Users get flooded with messages about connection problems - typo3

We have an installation with TYPO3 8.7.45
since half a year the editors get flash messages with the text:
Connection Problem
Sorry, but an error occurred while connecting to the server. Please
check your network connection.
That is independent from current activity, also it seems to be triggered more often when they are editing CEs.
with my admin-account I have no problems, if I change user and su to an editor account I also get the messages:
just open a CE and wait. about 1 minute later the users get flooded with about 40 Flash messages.
In the TYPO3 log there are no entries for the editor or my account for the moment the messages appear.
In the apache log no error occurs.
In the moment of the messages a JSon call comes back but with http-code 200.
it went to https://<mydomain.tld>/typo3/index.php?ajaxID=/ajax/usersettings/process&ajaxToken=5fbc9e1b13fae602644589e9ec63ffadb72b35d9
in the returned JSON nothing special about errors.
It looks like a user record from a system with a lot of pages, so there are lot of page-tree states and fileadmin-tree states:
(I needed to shorten it (marked [...]) because questions aren't allowed to have so much characters.)
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How can I get more Information what connection has the problems?

maybe a serverside firewall is responsible for that. and blocks the suspischouls looking traffic


Problems with Dexed 0.9.6 in case of SAVIHost v1.43 (and v1.44 beta) x64 and VSTHost v1.57 (and V1.57 beta) x64

I have the problems with both SAVIHost v1.43 and VSTHost v1.57 for the case of Dexed 0.9.6. As I am a hobbist only, related to both MIDI and IT, I wish to ask some help to overcome these problems detailed below.
My problem with SAVIHost V1.43:
I copied savihost.exe (extracted from copied into directory "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" (i.e. into the installation directory of Dexed.vst3) then renamed it to Dexed.exe, and launched this Dexed.exe.
I set "loopMIDI Port 1" (created prior by "loopMIDI v1.0.16 (27)") as "Input Port 1" via "Devices|MIDI..." and "1764 samples (25 b/s)" via "Devices|Wave...". (The sample rate was 44100 Hz, and both ports were "MME: Microsoft Sound Mapper).
Then I played some sounds by use of the virtual keyboard, and changed Dexed's programs (instruments) randomly - and Dexed seemed to work well, it played the different sounds with the actually selected instruments. Then I sent some MIDI Messages by Cakewalk by Bandlab to "loopMIDI 1"; Dexed produced the appropriate sounds, according to MIDI Note On/Off messages received - except that all the MIDI Program Change messages (C0 xx) were ignored.
Finally, when I clicked onto icon of Dexed.exe (i.e. renamed savihost.exe) in the Windows 10 Taskbar on the screen: the main window of Dexed.exe was minimized,
but when I clicked onto its icon again, although its main window is restored but crashed immediately. A dialog titled as "Dexed" appered,
containing an error message:
Unhandled exception 0xC0000005 at 00000014005BEBA
(followed by a list of the recent content of registers).
Furthermore, I noticed that resizing of window of Dexed.exe (moving its bottom edge upward) also causes a crash, but only after when Dexed.exe received some MIDI messages through "loopMIDI Port 1".
(i.e. playing on virtual keyboard, followed by similar resizing did not cause crashes - at least, I have not realized that.)
The situation was ditto for the case of SAVIHost V1.44 beta.
Problem with VSTHost V1.56 x64:
In the second case, I started VTSHost.exe, then loaded Dexed.vst3 via File|New Plugin... . Dexed.vst3 also seemed to work well at the beginning, i.e. while I played on the virtual keyboard bar, and changed the programs (instruments) and modified some parameters by the knobs on the screen. But when VSTHost received the first MIDI messages through the "loopMIDI Port 1", Dexed does not played any notes anymore. Instead, some extra message lines appeared in the dialog "Info" below the line "Chained as Insert before 1: Engine Output":
Processing is turned off (errors in PlugIn?)
Exception 0xC0000005 at 000000014007ABF6 reading from 0000000000000000
Stack Trace:
Unfortunately, the situation was the same in case of VSTHost V1.57 beta x64.
Dexed.vst3 worked without problems in case of other VST host apps (e.g. CakeWalk by BandLab and Cantabile 4 Lite), i.e. also the MIDI Program Change messages were executed properly.
(CakeWalk by Bandlab used Dexed.vst3 directly, Cantabile 4 Light received MIDI messages from CakeWalk by BandLab through "loopMIDI Port 1".)
similarly, the original standalone Dexed application also processed the MIDI Program Change messages through "loopMIDI Port 1" correctly.
version number of Dexed.vst3 reported as 1.0.0 by VSTHost (although is is originated from unzipping of "").
my PC has the followings:
-- OS: MS Windows 10, 22H2, build: 19045.2311 (x64)
-- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU # 3.20GHz
-- RAM: 8 GB
-- motherboard: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. B85M-D2V
-- sound: Realtek, High Definition Audio (on-board)
Finally, I wish to mention that I have tried other VSTs than Dexed's one with both SAVIHost and VSTHost: "sforzando.vst3" and "Roland Sound Canvas VA.dll".
There were no problem at all - no interception of any MIDI Message, no crash, etc -, they had been worked without any problem for hours. So I am not really sure, what and where are the root of the problems above: maybe in SAVIHost or VSTHost - or maybe in Dexed.
I wish ask some help, how I shall continue to determine, which component - ie. savihost/svthost or Dexed - is failed and resulted the problem?
Thank you very much for you kind efforts in advance!

