How do I create a IBM Cloud Watson Studio Instance? - ibm-cloud

I have being trying to create a Watson Studio Instance however I face with the following statement:
"You do not have a resource group. To create a resource group, go to Manage - Account - Resource groups from the header."
Looking forward to your assistance


IBM Cloud functions - Unable to create an organisation

I'm unable to create an IBM Cloud Organisation.
Reason is I am not authorised to create but question here is I have no idea which team or where I have to connect to get the permission to fix this one.
**command** : ibmcloud cf create-org
Invoking 'cf create-org'...
Creating org as
You are not authorized to perform the requested action

IBM Cloud Code Engine: IAM setup for "service instance"

I am in the process of setting up structures for a development process with IBM Cloud Code Engine. The documentation says "service instance" in the privilege matrix, but I wonder if Code Engine projects are meant. I want to only grant few developers the ability to create new projects.
Would I grant Platform Editor to create a Code Engine project?
The Editor role would be the appropriate role to assign. In other Code Engine documentation, on how to retrieve the ID of the Code Engine service instance, it is noted that:
Identify the service instance that represents your Code Engine project and determine the GUID from the output.
Thus, the concept of IBM Cloud service instance maps to a Code Engine project.

Why am I seeing a "Reseller channel 2c95500b-ea86-4b13-8bb5-b2f0c2fa8200 is invalid" error when attempting to create storage

I am attempting to create Cloud Object Storage to work in conjunction with a Watson Studio service instance. However, when I attempt to create it, the following error message is displayed:
“Reseller channel 2c95500b-ea86-4b13-8bb5-b2f0c2fa8200 is invalid.”
How can I create the storage that I need?
When you attempt to create the cloud object storage instance through the Watson Studio service, a link sends you to a storage provisioning page. However, you are unable to provision the storage instance. As a workaround, you can create the Cloud Object Storage service manually through the IBM Cloud Catalog at the following URL:
I had this issue as well. Turns out when you create the new account it will ask you for a location for services and by default it's set to "Dallas". However changing that to London/Tokyo fixed this issue for me. I needed it for IBM Course on Coursera. I would recommend making a new account with services location set to London / Tokyo. It'll instantly fix this problem.
I managed to solve this by first creating the object storage before creating the Watson Studio service.
After you have created a cloud object storage service with the direct link to the service
While creating a new project On Watson Studio, you will see an option to Add a cloud Object Storage service under Define storage to your project in the project creation page. Once you click Add, you can either use an existing Service as you have now or create a new COS service.
For more details instructions check this section of the solution tutorial

An internal error occurred while creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket, deploying from Visual Studio - ASP.NET Core

I'm getting "internal error occurred while creating a Google Cloud Storage bucket" errors when I try to publish an App Engine App from Visual Studio 19. (It also fails with the exact same error when trying to publish from shell).
From what I can find here and elsewhere, theres a "quick fix" to this, using
gcloud config set app/use_deprecated_preparation True
but that returns
Section [app] has no property [use_deprecated_preparation]
I'm pretty confident this has to do with role settings.
I've set permissions in IAM; App Engine default service account has the roles Editor, Service Account Token Creator and Storage Object Creator. I personally have the role of Owner.
Can someone point me in the direction of what I'm missing in roles?

Where to find IBM Cloud Function credentials to access it for Watson Assistant

I am searching for the credentials to access my cloud function from Watson assistant. Both are in Dallas region.
I have looked at various docs and blogs, all looks obsolete. I could not find the credentials that could work in Watson Assistant.
Below is one example location where i could not find credentials:
Could someone provide me steps or link to find or generate credentials?
More trials added
above link provide another link that is supposed to show me credentials but no success
Note: I can see CF-based API key for the namespace in London but not in Dallas on link --
Below is a part of Watson json.
"actions": [
"name": "Namespace-Y1N/irs/helloworld",
"type": "cloud_function",
"parameters": {
"credentials": "$private.my_creds",
"result_variable": "$my_result"
Below is the cloud function
Well, the official IBM Watson Assistant docs on creating programmatic calls have that information. Look for <reference_to_credentials>. There are instructions on how to access Cloud Functions and extract the API key. Some of that is not needed if working with web actions.
The official tutorial on how to build a database-driven Slackbot with Watson Assistant also offers a way on integrating those credentials once for multiple dialog nodes. It uses a "credential node" to manage the info on how to access Cloud Function actions.
Note that Cloud Functions have the old Cloud Foundry-based namespaces and the new IAM-based namespaces. You can only see the authentication key for the Cloud Foundry namespaces. It seems that your Dallas namespace is new and IAM-enabled.
As an alternative, use the IBM Cloud CLI, log in to your org / space or namespace and then use this command to obtain the Cloud Function properties including the authentication key:
ibmcloud fn property get --auth
Create a new API key. Select Menu(Top-left), Manage, Access (AIM), IBM Cloud API Keys. Create an IBM Cloud API Key, then make sure that you save it somewhere because you will never see the key again. I hope that will help.
Your namespace "Namespade-Y1N" in Dallas is a IAM-enabled namespace. Server-based actions in dialog node of Watson Assistant does not support IAM based authentication. It can only work with CF based namespaces and CF based Cloud foundry functions. This is restriction of Watson Assistant.