keycloak verify email set duration, link expire - keycloak

in keycloak by default verify email link will expire in 5 minutes.
Someone has created a XYZ account with this email address. If this was
you, click the link below to verify your email address
Link to e-mail address verification
This link will expire within 5 minutes.
If you didn't create this account, just ignore this message.
In template looks like this value is taken from somewhere:
How to increase that value ? Can not find it in admin panel..

ok I found it
in Realm Settings -> Tokens and under
User-Initiated Action Lifespan


Keycloak 19.0 - Send Welcome User email to registered user

I want to send an email to the registered user once the admin creates a new user saying that " the user successfully registered with the xyz email id.. " Is there any option to achieve this in keycloak 19.03 or above ?
Or Is it an out of box option in keycloak ?
Currently on initial login attempt, the newly created users can opt for forgot password and they will get a password reset link, through which them can login and verify their email. But welcome mail is possible ?
Any help is greatly appreciated !!
This is not an out of the box feature from Keycloak, but can be easily extended.
Step 1: Update your realm to record the events, show in below image.
Step 2: Extend the Event listener API from keycloak. You can find official guide here ->
Listen to user registration events and send appropriate emails.

Google workspace account has been suspended with no recovery method

Many years ago I set up my domain so Google would manage my domain's email. Today, possibly because I was accessing from another state, Google decides to suspend the service:
Your organization's Google workspace account has been suspended. Please contact your Google workspace organization administrator to re-activate your organization.
So since I'm the administrator, I try to logon with those credentials, which are correct, but they challenge me, and want me to complete an email loop, but the recovery email is in the locked domain!
There seems to be no way to get this fixed. There's some code they can send me that I'm supposed to put my domain's server to prove I'm legit, but Google controls that...I have nothing on the domain except email. I'm paying Hover as the registrar.
Any way out?
I appreciate "Only Google can help", but there's no path forward. No phone number, no button to "open a ticket", no live chat. If you can't log on as administrator, none of that is available. How would a superuser get through on a problem like this?
There is a page that says:
To get phone, chat, or email support for your legacy free account at, you need to upgrade to Google Workspace.
To continue, switch to an administrator account. This will open the Google Admin console.
But I can't log in as administrator to upgrade my account so I can get support because when I log in with correct credentials, they send a challenge to an email address that's in the locked domain!
I can't be the only one this happened to, so figure they're just hiding the path to victory so they don't have to answer too many phone calls. This page might be as close as I've gotten:
When I try to open a support case under my non-admin account, it says
You do not have permission to create support cases.
I found a form to fill out:
The above form accepts any email address, so you enter any email address that you currently have access to (not one that is locked, obviously).
But matter what I do, they want me to prove my identity by adding something to my domain. I've asked Hover how to do this, but have not received a response yet.
Here's the email Google sent
Your action is required in order for us to assist with your request.
We were unable to verify the DNS ownership of Google Workspace Account Please follow the instructions below to verify domain ownership.
The following instructions outline the DNS record (CNAME or TXT) to add to your domain settings. Learn more
Via CNAME (preferred):
Label/Host: [eight digit number removed]
Time to live (TTL): 3600 seconds / 60 minutes / 1 Hour
For more information on how to create a CNAME record, please refer to the article Add a CNAME record to your domain's DNS records. If you need assistance creating the CNAME record, please contact your hosting provider for support.
You can verify your CNAME record here.
Via TXT:
Label/Host: enter # or leave it blank
Value/Destination: google-gws-recovery-domain-verification=[eight digit number]
Time to live (TTL): 3600 seconds / 60 minutes / 1 Hour
For more information on how to create a TXT record, please refer to the article Verify your domain with a TXT record . If you need assistance creating the TXT record, please contact your hosting provider for support.
You can verify your TXT record here.
Note: Updates to DNS records may take 24-48 hours to propagate across the entire internet.
In order for us to help you with the sign-up process, please follow this link and submit your request.
Best regards,
Google Workspace Support
Key Finding:Contact the company where you have your domain registered to have them manage the DNS records.
Hover is who I pay every year to keep my domain name active. I logged on, opened a chat, pasted-in the email from Google, and they were more than happy to update those records, right there on the spot!
Then, I went back to the email that Google sent me. To complete this authentication loop, there is a button on the page to re-check DNS.
After refreshing the page, I was provided the option to change the password. After I did that, I was logged into the gSuite administrator account, finally!"
They also automatically changed the recovery email to the one I was using that was outside the domain that was locked.

Drupal 8 - User Account Mail

I have some issue with User Account Settings. (Drupal 8)
Normaly there is a possibility to change the content on every mail...but it's does not work.
If an user register to my website (from a front form) a different email is send than the one i configure here:
enter image description here
Someone ?
The Welcome (new user created by administrator) email template (as its label says) is for accounts created by admin, not for users who manually register on your site.
The email template your users are receiving is Welcome (awaiting approval) or Welcome (no approval required), depending on whether administrator approval is required or not.

Docusign Email authentication

I am using DocuSign for sending email to client/end user by using createEnvelope API of DocuSign. if the end user forwards the email to someone else he /she can view the document and sign on his/her behalf.
so I have used signer.accessCode = "random value" and passing this value again to end-user/client so that while viewing document he/she needs to place the code which I sent in a different email and its working properly till now.
The problem arises when the recipient views the document and did not sign it and accidentally forward the email to someone that person can view document easily without entering the access code as DocuSign does not ask to place an accessCode second time or once the document is viewed. Is there any config setting or any property in code which I can apply for this case?
I want DocuSign to ask the accessCode popup every time when the end user wants to view it.
Secondly, is there any provision to automatically delete a document from DocuSign if the end user did not sign the document for any specific number of days.
There are two options under Go to Admin > Security Settings that can mitigate this concern. The primary option you want is Recipient Authentication Triggers: Every Time a recipient accesses an envelope. You may also want Login Requirements: Login Required if Signer has an Account.
For the second question, you'll want to set an Envelope Expiration. When an envelope has expired, recipients who have not signed are unable to access it.

PHP: Account creation AFTER e-mail verification

I'm building a website with a login and registration system where the users' information will be stored on a database. I'm implementing a standard e-mail verification step after the account creation. The process is the following: An account is created, but has a 'verified' flag set to False. Then, an e-mail is sent to the user with a link to verify the account. Finally, after the user clicks the link, the 'verified' flag is set to True.
This should be sufficient, but it got me thinking. What happens to the unverified accounts? Someone could set up millions of unverified accounts that fill up my database storage space and available usernames. This could be problematic.
Is there a way to build a similar system in which the account would only be stored in the database AFTER the verification?
One way to solve your "Problem" would be to use a Capchta at the registration and/or to delete all not-activated accounts when the registration date is further ago than x days.
You could encrypt all information of the registration in the verification link, instead of storing that information in a new user account.
When the user clicks the registration link, you would decrypt that information and create the account.
To keep the verification URL as short as possible, this would require to minimize the amount of information you request during registration. I would suggest to ask for the E-Mail only and to request all the other attributes on the verification page.