STM32 bootloader failure to erase

I am writing an external bootloader for the STM32F730Z8 - (why? I need one windows code that can run the bootloader for the STM32, or use the STM32 to reprog a connected ATF1508 for my client). I've done this before, using info in AN3155 and AN2606. On lesser CPUs, this has had no difficulty (i.e. STM32L4P5). In this case, I try the same:
1-cycle \RESET & BOOT0 to boot to supervisor mode
2-autobaud successfully
3-send 0x00 to get the list of commands, successfully
4-send 01 to get the version and protection, successfully (vers 49, rp and nt both 0)
5-send 02 to get chip id (0x0452), successfully
6-send 0x73 to write-unprotect flash, successfully (i.e. receive back two ACK)
7-send 0x44 to begin an extended erase (intending only to erase sector 0).
This is where it fails. I get neither ACK nor NACK - it just times out. I don't even get to the second half of the extended-erase command where I send it the sector info. (On the STM32L4P5 it succeeds here easily and goes on to finish erasing, then to write code successfully.)
I've tried very long waits & repeat loops to wait for the ACK (many minutes). From past experience this should be fast, it is only the second stage where I tell it how much flash to erase that takes any significant time.
I've inspected the protection option areas of memory, at 0x1FFF0010, 0018, and they are unprotected, as per factory defaults.
I'm communicating over an FT231XS-R, using the D2XX driver calls. I can mess with the baud rates and such, but that only prevents it from autobauding...and we're doing that fine (9600/8/1/E). I've played with the D2XX SetTimeouts - if set too hasty that only screws up earlier commands. I'm wired to a 20 MHz crystal, and the application runs at 200 MHz, but my understanding is that the bootloader just runs at the internal RC clock rate.
I'm certainly missing something stupid, but I didn't see it in the documentation. Help?
Jeff Casey / Rockfield Research Inc. / Las Vegas, NV
Fixed, disregard.
The fineprint of AN3155 clued me in. On the description of the Write Unprotect command, it says that a system reset will be performed after completion. How did I miss this on the STM32L4P5? I just didn't read it. But why did it work then? In the really fine print next page, in a footnote to the flowchart, it says that they were just foolin'....system reset is only called for some (..list omitted..) and for other STM32 products no system reset is called for.
My earlier success had the following sequence:
obviously that doesn't work for the F730. what works is:
get gvrp
(obviously I can skip a few of the repeated steps, like get-id, but basically it needed a reboot and re-autobaud.)
note that i had to reboot-super a 3rd time...this was because the write attempt timed out after the xerase unless i went through the whole sequence again. funny, though, the spec doesn't say anything about resetting after an erase. i cross posted this question on the STM32 community site, and I'll do the same with this answer and ping them on this.
Thanks for reading, cheers. Jeff

Printers fail to report issues to CUPS

CUPS has 3 fields that are used in issue reporting,
printer-state (enum): Either idle, processing or stopped.
printer-state-message: Plain text human readable explanation.
printer-state-reasons: Listed description of the printer state, as described in RFC8011 p.152 this is where the real issue reporting happens. It has a list of comma delimited keywords describing the state of a printer eg. 'media-needed' or 'toner-low'
When testing a Zebra LP 2844 on Ubuntu 16.04 (and mac but let's keep this simple for now) using the Zebra EPL2 Label Printer driver, I get the following results.
----Printer out of paper----
Status Enum: processing
Status Message: printer-state-message: 1 textWithoutLanguage {Waiting for
printer to become available.}
Status Reason: printer-state-reasons: 1 keyword {none}
----Printer rejecting jobs----
Status Enum: idle
Status Message: printer-state-message: 1 textWithoutLanguage {Rejecting Jobs}
Status Reason: printer-state-reasons: 1 keyword {none}
As you can see, the 'Printer out of paper' issue and most issues that prevent the printer from printing resolve as 'processing' and never give me more information. You could figure out how long the printer has been 'processing' and deduce if there is a problem from there, but besides that being janky, the cause of the issue would remain unknown.
Meanwhile, the 'Printer rejecting jobs' state tells me absolutely nothing (remember, the Status Message is just human readable plain text and is not parsable due to there being no guidelines on what is put there). Besides hiring someone to read state-message there is no way for my program to know there is an issue.
This is not the case with all printers, for example, this is the output from a Brother HL-L2380DW
----Printer out of paper----
Status Enum: processing
Status Message: printer-state-message: 1 textWithoutLanguage {Waiting for job to complete.}
Status Reason: printer-state-reasons: 2 keyword {cups-waiting-for-job-completed, media-needed-error}
Of the 3 printers tested so far (HP, Brother, and Zebra), the Brother HL-L2380DW was the only printer to properly communicate issues. If you wish to test it yourself you can run this crude CUPS tool I tossed together in java More data helps!
I do not know if the issue lies with cups or with the manufacturers. Either way I need a way forward, be it as a fix or a group I can help to make a fix.
Edit: It seems Zebra does not make or maintain its own Linux drivers.
From Michael Sweet,
Status reporting is complicated, but in general the problem with
driver-based queues can come from the driver not implementing STATE:
message support (typically because the printer's communication channel
does not provide support) or from the printer itself not supporting
any kind of status reporting.
In the case of the Zebra printer, it does not support in-band status
reporting so the CUPS-bundled driver has no way of getting status from
the printer that way. It also does not support the SNMP Printer MIB
for status, so we don't even get out-of-band status... :/ Sadly,
these kind of printers often do not support status reporting, which is
funny given that many are deployed in industrial settings where remote
monitoring is common...
Printers that implement IPP (typically all printers these days except
label printers - so 98%+ of printers) support the IPP
printer-state-reasons keywords for status, in addition to other IPP
attributes and (in many cases) SNMP Printer MIB properties as well.
So it seems this is mostly just an issue with some label printers.

