How can I script an update to a servicemix system bundle using karaf's client.bat? - powershell

How can I script out a update to a servicemix system bundle using karaf's client.bat? When I try to run ./client.bat "update 111" -p <password> through powershell I get a java.lang.NullPointerException. I believe it is because updating this bundle requires the user to type yes on the server when it asks "You are about to access system bundle 111. Do you wish to continue (yes/no):" Any way I can get around this?

Specify user and password first then specify command you want to run.
# Default user and password
./client.bat -u karaf -p karaf -- "update 111"
Don't recall Apache Karaf asking for confirmation when it comes to bundle:update. If service mix has such thing you might want to check bundle:update --help to see if there's option to skip it.


diaspora: how to apply admin role?

I have a pod running based on
I found a FAQ entry about the Admin Role
Unfortunately, the "rails console" does not work in that container (1).
Could I add the admin role directly in the database? I found my intitial user in the "users" table and see a "roles" table that is currently empty. Just unsure what I would have to INSERT there
(1) on first try I got a bundle not found. I figured that I had to install that missing gem. But even with that done I don't get the mentioned command to run:
diaspora#e4447573f534:~$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory
It looks like diaspora* is installed to /home/diaspora/diaspora within the image. You need to run the command in the FAQ from within that folder, so cd to it first.

Unable to create connection in Oracle SQL developer . IO error

I cannot add a connection in oracle SQL developer installed.
The error I am getting is:
IO Error :The network adapter could not establish connection.
Also can anyone help me as to what user name and password it is asking?
Is there anything else I need to install.
SQL Developer is a tool which enables you to connect to the database - let's presume an Oracle one. Did you install it? If not, is there any available on the network? If not, you'll have to do that first (i.e. install a database - 11g Express Edition might be your choice, download it here), and then let SQL Developer connect to it.
As of username and password you'd use: database owner is SYS, but - you shouldn't use it for coding training - you'd rather create a new user, or unlock one of pre-installed; unless I'm wrong, 11gXE contains the HR schema (Human Resources). In order to unlock it, establish a connection to the previously mentioned SYS user (remember which password you choose for it during the installation process) and choose the SYSDBA role. Then unlock the HR user and modify its password by issuing the following statements:
alter user hr account unlock;
alter user hr identified by hr;
Now create a new connection to HR user (this time choose the "default" role); you should be able to see its tables, run queries, etc.
Make sure your oracle database is up and running.. if you are using docker you need to restart the oracle docker image in this case.
I had similar issue then i tried to restart the oracle using
docker-compose -f docker-image-oracle.yml -d up (in this case you might have a diff name).
or you can start docker image directly from cmd .
Make sure that your hostname, listener port, sid/service name, username/password are correct.
You can use lsnrctl status to get the port number.
There are four things that come to my mind:
Is your Oracle Database installed and running? If not, install it and make sure it works.
Have you entered the correct username and password? Have you entered the correct hostname and/ or port number? If hostname and port number are wrong, check the listener.ora file (if you have the permission). Alternatively, you can look into the tnsnames.ora file.
Maybe your listener is not working after all. With the command "C:> lsnrctl status" (on cmd), you can check, if the listener works. If it doesn't, run the command "C:> lsnrctl start".
Are you using the right URL?
The following link may help you:

