 'errmsg': 'Unable to add session ID 85b35e6c-fc83-41d1-915b-83e6841c5467 - 47DEQpj8HBSa+/TImW+5JCeuQeRkm5NMpJWZG3hSuFU= into the cache because the number of active sessions is too high',
'code': 261,
'codeName': 'TooManyLogicalSessions'}
As the error message, It seems I just opened too many sessions.
How can I check current active sessions in PyMongoDB? How can I close all sessions? Or how can I further debug this problem?
Thank you very much! My active sessions' number and my dataset code sample is offered as shown below:
1. Check the active sessions
My active sessions (db.serverStatus().connections) are indeed increasing:
current: 6,
available: 51194,
totalCreated: 199,
active: 2,
threaded: 6,
exhaustIsMaster: 0,
exhaustHello: 1,
awaitingTopologyChanges: 1
current: 156,
available: 51044,
totalCreated: 361,
active: 54,
threaded: 156,
exhaustIsMaster: 0,
exhaustHello: 51,
awaitingTopologyChanges: 51
and 5 minutes later, my program broke. (I don't know how to get this result from PymongoDB instead of mongosh. So I can only check it manually periodly. At this moment It seems there are still 51044 availiable, and should not be consumed up so quickly only in 5 minutes.)
2. my sample dataset code
from import Dataset
from pymongo import MongoClient
class MongoDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, dbName):
client = MongoClient(host = '', port = 27017, connect=False)
db = client[dbName]
self.dataTable = db["dataTable"]
def getData(self, _id):
return self.dataTable.find_one({"_id" : _id})
def __len__(self):
return self.dataTable.estimated_document_count()
This class will be automatically forked, and recreated.


Cardano Pre Production Testnet TrConnectError

Since the documention of the cardano developer portal is outdated (old testnet) i researched and now know about the new testnets documented here and on Github.
I followed the tutorial on the documentation about running the node for the testnet, but instead of using the deprecated files i used the new enviroment files for the pre production testnet.
Now i cant sync the network.
I get the following info over and over again:
TrConnectError (Just Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 29>: invalid argument (Invalid argument)
TrConnectionManagerCounters (ConnectionManagerCounters {fullDuplexConns = 0, duplexConns = 0, unidirectionalConns = 0, inboundConns = 0, outboundConns = 0})
TracePromoteColdFailed 50 0 160.633570297628s Network.Socket.connect: <socket: 29>: invalid argument (Invalid argument)
TracePublicRootsRequest 100 1
TracePublicRootRelayAccessPoint [RelayAccessDomain "" 30000]
TracePublicRootResult "" [(,60)]
TracePublicRootsResults (fromList []) 9 512s
console info from the node, same es in the text
I can get the sync status which looks like the first time running like this:
"block": 0,
"epoch": 0,
"era": "Byron",
"hash": "9ad7ff320c9cf74e0f5ee78d22a85ce42bb0a487d0506bf60cfb5a91ea4497d2",
"slot": 0,
"syncProgress": "0.01"
I tried it with the devnet, and preview testnet too - didn't work either.
Cardano node version (currently the newest):
cardano-node 1.35.3 - linux-x86_64 - ghc-8.10
git rev ea6d78c775d0f70dde979b52de022db749a2cc32
Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?
Run the node with "--host-addr". For example:
cardano-node run --config $HOME/cardano/preprod/config.json
--database-path $HOME/cardano/db
--socket-path $HOME/cardano/db/node.socket
--port 1337
--topology $HOME/cardano/preprod/topology.json

how to avoid java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor error with prisma

I am currently using Prisma on a large scale project. When performing a complex query, the Prisma cluster often errors out with the following message in the docker-logs (I'm redacting the error for readability):
{"key":"error/unhandled","requestId":"local:ck7ditux500570716cl5f8x3r","clientId":"default$default","payload":{"exception":"java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef$$anon$3#552b85a4 rejected from slick.util.AsyncExecutor$$anon$1$$anon$2#1d4391f7[Running, pool size = 9, active threads = 9, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 43440]","query":"query ($where: TaskWhereUniqueInput!)
{\n task(where: $where) {\n workflow {\n tasks {\n id\n state\n parentReq\n frozen\n parentTask {\n id\n state\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n","variables":
"message":"Task slick.basic.BasicBackend$DatabaseDef$$anon$3#552b85a4 rejected from slick.util.AsyncExecutor$$anon$1$$anon$2#1d4391f7[Running, pool size = 9, active threads = 9, queued tasks = 1000, completed tasks = 43440]"}}
This is a frequent error when handling large queries. Has anyone come up with a way to configure Prisma or do internal batch operations to avoid this concurrency error?
Option 1:
I ran into this issue when running a prisma mutation in a loop with a lot of data which seemed to have created too many concurrent database operations.
My solution was to throttle the requests: => {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
// Prisma operation here. Essentially this just makes the operation wait for one second between each operation.
Option 2
I've read other posts that say that you can set a limit to the number of concurrent connections as well.
Essentially, this restricts the number of connections when too many are being created. See the following prisma config as an example:
managementApiSecret: __YOUR_MANAGEMENT_API_SECRET__
port: 4466
connector: postgres
migrations: __ENABLE_DB_MIGRATIONS__
connectionLimit: __YOUR_CONNECTION_LIMIT__

Ejabberd - ejabberd_auth_external:failure:103 External authentication program failed when calling 'check_password'

