Define a function based on a relation in Coq - coq

I'm working on a theory in which there is a relation C defined as
Parameter Entity: Set.
Parameter C : Entity -> Entity -> Entity -> Prop.
The relation C is a relation of composition of some entities. Instead of C z x y, I want to be able to write x o y = z. So I have two questions:
I think I should define a "function" (the word is perhaps not the right one) named fC that takes x and y and returns z. This way, I could use it in the Notation. But I don't know how to define this "function". Is it possible?
I find that I can use the command Notation to define an operator. Something like Notation "x o y" := fC x y.. Is this the good way to do it?
I tried Notation "x o y" := exists u, C u x y. but it didn't work. Is there a way to do what I want to do?

Unless your relation C has the property that, given x and y, there is a unique z such that C z x y, you cannot view it as representing a full-fledged function the way you suggest. This is why the notion of a relation is needed in that case.
As for defining a notation for the relation property, you can use:
Notation "x 'o y" := (exists u, C u x y) (at level 10).
Note the ' before the o to help the parser handle the notation and the parentheses after the := sign. The level can be changed to suit your parsing preferences.

If you define x 'o y as a proposition, you will lose the intuition of o being a binary operation on Entity (i.e x o y should have type Entity).
You may write some variation like
Notation "x 'o y '= z" := (unique (fun t => C t x y)) (at level 10).
Otherwise, If your relation satisfies:
Hypothesis C_fun: forall x y, {z : Entity | unique (fun t => C t x y) z}.
then you may define:
Notation "x 'o y" := (proj1_sig (C_fun x y)) (at level 10).
Check fun a b: Entity => a 'o b.
Otherwise (if you have only have a weaker version of C_fun, with existsinstead of sig) and accept to use classical logic and axioms), you may use the Epsilon operator


Why does Coq object to the following PairUsualDecidableTypeFull module type?

In Coq.Structures.EqualitiesFacts, there is a convenient PairUsualDecidableType module type for building a UsualDecidableType module from the cartesian product of two others.
It seems that there is no corresponding PairUsualDecidableTypeFull module type for doing the same with UsualDecidableTypeFulls.
I tried to create one, beginning as follows:
Module PairUsualDecidableTypeFull(D1 D2:UsualDecidableTypeFull) <: UsualDecidableTypeFull.
Definition t := (D1.t * D2.t)%type.
Definition eq := #eq t.
Instance eq_equiv : Equivalence eq := _.
Definition eq_refl : forall x : t, x = x. Admitted.
Definition eq_sym : forall x y : t, x = y -> y = x. Admitted.
Definition eq_trans : forall x y z : t, x = y -> y = z -> x = z. Admitted.
Definition eq_dec : forall x y, { eq x y }+{ ~eq x y }. Admitted.
Definition eqb : t -> t -> bool. Admitted.
Definition eqb_eq : forall x y : t, eqb x y = true <-> x = y. Admitted.
End PairUsualDecidableTypeFull.
but Coq complains that:
Signature components for label eq_refl do not match: the body of definitions differs.
I do not understand what "signature components" means. Given that the output of Print UsualDecidableTypeFull includes:
Definition eq_refl : forall x : t, #Logic.eq t x x.
the type of eq_refl at least looks right. What else could be wrong?
I am a total amateur and extremely new to Coq, running version 8.9.0. Perhaps what I'm trying to do doesn't make sense for some reason; the fact that the standard libraries include PairUsualDecidableType but not PairUsualDecidableTypeFull makes me a little suspicious I've missed something.
Any guidance would be most welcome, and thanks in advance.
First, the standard library is known to be incomplete. Thus, the fact that one particular definition/lemma/module is not provided does not mean that it should not be there. And it is even more true for modules, since the module system of Coq is little used.
Concerning your problem, in Coq, the boundary between Module and Module Type is thin. In particular, you can have definitions in Module Type, and not only declarations (I am not sure that these terms "definition" and "declaration" are the right words to use here, but I hope it is at least understandable). For instance,
Module Type Sig.
Parameter n : nat.
Definition plus x y := x + y.
End Sig.
is a signature declaring a field n of type nat and defining a field plus as the addition of natural numbers. When writing a module that must comply with this signature, you can implement the declarations as you wish, as long as types correspond, but for definitions, you must basically write exactly the same body as in the signature. For instance, you can write:
Module M <: Sig.
Definition n := 3.
Definition plus x y := x + y.
End M.
You can observe which fields are declarations and which are definitions using Print: declarations appear as Parameter and definitions appear as Definition (but the actual body of the definition is not printed, which is admittedly confusing). In your case, eq, eq_equiv, eq_refl, eq_sym and eq_trans are all definitions in UsualDecidableTypeFull, so you have no choice for their implementation, you must define eq as Logic.eq, eq_equiv as eq_equivalence (cf. the definitions in Equalities), etc. When using Admitted to implement eq_refl, you are using a body different from the one given in the signature. Your module definition is thus rejected with the message the body of definitions differs.
If I come back to your initial problem of writing a functor PairUsualDecidableTypeFull, by digging into Equalities and EqualitiesFacts, I wrote this implementation that reuses as much as possible existing components of the standard library.
Module DT_to_Full (D:DecidableType') <: DecidableTypeFull.
Include Backport_DT (D).
Include HasEqDec2Bool.
End DT_to_Full.
Module PairUsualDecidableTypeFull (D1 D2:UsualDecidableTypeFull)
<: UsualDecidableTypeFull.
Module M := PairUsualDecidableType D1 D2.
Include DT_to_Full (M).
End PairUsualDecidableTypeFull.
I managed to work around this by simply "wrapping" Coq's UsualDecidableTypeFull by defining:
Module Type UDTFW <: UsualDecidableType.
Parameter t : Type.
Definition eq := #Logic.eq t.
Definition eq_equiv : Equivalence eq := _.
Parameter eq_refl : forall x : t, x = x.
Parameter eq_sym : forall x y : t, x = y -> y = x.
Parameter eq_trans : forall x y z : t, x = y -> y = z -> x = z.
Parameter eq_dec : forall x y, { #Logic.eq t x y }+{ ~#Logic.eq t x y }.
Parameter eqb : t -> t -> bool.
Parameter eqb_eq : forall x y : t, eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
together with:
Module Make_UDTFW (X : UsualDecidableTypeFull) <: UDTFW.
Definition t := X.t.
Definition eq := X.eq.
Definition eq_equiv := X.eq_equiv.
Definition eq_refl := X.eq_refl.
Definition eq_sym := X.eq_sym.
Definition eq_trans := X.eq_trans.
Definition eq_dec := X.eq_dec.
Definition eqb := X.eqb.
Definition eqb_eq := X.eqb_eq.
End Make_UDTFW.
Having introduced this bizarre-looking extra level of indirection at the module level, the defintion of PairUsualDecidableTypeFull in the question actually works, except using UDTFW everywhere intead of UsualDecidableTypeFull.
This rather ugly workaround turns out to suffice for my purposes but I'd be very interested to understand what the real issue is here.

