Optimal transport for large source and destination nodes Scipy linear program - scipy

I want to solve an optimal transport for source and destination nodes of sizes 42000 and 18000 respectively. I know that Scipy Linear Programming Module now includes HIGHS so it should be pretty efficient to use. However, I have been running the program for over 15 hours and it has not found a result. I am representing my constraints matrix as a sparse matrix (CSR). There are other commercial options I could use like CPLEX but I am curious to see if Scipy is able to scale to a linear program of this size. My code can be found at the Pastebin link located below. My problem setting is finding optimal transport between different classes in MNIST. If Scipy should scale to linear programs of this size, is there anything I can do to improve the runtime?
Pastebin link: https://pastebin.com/rDTh4V49


Advice on Speeding up SciPy Custom Distribution Sampling & Fitting

I am trying to fit a custom distribution to a large (~O(500,000) measurements) dataset using scipy. I have derived a theoretical PDF based on some other factors, but both by hand and using symbolic integration software I cannot find an exact form of the CDF.
Currently, simply evaluating 1000 random samples from my custom distribution is expensive, which I believe is due to the need to invert an unknown CDF. If I cannot find an explicit form of the CDF and it's inverse, is there anything else I can do to speed up usage of this distribution?
I've used maple, matlab and Sympy to try and determine a CDF, yet none give a result. I also tried down-sampling my data whilst still retaining the tail attributes, but this still required so much data that doing anything with the distribution was slow.
My distribution is a sub-class of SciPy's rv_continuous class.
Thanks for any advice.
This sounds like you want to sample from a Kernel Density Estimation of the probability distribution. While Scipy does offer a Gaussian Kernel package, for that many measurements you would be much better off using sklearn's implementation. A good resource with code examples can be found on Jake VanderPlas's blog.

PCA on Sift desciptors and Fisher Vectors

I was reading this particular paper http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/publications/2011/Chatfield11/chatfield11.pdf and I find the Fisher Vector with GMM vocabulary approach very interesting and I would like to test it myself.
However, it is totally unclear (to me) how do they apply PCA dimensionality reduction on the data. I mean, do they calculate Feature Space and once it is calculated they perform PCA on it? Or do they just perform PCA on every image after SIFT is calculated and then they create feature space?
Is this supposed to be done for both training test sets? To me it's an 'obviously yes' answer, however it is not clear.
I was thinking of creating the feature space from training set and then run PCA on it. Then, I could use that PCA coefficient from training set to reduce each image's sift descriptor that is going to be encoded into Fisher Vector for later classification, whether it is a test or a train image.
Simplistic example:
[coef , reduced_feat_space]= pca(Feat_Space','NumComponents', 80);
and then (for both test and train images)
reduced_test_img = test_img * coef; (And then choose the first 80 dimensions of the reduced_test_img)
What do you think? Cheers
It looks to me like they do SIFT first and then do PCA. the article states in section 2.1 "The local descriptors are fixed in all experiments to be SIFT descriptors..."
also in the introduction section "the following three steps:(i) extraction
of local image features (e.g., SIFT descriptors), (ii) encoding of the local features in an image descriptor (e.g., a histogram of the quantized local features), and (iii) classification ... Recently several authors have focused on improving the second component" so it looks to me that the dimensionality reduction occurs after SIFT and the paper is simply talking about a few different methods of doing this, and the performance of each
I would also guess (as you did) that you would have to run it on both sets of images. Otherwise your would be using two different metrics to classify the images it really is like comparing apples to oranges. Comparing a reduced dimensional representation to the full one (even for the same exact image) will show some variation. In fact that is the whole premise of PCA, you are giving up some smaller features (usually) for computational efficiency. The real question with PCA or any dimensionality reduction algorithm is how much information can I give up and still reliably classify/segment different data sets
And as a last point, you would have to treat both images the same way, because your end goal is to use the Fisher Feature Vector for classification as either test or training. Now imagine you decided training images dont get PCA and test images do. Now I give you some image X, what would you do with it? How could you treat one set of images differently from another BEFORE you've classified them? Using the same technique on both sets means you'd process my image X then decide where to put it.
Anyway, I hope that helped and wasn't to rant-like. Good Luck :-)

