Converting differents units to numbers - type-conversion

I'm trying to convert a column of money amount to numeric values. But in the same variable I have
differents units( 9000, 10.1k, 11k ) .How Can I put the "k" with the proper amount of zeros?
I was trying to change the "k" for "000" but this only works for 13k or 14k not amounts like
13.1 k

The "k" at the end of numbers stands for multiplication by 1000. So, instead of appending three 0s, you could simply remove the "k" and multiply the number by 1000.


How can I print the ascii value of an input in Brainfuck?

What I want to do is for a Brainfuck code to print out the ascii value of the input. For example, typing in an input of "a" will give an output of 97. The python equivalent of this is print(ord(input())). What I'm thinking is that once I get the input with the , command, I can split the input value's digits into separate cells, and then print each cell individually. What I mean by this is let's say you type in an input of a. The , command will store the ascii value of a in the first cell(cell 0), which is 97 in this case. Then I run some algorithm that will split the 97 into its individual digits. So, in this case, cell 1 will have a value of 0(because 97 has a hundred digit of 0), cell 2 will have a value of 9, and cell 3 will have a value of 7. Then we can add 48 to each of those cells(0 has an ascii value of 48) and print each cell individually, starting from cell 1(the hundreds place). The problem I'm facing is writing the digit separation algorithm. I can't seem to make it work. My idea is to subtract 100 from the original number until that number is less than 100 while keeping track of how many times 100 has been subtracted, then repeatedly subtract 10, and finally we are left with the ones place. But the problem with this idea is that I have no idea how to track if the number falls under 100 or 10. Any suggestions or ideas? Thanks for the help in advance.
What you are trying to implement is called "divmod". divmod is a function that divides two numbers (in your case positive integers) and stores the result and the remainder. Implementations for this in brainfuck exist: Divmod algorithm in brainfuck
Good luck!

How to normalize a large data in Matlab?

I am new in matlab and I have a file contains 657 columns and 97 rows and I want to normalize these data set between 0 and 1.
The same way you can do in any code or calculation, being A you matrix, divide by the maximum of A:
As noted by #AnderBiguri, If you data is not starting from zero, you need to do some math:
A_normalized= (A-min(A(:)))/(max(A(:))-min(A(:)))
If is starting from zero:
Note that A(:) get all the numbers, no need to the the max in each column.
If this is not what you want, give it some comments.

"Round" 2530.30 to 2599 in Postgres

I need to replace numbers like 2530.30 with 2599 in PostgreSQL.
I tried using ROUND(2530.30)+0.99 but it only changes the numbers after the decimal point to 99. So it results in 2530.99, which I don't want.
I want to remove fractional digits and replace the last two decimal digits with 99. I know I can just use an integer, but my assignment at school says I need to do this.
There should no be negative numbers, the assignment says that I should have a product that is sold for, let's say, 3500.50 dollars, I then need to make this number go from 3500.50 to 3599. Not 3500.99.
Divide by 100, truncate, multiply by 100 again:
SELECT trunc(2530.30 / 100) * 100 + 99;
This replaces all numbers in the range [2500, 2600) with 2599.
Or, in more general terms, it replaces the last two decimal digits with 99 and discards fractional digits (which also transforms 0 or 12.50 to 99).
Negative numbers cannot occur, as you say, so ignored.

format floating points in matlab using fprintf function

Consider the following code:
A1 = [9.9, 9900];
A2 = [8.8, 7.7 ; ...
8800, 7700];
formatSpec = 'X is %4.2f meters or %8.3f mm\n';
fprintf(formatSpec, A1, A2)
X is 9.90 meters or 9900.000 mm
X is 8.80 meters or 8800.000 mm
X is 7.70 meters or 7700.000 mm
I would like to know what does 4.2f or 8.3f mean in this case? Does it means how many digit we should use after .?
For instance by looking on code, it seems for me difficult to understand what they mean, while .2 or .3 appears a bit clear, first digit 4 and 8 became difficult to interpret, if it is related to mantissa and exponent, then why do we need it there?
Please help me to clarify such things
The first number indicates the total number of character spaces (including the delimiting .) the number will take up when printed. The second - as you pointed out - represents the number of decimals.
For example, if you print 1.2 with 8.3f you get three empty spaces before the number:
12345678 characters total
If you were to use 5.2f your output would be.
12345 characters total
The second line was added by me to illustrate the total number of characters (including white space). It is not part of the original output
In your example, using 8.3f for 1.2 wouldn't make much sense. However, if you wanted to write lots of column data to a file that could easily be read by another program, this might be more useful (because the format could be known). E.g. Consider two columns %8.3f%8.3f (note how you do not need a space between the floating point number formatter). This could give you an output like this:
1.200 34.564
8503.000 101.008
... and so on so forth. Here, the leading blank space helps. It will fail when you have numbers above 9999.999 in this case.
Edit 2
In Matlab, if you specify a number of total characters that is less than the number of digits you have before the decimal point (or none at all), it will just print the entire number. E.g. using %2.3f will give you
with no leading white spaces. If you only cared about the decimals printed, you could also use %.3f which again results in

Count the number of times a number is repeating in a vector

I have created a vector containing zeros and 1's using the following command in a for loop.
Since this is part of a larger problem at a particular stage I need to count the number of 1's that are present in each column.
I have tried to find the count using a for loop which is very messy and takes too long.
I found that histc can be used for this but I get an error
First input must be non-sparse numeric array.
Is there a better way to do this or am I missing something here ?
If you have a matrix G containing zeroes and ones, and you want to know how many ones are in each column, all you need is SUM:
nZeroes = sum(G);
This will give you a vector containing a total for each column in G.