Characteristic function of a union

In a constructive setting such as Coq's, I expect the proof of a disjunction A \/ B to be either a proof of A, or a proof of B. If I reformulate this on subsets of a type X, it says that if I have a proof that x is in A union B, then I either have a proof that x is in A, or a proof that x is in B. So I want to define the characteristic function of a union by case analysis,
Definition characteristicUnion (X : Type) (A B : X -> Prop)
(x : X) (un : A x \/ B x) : nat.
It will be equal to 1 when x is in A, and to 0 when x is in B. However Coq does not let me destruct un, because "Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive definition or".
Is there another way in Coq to model subsets of type X, that would allow me to construct those characteristic functions on unions ? I do not need to extract programs, so I guess simply disabling the previous error on case analysis would work for me.
Mind that I do not want to model subsets as A : X -> bool. That would be unecessarily stronger : I do not need laws of excluded middle such as "either x is in A or x is not in A".
As pointed out by #András Kovács, Coq prevents you from "extracting" computationally relevant information from types in Prop in order to allow some more advanced features to be used. There has been a lot of research on this topic, including recently Univalent Foundations / HoTT, but that would go beyond the scope of this question.
In your case you want indeed to use the type { A } + { B } which will allow you to do what you want.
I think the union of subsets should be a subset as well. We can do this by defining union as pointwise disjunction:
Definition subset (X : Type) : Type := X -> Prop.
Definition union {X : Type}(A B : subset X) : subset X := fun x => A x \/ B x.

Using 'convoy pattern' to obtain proof inside code of equality of pattern match

It is a standard example of beginner's textbooks on category theory to argue that a preorder gives rise to a category (where the hom-set hom(x,y) is a singleton or empty depending on whether x <= y). When attempting to formalize this idea in coq, it is natural to view an arrow of as a triple (x,y,pxy) where x y:A (A being a type on which we have a preorder) and pxy is a proof that x <= y. So naturally, when attempting to define a composition of two arrows (x,y,pxy) and (y',z,pyz), we need to returnSome arrow whenever y = y' (or None otherwise). This implies that we are able to test for equality within the function, and compute a proof (the last field of our triple, which may rely on the fact that things are equal).
For the sake of this question, suppose I have:
Parameter eq_dec : forall {A:Type}, A -> A -> bool.
Axiom eq_dec_correct : forall (A:Type) (x y:A),
eq_dec x y = true -> x = y. (* don't care about equivalence here *)
and let us assume I am attempting something simpler than defining composition between arrows, by writing a function which returns a proof that x = y whenever x = y.
Definition test {A:Type} (x y : A) : option (x = y) :=
match eq_dec x y with
| true => Some (eq_dec_correct A x y _)
| false => None
This doesn't work of course, but probably gives you the idea of what I am trying to achieve. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Ok it seems this is a case of 'convoy pattern'. I have found this link which suggested to me:
Definition test (A:Type) (x y:A) : option (x = y) :=
match eq_dec x y as b return eq_dec x y = b -> option (x = y) with
| true => fun p => Some (eq_dec_correct A x y p)
| false => fun _ => None
end (eq_refl (eq_dec x y)).
This seems to be working. It is a bit magical and confusing but I'll get my head round it.