I already have a schema of users with authentication-key and wanted to do authentication via that. I tried implementing authentication via sql but due to different structure of my schema I was getting error and so I implemented external-authentication method. The technologies and OS used in my application are :
Ejabberd as XMPP server
MySQL Database
React-Native (Front-End)
OS - Ubuntu 18.04
I implemented the external authentication configuration as mentioned in and took php script as an example. But I am getting the below mentioned error in error.log. In ejabberd.yml I have done following configuration.
auth_method: [external]
extauth_program: "/usr/local/etc/ejabberd/JabberAuth.class.php"
auth_use_cache: false
Also, is there any external auth javascript script?
Here is the error.log and ejabberd.log as mentioned below
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [error]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_auth_external:failure:103 External authentication
program failed when calling 'check_password' for
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [debug] <0.524.0>#ejabberd_http:init:151 S:
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [debug]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_http:process_header:307 (#Port<0.13811>) http
query: 'POST' <<"/api/register">>
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [debug]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_http:process:394 [<<"api">>,<<"register">>] matches
2019-03-19 07:19:16.811 [info]
<0.364.0>#ejabberd_listener:accept:238 (<0.524.0>) Accepted connection
::ffff:ip -> ::ffff:ip
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [info]
<0.524.0>#mod_http_api:log:548 API call register
from ::ffff:ip
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [error]
<0.524.0>#ejabberd_auth_external:failure:103 External authentication
program failed when calling 'check_password' for
2019-03-19 07:19:16.814 [debug]
<0.524.0>#mod_http_api:extract_auth:171 Invalid auth data:
Any help regarding this topic will be appreciated.
1) Your config about the auth_method looks good.
2) Here is a python script I've used and upgraded to make an external authentication for ejabberd.
import sys
from struct import *
import os
def openAuth(args):
(user, server, password) = args
# Implement your interactions with your service / database
# Return True or False
return True
def openIsuser(args):
(user, server) = args
# Implement your interactions with your service / database
# Return True or False
return True
def loop():
switcher = {
"auth": openAuth,
"isuser": openIsuser,
"setpass": lambda(none): True,
"tryregister": lambda(none): False,
"removeuser": lambda(none): False,
"removeuser3": lambda(none): False,
data = from_ejabberd()
to_ejabberd(switcher.get(data[0], lambda(none): False)(data[1:]))
def from_ejabberd():
input_length =
(size,) = unpack('>h', input_length)
def to_ejabberd(result):
if result:
if __name__ == "__main__":
except error:
I didn't created the communication with Ejabberd from_ejabberd() and to_ejabberd(), and unfortunately can't find back the sources.

PyMongo sending "authenticate" for every query

I am getting an authentication to MongoDb for every query I run using PyMongo MongoClient. This seems expensive / unnecessary:
2015-02-13T09:38:08.091-0800 [conn375243] authenticate db: { authenticate: 1, user: "", nonce: "xxx", key: "xxx" }
2015-02-13T09:38:08.876-0800 [conn375243] end connection xxx (15 connections now open)
2015-02-13T09:38:08.962-0800 [initandlisten] connection accepted from xxx:42554 #375244 (16 connections now open)
2015-02-13T09:38:08.966-0800 [conn375244] authenticate db: { authenticate: 1, user: "", nonce: "xxx", key: "xxx" }
As far as I can tell, I'm using the same MongoClient (although it's hidden behind MongoEngine) and not intentionally disconnecting it at any point:
19:20:45 {'default': MongoClient('', 39931)}
19:20:45 [139726027002480]
19:28:35 {'default': MongoClient('', 39931)} # print mongo_client_instance
19:28:35 [139726027002480] # print id(mongo_Client_instance)
When I set a pdb breakpoint in the authenticate function, this is the stacktrace. I cannot figure out why asking the cursor to refresh requires a fresh authentication. Am I misunderstanding, and that is part of the MongoDb protocol? My goal is to have as few "authenticate" commands sent as possible, since right now they're 50% of my logged commands on the server.
-> b = Item.objects.get_or_create(id=i['id'])[0]
-> doc = self.get(*q_objs, **query)
-> result =
-> raw_doc =
-> if len(self.__data) or self._refresh():
-> self.__uuid_subtype))
-> res = client._send_message_with_response(message, **kwargs)
-> sock_info = self.__socket(member)
-> self.__check_auth(sock_info)
-> sock_info, self.__simple_command)
> /home/ubuntu/workspace//venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pymongo/
-> mechanism = credentials[0]
Additional information that might be useful is that these calls are from a Python RQ worker. I am trying to set up the connection before the fork step, but it's possible something is happening there to cause this.
(Pdb) os.getpid()
... next query...
(Pdb) os.getpid()
Got it!
The default Python-RQ worker uses the fork model, and the forking blocked PyMongo from sharing connection sockets.
I switched to the GeventWorker and now the sockets are shared by default.

Mongoose: Odd behaviour with socketTimeoutMS in connection options

I'm trying to define custom timeout values when first establishing a connection with mongoose.connect(), but am seeing some strange results:
If I use basic options (without any timeouts specified), then everything works fine:
options = { server:{ auto_reconnect: true, } }
However, if I try to specify socketTimeoutMS (e.g. 5000ms), then the connection repeatedly times out.
options = {
auto_reconnect: true,
connectTimeoutMS : 30000,
socketTimeoutMS : 5000,
keepAlive : 1
However, despite the [Error: connection to xxx timed out] errors that I get, the application still works!
Can anyone explain this behaviour?
Other info:
Mongoose v3.8.12 (Native driver 1.4.5)
MongoDb Server v2.4.5
Connecting to server on localhost (Windows 7 64bit)