Support Vector Machine vs K Nearest Neighbours

I have a data set to classify.By using KNN algo i am getting an accuracy of 90% but whereas by using SVM i just able to get over 70%. Is SVM not better than KNN. I know this might be stupid to ask but, what are the parameters for SVM which will give nearly approximate results as KNN algo. I am using libsvm package on matlab R2008
kNN and SVM represent different approaches to learning. Each approach implies different model for the underlying data.
SVM assumes there exist a hyper-plane seperating the data points (quite a restrictive assumption), while kNN attempts to approximate the underlying distribution of the data in a non-parametric fashion (crude approximation of parsen-window estimator).
You'll have to look at the specifics of your scenario to make a better decision as to what algorithm and configuration are best used.
It really depends on the dataset you are using. If you have something like the first line of this image ( http://scikit-learn.org/stable/_images/plot_classifier_comparison_1.png ) kNN will work really well and Linear SVM really badly.
If you want SVM to perform better you can use a Kernel based SVM like the one in the picture (it uses a rbf kernel).
If you are using scikit-learn for python you can play a bit with code here to see how to use the Kernel SVM http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/svm.html
kNN basically says "if you're close to coordinate x, then the classification will be similar to observed outcomes at x." In SVM, a close analog would be using a high-dimensional kernel with a "small" bandwidth parameter, since this will cause SVM to overfit more. That is, SVM will be closer to "if you're close to coordinate x, then the classification will be similar to those observed at x."
I recommend that you start with a Gaussian kernel and check the results for different parameters. From my own experience (which is, of course, focused on certain types of datasets, so your mileage may vary), tuned SVM outperforms tuned kNN.
Questions for you:
1) How are you selecting k in kNN?
2) What parameters have you tried for SVM?
3) Are you measuring accuracy in-sample or out-of-sample?

libSVM outputs "Line search fails in two-class probability estimates"

When I tried to train a SVM(trainsvm function) with RBF kernel,
The libSVM library outputs "Line search fails in two-class probability estimates" during training.
After training, the training accuracy of the model is just 20%.
I think I might miss something and it is related to the message.
For more information about my project,
I'm dealing with PASCAL VOC action classification problem.
I'm trying to follow this method.
There are 1300 training images and 11 classes.
After making codebooks and sparse coding,
The dimension of feature vector is 2688.
The number of training example is 1370.
You need to do a grid search, either using cross validation, or using a separate validation data set to get good values for C and gamma. Libsvm has a script called grid.py that is useful for this. I noticed you tagged this with matlab, using grid.py needs command line tools and a python installation (IMO this generally works out better than with matlab, especially if you have a some big machines to run many jobs in parallel).
I recommend that you read the libsvm guide if you haven't already done so: http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/papers/guide/guide.pdf‎.
I also suggest you initially use the same dataset as used for the paper as occasionally published algorithms only work well on the dataset chosen for the paper.
Lastly, you could contact the authors of the paper.
I asked about this warning the author of LIBSVM, and he replied that this warning can be ignored.

How do I obtain the eigenvalues of a huge matrix (size: 2x10^5)

I have a matrix of size 200000 X 200000 .I need to find the eigen values for this .I was using matlab till now but as the size of the matrix is unhandleable by matlab i have shifted to perl and now even perl is unable to handle this huge matrix it is saying out of memory.I would like to know if i can find out the eigen values of this matrix using some other programming language which can handle such huge data. The elements are not zeros mostly so no option of going for sparse matrix. Please help me in solving this.
I think you may still have luck with MATLAB. Take a look into their distributed computing toolbox. You'd need some kind of parallel environment, a computing cluster.
If you don't have a computational cluster, you might look into distributed eigenvalue/vector calculation methods that could be employed on Amazon EC2 or similar.
There is also a discussion of parallel eigenvalue calculation methods here, which may direct you to better libraries and programming approaches than Perl.