Open Street Map tag to grab all emerged land - openstreetmap

I'm looking to download the geometries of all emerged land (everything within the coastal line) in Python using OSMNX, but can't seem to find a general tag that would do it.
Right now, I'm using:
t = {'landuse':['commercial', 'industrial', 'residential', 'farmland', 'construction', 'education', 'retail', 'cemetery', 'grass', 'garages', 'depot', 'port', 'railway', 'recreation_ground', 'religious', 'yes', '*'], 'leisure':['park']}
land = ox.geometries_from_polygon(bbox, tags=t)
But I still have many holes...
So, in short, is there an OSM tag to grab all emerged land?

The additive approach, i.e. combining all sorts of landuses, won't get you all the way to the result you want. As you've noticed, you'll end up with white spots. You could get closer by considering even more tags, such as some values of the natural=* key, but ultimately there simply is land that is not covered by any such polygon in OSM.
Instead, you should look at OSM coastline data. As this can be tricky to process, you might want to get pre-processed data from, such as their land polygons.


How can I obtain all of the street names under a polygon in Overpass?

I am new to overpass (after only discovering it last night). I have a polygon I drew on QGIS and I plan to obtain its coordinates (long, lat). I'd then like to use these coordinates in overpass to obtain all of the road names in that area. I found a query online that obtains all road names in a city:
[out:csv ("name")][timeout:2500];
for (t["name"])
make street name=_.val;
How can I adjust the following query so that I can specify a polygon function instead of city/area name?. I'm mindful of the syntax:
(poly:"latitude_1 longitude_1 latitude_2 longitude_2 latitude_3 longitude_3 …");
I'm just not sure where it would go in the query. I tried a few times but I was receiving errors or just blank results. Hopefully if I see an example I should be able to carry out my task effectively.
After doing some research I found the answer. This would give me a list of road names:
[out:csv ("name")][timeout:2500];
(poly:"51.5566 0.0763 51.5734 0.0724 51.5203 0.0293");
out tags;
And this would give me a map view:
(poly:"51.5566 0.0763 51.5734 0.0724 51.5203 0.0293");
out geom;

osmnx boundaries and admin_level

I hope someone here can help me to retrieve the correct administration level(s) from OSM. I am using the following code, but admin_level seems to be ignored:
tags = {"boundary":"administrative","admin_level":"4" }
gdf =ox.geometries.geometries_from_bbox(51.5, 51.0, 11.7, 11.2, tags)
The bounding box seems to be used as a polygon to create an intersection with all the boundaries in the OSM database, the first tag is working because only administrative boundaries are returned, but the filter on level is ignored (gdf["admin_level"].head() shows level 6).
I would like to understand what I am doing wrong, and how I can use this package better; it seems like a very useful library.
Result using the bounding box:
OK, rereading the documentation again made me realize that osmnx is using [OR] statements and not [AND] statements as I was presuming; removing the boundary request from the query is indeed giving only admin_level:4 results.
tags (dict) – Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not the intersection of each individual tag.
Some additional code:

Scanning invoices using OCR in swift

I am currently working on scanning invoices with OCR scanning. All invoices use the "OCRB" font, and have the same formatting.
The bottom of a sample invoice looks like this
This is what the user needs to scan.
I have tried many different libraries to detect what I want. But most libraries doesn't give me the correct result. The best result came from Firebase ML Vision text recognition.
But the resulting output I get is this:
I can calculate if the values are correct, except for the amount, presented in the middle. In this case it's presented as "3557 00" but if the user moves the camera a bit further to the right, the result I get is "557 00". Since both MLKit and other libraries cuts around the word, I have no idea if the full sum is presented or not.
If I would get a single space before the word, I could get that there is a full "word", in this case a sum.
Anyone has any ideas of how what library to use to get the best result?

Get the number of features displayed on a map after a filter (with featuresIn)

First of all, I'm aware that querySourceFeatures could fix that. But unfortunately the new version is effective with all types but not with symbols, which I'm using. So I'm still coding under version 0.14.x.
That said, I filter my map with the setFilter function and I need to catch back the number of features displayed once the filter is done.
I thought about transform the whole world (-90,-180,90,180) map coordinates into pixels and then pass it into a featuresIn function.
With fiddle below, featuresIn returns nothing [EDIT : that was due to not setting interacive : true, now it's done but issue is still here]. Do you have any idea how to get the number of features displayed on my map?
EDIT : Please find my jsFiddle :
No features are being returned from featuresIn because you did not set "interactive": true on the "route" layer, as specified in the documentation (but no longer on our official docs page because we have changed this API).
/*Now I want to know how many features are still displayed after that filter
My thought was to get the bbox of the whole map (-180,-90,180,90) and make a featuresIn of that bbox.*/
More fundamentally, this approach will not work. featuresIn only returns features in the current viewport. It does not return all features.

Prevent Overpass API from returning nodes and show ways only

I'm trying to get all roads around a certain point. I'm using the following query:
I added the crossing exclusion because it kept including "markers" for crossings, and I'm only interested in roads.
However it seems to be ignoring the crossing and still plotting markers on the map, rather than just showing road outlines. This can be seen here.
These "nodes" that I don't want have the tags:
which should fail my regex query, but it doesn't.
How do I get it to just return road plot lines, and none of these nodes/markers?
Sorry if my terminology is all wrong, I'm very new to this
The filter criterion you tried to use would only apply to the way itself rather than the nodes. Usually, a way wouldn't have a crossing tag, so this filter didn't have much of an effect on the final result. By using >; all of the nodes tags would shown up in the final result again.
I removed >; in your query and replaced out; by out geom; to only output the node lat/lon position without any tags.
You can try this out using the following link (currently pointing to overpass turbo beta)