How to express subset relation in Coq?

How can I describe in Coq that one set Y is a subset of another set X?
I tested the following:
Definition subset (Y X:Set) : Prop :=
forall y:Y, y:X.
, trying to express that if an element y is in Y, then y is in X. But this generates type errors about y, not surprisingly.
Is there an easy way to define subset in Coq?
Here is how it is done in the standard library (Coq.Logic.ClassicalChoice):
Definition subset (U:Type) (P Q:U->Prop) : Prop := forall x, P x -> Q x.
Unary predicates P and Q represent some subsets of the (universal) set U, so the above definition reads: whenever some x is in P, it is in Q at the same time.
A somewhat similar defintion can be found in Coq.MSets.MSetInterface:
Definition Subset s s' := forall a : elt, In a s -> In a s'.
where In has type elt -> t -> Prop, which means that some element of type elt is a member of a set of type t.

Coq - use Prop (True | False) in if ... then ... else

I'm kind of new to Coq.
I'm trying to implement a generic version of insertion sort. I'm implementing is as a module that takes a Comparator as a parameter. This Comparator implements comparison operators (such as is_eq, is_le, is_neq, etc.).
In insertion sort, in order to insert, I must compare two elements in the input list, and based on the result of the comparison, insert the element into the correct location.
My problem is that the implementations of the comparison operators are type -> type -> prop (i need them to be like this for implementation of other types/proofs). I'd rather not create type -> type -> bool versions of the operators if it can be avoided.
Is there any way to convert a True | False prop to a bool for use in a if ... then ... else clause?
The comparator module type:
Module Type ComparatorSig.
Parameter X: Set.
Parameter is_eq : X -> X -> Prop.
Parameter is_le : X -> X -> Prop.
Parameter is_neq : X -> X -> Prop.
Infix "=" := is_eq (at level 70).
Infix "<>" := (~ is_eq) (at level 70).
Infix "<=" := is_le (at level 70).
Parameter eqDec : forall x y : X, { x = y } + { x <> y }.
Axiom is_le_trans : forall (x y z:X), is_le x y -> is_le y z -> is_le x z.
End ComparatorSig.
An implementation for natural numbers:
Module IntComparator <: Comparator.ComparatorSig.
Definition X := nat.
Definition is_le x y := x <= y.
Definition is_eq x y := eq_nat x y.
Definition is_neq x y:= ~ is_eq x y.
Definition eqDec := eq_nat_dec.
Definition is_le_trans := le_trans.
End IntComparator.
The insertion part of insertion sort:
Fixpoint insert (x : IntComparator .X) (l : list IntComparator .X) :=
match l with
| nil => x :: nil
| h :: tl => if IntComparator.is_le x h then x :: h :: tl else h :: (insert x tl)
(obviously, the insert fixpoint doesn't work, since is_le is returns Prop and not bool).
Any help is appreciated.
You seem to be a bit confused about Prop.
is_le x y is of type Prop, and is the statement x is less or equal to y. It is not a proof that this statement is correct. A proof that this statement is correct would be p : is_le x y, an inhabitant of that type (i.e. a witness of that statement's truth).
This is why it does not make much sense to pattern match on IntComparator.is_le x h.
A better interface would be the following:
Module Type ComparatorSig.
Parameter X: Set.
Parameter is_le : X -> X -> Prop.
Parameter is_le_dec : forall x y, { is_le x y } + { ~ is_le x y }.
In particular, the type of is_le_dec is that of a decision procedure for the property is_le, that is, it returns either a proof that x <= y, or a proof that ~ (x <= y). Since this is a type with two constructors, you can leverage the if sugar:
... (if IntComparator.is_le_dec x h then ... else ...) ...
This is, in some sense, an enhanced bool, which returns a witness for what it is trying to decide. The type in question is called sumbool and you can learn about it here:
In general, it does not make sense to talk about True or False in executing code.
First, because these live in Prop, which means that they cannot be computationally relevant as they will be erased.
Second, because they are not the only inhabitants of Prop. While true and false are the only values of type bool, which implies you can pattern-match, the type Prop contains an infinite number of elements (all the statements you can imagine), thus it makes no sense to try and pattern-match on a element of type Prop.