Siemens S7-1200. TRCV_С. Error code: 893A; Event ID 02:253A

Please, help to solve the problem with communication establishment between PC and 1211C (6ES7-211-1BD30-0XB0 Firmware: V 2.0.2). I feel that I've made a stupid mistake somewhere, but can't figure out where exactly it is.
So, I'm using function TRCV_С...
The configuration seems to be okay:
When i set the CONT=1, the connection establishes without any problems...
But, when i set EN_R=1, I'm getting "error 893A".
That's what I have in my diagnostic buffer: (DB9 - is a block where the received data is supposed to be written)
There is an explanation given for "893A" in the manuals: Parameter contains the number of a DB that is not loaded. In diag. buffer its also written that DB9 is not loaded. But in my case it is loaded! So what should I do in this case?
it seems that DB were created or edited manually due to which they are miss aligned with FB instances try removing and DB and FB instances and then add again instances of FBs with automatically created DBs and do a offline dowonload

Perl/Swig/Python/Postgresql/C++ Script just stops executing, only getting "Premature end of script headers"

This is hard to explain in a few sentences. I have spent the last 5 days trying to figure this out, so now I'm asking here as a last resort. I am trying to run a pool physics library with tournament server, built by the Stanford University Computational Billiards Group, available at
It provides a tournament server using apache2, postgresql and perl. I have been able to enable functions like logging in or creating simple matches, but the communication with AI clients does not work. The client is a C++ application I'm running in a terminal, its fetching commands from the server and its printing this error:
XMLRPC error: Unable to transport XML to server and get XML response back. HTTP response code is 500, not 200
And the apache2 error.log is printing this:
[Thu May 17 21:30:17 2012] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers:
I tried running it with CGI::Debug but didnt get any more output. I have been able to identify the line it fails at with some debug outputs (one after every line :) ) and it's in this function, on the line between the print STDERRs:
package Pool::Rules::GameState;
sub addToDb {
my $self=shift;
my $timeleft=shift || $self->timeLeft();
my $timeleft_opp=shift || $self->timeLeftOpp();
#print STDERR "uh uh uh".$self." ".$self->timeLeft()." ".$self->timeLeftOpp()." ".$timeleft." ".$timeleft_opp."\n";
my $playingSolids = ($self->isOpenTable() ? undef : ($self->playingSolids()?1:0));
# print STDERR "addToDb: X".$self->isOpenTable()."X Y".$self->playingSolids()."Y Z".$playingSolids."Z\n";
$Pool::dB::dbh->do('INSERT INTO states (turntype,cur_player_started,playing_solids,timeleft,timeleft_opp,gametype) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)',{},
$self->getTurnType(),$self->curPlayerStarted()?1:0,$playingSolids,$timeleft,$timeleft_opp,$self->gameType()) or STDERR $DBI::errstr;
my $stateid=$Pool::dB::dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT lastval()');
return $stateid;
It's only simple getter-methods. And still, it just stops executing. The code of the getter-methods has been generated by swig. The first print-line prints this:
uh uh uhPool::Rules::GameState=HASH(0x99fa99c) 0 0 00:10:00 00:10:00
Which seems to be okay, just curious that the $self->-getters only print 0. Since the library is from Stanford University and actual competitions have been held with it, I find it hard to believe that this is an error in the code. It just seems to be a bit too old to work (I had to make some adjustments on other places to make it work on more recent versions of libraries, f.ex. I added a < cstddef >-include in another file unrelated to this perl-issue). I first tried making it run on current versions, which I failed. Then I tried to install it on the versions the readme.txt sais it's been tested for (Ubuntu 8.10, Perl 5.10 and so on), but at some point my Ubuntu 8.10 installation always died and I had to reinstall (I tried this ~4 times, the gnome-terminal always Segmentation faulted). So now I'm back in Ubuntu 12 trying to make it work. I dont know much about perl, only the little I have been able to pick up over the last few days trying to get this to run.
Does anyone have an idea what could be triggering this kind of behavior? Is anyone aware of any compatibility issues that may be related to this? If you need any additional information just ask and I'll provide it.
Thank you for your help!