breakpoints in eclipse using postgresql

I am using helios Eclipse for debugging my code in postgresql.
My aim is to know how postgresql uses join algorithms during the join query, so I started to debug nodenestloop.c which is in the Executor folder.
I gave break points in that file, But whenever I try to debug that file, the control goes to main.c and never comes back,How do I constraint the control only to that particular file(nodenestloop.c)
Below are the following fields which I gave in Debug configurations of Helios Eclipse.
C/C++ Application - src/backend/postgres and
project - pgsql
I followed the steps given in the following link for running the program.
I even uncheked the field "Start on Start up=main" , but When I do that, The step in and Step over buttons are not activated and the following problem has popped up.
Could not save master table to file '/home/ravi/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.safetable/org.eclipse.core.resources'.
/home/ravi/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.safetable/org.eclipse.core.resources (Permission denied)
So I started eclipse using sudo, but this time the following error has come in the console of eclipse.
"root" execution of the PostgreSQL server is not permitted.
The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent
possible system security compromise. See the documentation for
more information on how to properly start the server.
Could any one help me with this.
Thank you
Problem 1: User ID mismatch
Reading between the lines, it sounds like you're trying to debug a PostgreSQL instance that's running as the postgres user, or a different user ID to your own anyway. Hence your attempt to use sudo.
That's painful, especially when using an IDE like Eclipse. With plain gdb you can just sudo the gdb command to the desired uid, e.g. sudo -u postgres -p 12345 to attach to pid 12345 running as user postgres. This will not work with Eclipse. In fact, running it with sudo has probably left your workspace with some messed up file permissions; run:
sudo chown -R ravi /home/ravi/workspace/
to fix file ownership.
If you want to debug processes under other user IDs with Eclipse, you'll need to figure out how to make Eclipse run gdb with sudo. Do not just run all of Eclipse with sudo.
Problem 2: Trying to run PostgreSQL under the control of Eclipse
"root" execution of the PostgreSQL server is not permitted. The server must be started under an unprivileged user ID to prevent possible system security compromise. See the documentation for more information on how to properly start the server.
suggests that you're also attempting to let Eclipse start postgres directly. That's very useful if you're trying to debug the postmaster, but since you're talking about the query planner it's clear you want to debug a particular backend. Launching the postmaster under Eclipse is useless for that, you'll be attached to the wrong process.
I think you probably need to read the documentation on PostgreSQL's internals:
Tour of PostgreSQL Internals
PostgreSQL internals through pictures
Documentation chapter - internals
Doing it right
Here's what you need to do - rough outline, since I've only used Eclipse for Java development and do my C development with vim and gdb:
Compile a debug build of PostgreSQL (compiled with ./configure --enable-debug and preferably also CFLAGS="-ggdb -Og -fno-omit-frame-pointer"). Specify a --prefix within your homedir, like --prefix=$HOME/postgres-debug
Put your debug build's bin directory first on your PATH, e.g. export PATH=$HOME/postgres-debug/bin:$PATH
initdb -U postgres -D $HOME/postgres-debug-data a new instance of PostgreSQL from your debug build
Start the new instance with PGPORT=5599 pg_ctl -D $HOME/postgres-debug-data -l $HOME/postgres-debug-data.log -w start
Connect with PGPORT=5599 psql postgres
Do whatever setup you need to do
Get the backend process ID with SELECT pg_backend_pid() in a psql session. Leave that session open; it's the one you'll be debugging.
Attach Eclipse's debugger to that process ID, using the Eclipse project that contains the PostgreSQL extension source code you're debugging. Make sure Eclipse is configured so it can find the PostgreSQL source code you compiled with too (no idea how to do that, see the manual).
Set any desired breakpoints and resume execution
In the psql session, do whatever you need to do to make your extension run and hit the breakpoint
When execution pauses at the breakpoint in Eclipse, debug as desired.
Basic misunderstandings?
Also, in case you're really confused about how all this works: PostgreSQL is a client/server application. If you are attempting to debug a client program that uses libpq or odbc, and expecting a breakpoint to trigger in some PostgreSQL backend extension code, that is not going to happen. The client application communicates with PostgreSQL over a TCP/IP socket. It's a separate program. gdb cannot set breakpoints in the PostgreSQL server when it's connected to the client, because they are separate programs. If you want to debug the server, you have to attach gdb to the server. PostgreSQL uses one process per connection, so you have to attach gdb to the correct server process. Which is why I said to use SELECT pg_backend_pid() above, and attach to the process ID.
See the internals documentation linked above, and:
PostgreSQL site - coding
PostgreSQL wiki - developer resources
Developer FAQ
Attaching gdb to a backend on linux/bsd/unix
I also faced similar issue and resolved it after some struggle
I misunderstood the following point under Debugging with child processes in the wiki (
5."Start postmaster & one instant of postgresql client (for creating one new postgres)"
The above step should be performed from terminal by starting postgres server and one client.
Hope this helps
Once this is done then debugger in eclipse needs to be started for C/C++ Attach to Application

Automatically setup jenkins users with CLI

I did not find any reference to user related commands for the jenkins-cli tool.
I need this to automate deployment.
Any comeback?
To use jenkins internal database simply use the following command.
echo 'jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.securityRealm.createAccount("user1", "password123")' | \
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ groovy =
This will create user=user1 with password=password123
If you have any existing user and have restricted anonymous access to your jenkins, you can specify the username and password with
--username "user_name" and --password "password"
Maybe you don't want to use Jenkins' internal user database at all. There are a host of "Authentication and User Management" plugins.
If you like MySQL, there is a MySQL authenticator (it reads a table of users and passwords), and your "adduser" command could do an insert on that table.
If you like flat files, there is a "Script Security Realm", where you can authenticate with an arbitrary script. Write a file with user and password combos in your favorite format, write an "adduser" script that writes to it, and write an auth script that reads the file and determines whether to authenticate the user.
You can also hook up to an LDAP server, Active Directory, Atlassian Crowd, Unix user accounts (pw_auth), or whatever authentication your application server uses (if it's running off of a Tomcat server, for instance, you can tell Jenkins to let Tomcat authenticate users, and set up Tomcat to do it however you want.
If you specify in more detail what you are trying to do people here may help you better. That said, here are some pointers:
All CLI commands are available via http://[jenkins-server]/cli. What's not found there is not available via CLI. You can specify user name / password via --username and --password (or --password-file) options in CLI commands.
Another option for Jenkins automation is to use Python JenkinsAPI.
You can also use tools like wget and curl to perform certain actions (such as starting a build). There you may use user-specific tokens instead of username/password.
Here's another link that can be helpful.

jbooss with RUNASIS option

I am starting the jboss_3.2.7 with the linux user jbs using jboss with RUNASIS option, but it is not working while the entire system[linux] restart. Which is starting the jboss as root user.
I added the jboss service in chkconfig option of linux for starting the jboss on linux restart.
In the jboss service file (/etc/init.d) modified the user to RUNASIS
define the user under which jboss will run, or use RUNASIS to run as the current user
You are using quite old JBoss version and I personally never see it. But I think it should be very similar to newer ones.
Please try to put your user after when defining these variable:
The other solution is to setting these variable before executing running script:
export JBOSSUS=jbs; /etc/init.d/jboss start
I have just downloaded JBoss 3.2.7 and I checked the script (I hope you use these one as a templete for your starting script).
In the file you can find such lines:
#define the user under which jboss will run, or use RUNASIS
#to run as the current user
These line defines the new user name. It checks if the variable JBOSSUS is set up and if not is uses jboss user as default name.
The second interesting part of these script:
if [ "$JBOSSUS" = "RUNASIS" ]; then
SUBIT="su - $JBOSSUS -c "
You should know one thing: when you run automatically any script from init scripts it is always run as a root user. Thats why in the script should be command which change the effective user to someone else. And here you have these part of the script.
It first checked if your username is RUNASIS and if it is yes - do nothing. In another case it run JBoss as a another user by using su command.
In your case it should be sufficient to change JBOSSUS variable definition to something like that:
After that you can start these script as a root user and it should run JVM with JBoss with jbs user.