Autocomplete how do we resolve error -Material-UI: The key `underline` provided to the classes prop is not implemented in ForwardRef(InputBase) - autocomplete

Hi I tried to use Textbox instead of textfield, and I get following error.
I do not get error with TextField, but had to use Textbox for some reasons.
All the functionality works fine, but every-time I type I see this error in console
noOptionsText="No matching results"
onInputChange={(e, value) =>handleChange(value)}
onSelect={() => selectHandleClick(searchValue)}
renderInput={(params) => (
// classes={{ root: classes.customTextField }}
style: {
maxHeight: '15rem',
fontFamily: '"Open Sans", sans-serif',
fontSize: '16px',
mergeClasses.js?653b:36 Material-UI: The key underline provided to the classes prop is not implemented in ForwardRef(InputBase).
You can only override one of the following: root,formControl,focused,disabled,adornedStart,adornedEnd,error,marginDense,multiline,colorSecondary,fullWidth,input,inputMarginDense,inputMultiline,inputTypeSearch,inputAdornedStart,inputAdornedEnd,inputHiddenLabel.


material text field label not copyable?

I am using MUI's Text Field component and found there's literally no way to copy the label contents. Is there a way to copy the label somehow?
See the demo here:
It is because material UI is disabling the label selection using CSS.
You can enable it back in a few ways. You can enable it for a certain field or across all of them using the material UI theme override ability.
In order to enable label selection only to one field, you have pass an additional prop to your TextField: InputLabelProps={{ sx: { userSelect: "text" } }}
And here I have provided you with the second way to do that for all the text fields:
import * as React from "react";
import Box from "#mui/material/Box";
import TextField from "#mui/material/TextField";
import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from "#mui/material/styles";
const theme = createTheme({
components: {
MuiInputLabel: {
styleOverrides: {
root: {
userSelect: "text"
const StateTextFields = () => {
const [name, setName] = React.useState("Cat in the Hat");
const handleChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
return (
"& > :not(style)": { m: 1, width: "25ch" }
export default () => (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<StateTextFields />
Of course, you can extract this ThemeProvider into a separate file and wrap with it the whole project, not only this file. It is combined just for the example.
I found a way that this can be done using the helperText and my solution is more of a hack. I am using the helperText and positioning it where the label was used to be, giving it a background and bringing it to front using z-index.
Also you can either choose to use the label or replace it with the placeholder depending if you are happy with the animation.
Here is a codesandbox based on your code in case you need it.
// placeholder="Name"
"& .MuiFormHelperText-root": {
top: "-11px",
position: "absolute",
zIndex: "1",
background: "white",
padding: "0 4px",

Material UI Autocomplete + Infinite Scrolling together?

Problem : Getting double Scrollbars - Removing Paper Scrollbar makes the autocomplete content not scrollable hence showing ONLY the contents in the visible height of the dropdown.
If I hide the other scroll then the Infinite Scroll API does not get invoked. How can I get it working :
Description -
I am trying to create a Infinite Scroll with Material UI Autocomplete for which I am using react-infinite-scroll-component attached link for reference
The way I implemented is :
As we need to attach the Infinite Scroll to the Popper that renders the list items; hence I have written my custom PAPER Component (as per documentation it is responsible for rendering items in the dropdown )
My InfiniteScrollAutoComplete definition is attached below :
options={ && !== null ? : []}
getOptionLabel={(option) =>}
PaperComponent={(param) => (
hasMore={ < ? true : false}
<p style={{ textAlign: "center", backgroundColor: "#f9dc01" }}>
<p style={{ textAlign: "center", backgroundColor: "#f9dc01" }}>
<b>Yay! You have seen it all</b>
<Paper {...param} />
renderInput={(params) => (
<TextField {...params} label="" variant="outlined" />
const observer = useRef();
const lastOptionElementRef = useCallback((node) => {
if (observer.current) observer.current.disconnect();
observer.current = new IntersectionObserver(async (entries) => {
if (entries[0].isIntersecting && props.hasMore) {
setPageNumber((pageNumber) => pageNumber + 1);
if (node) observer.current.observe(node);
}, [props.loader]);
you can add this lastOptionElementRef to the last element of the options using the render option prop. This will trigger an function whenever the last option is visible in the viewport. Also, it avoids the scrolling issue

Unable to see results with AsyncTypeahead with multiple option and renderInput

I'm trying to use a custom Input component on a Typeahead with the multiple option set. I see in the docs it says to "handle the refs" correctly, but I see no examples of how this is done. I'm not sure what to pass into referenceElementRef. Everything I've tried so far just doesn't render the options as I type. I see them in the DOM, but the opacity of the .rbt-menu is set to 0, so they're basically hidden.
Here's my code so far:
const divRef = React.useRef(null);
return (
<div ref={divRef}>
<span className="uppercase">
<FormattedMessage id="d.customer" defaultMessage="Customer" tagName="h4" />
'aria-label': 'Customer search',
style: { fontSize: '14px' },
onSearch={(term: string) => handleFilterInputs(term, 'customers')}
id: 'companyName',
defaultMessage: 'Company name',
onChange={(filterItem: any) => handleAutocompleteUpdate(filterItem, 'customer')}
renderInput={({ inputRef, referenceElementRef, ...inputProps }: any) => (
style={{ position: 'relative' }}
ref={(input: any) => {
referenceElementRef(divRef); // What do I put here?
And this is what renders in the DOM after I type in the Typeahead and get results:
Any ideas or working examples of Typeahead using multiple and renderInput together?
Here's a codesandbox of what I'm seeing. I also see that the problem is also happening when multiple is NOT set. It seems to be an issue with using renderInput. Is it required that I also use renderMenu?
If you upgrade the typeahead version in your sandbox to the latest version (v5.1.1) and pass the input element to referenceElementRef, it works (note that you need to type some characters into the input for the menu to appear):
// v5.0 or later
renderInput={({ inputRef, referenceElementRef, ...inputProps }) => (
ref={(input) => {
The menu is rendered in relation to the referenceElementRef node by react-popper. In most common cases, the reference node will be the input itself. The reason there's both an inputRef and a referenceElementRef is for more complex cases (like multi-selection) where the menu needs to be rendered in relation to a container element around the input.
If using v4 of the component, the approach is similar, but the ref to use is simply called ref:
// v4
renderInput={({ inputRef, ref, ...inputProps }) => (
ref={(input) => {

Material UI Tabs no selected tab

I'm trying to use Material UI Tabs for navigation. However, there are routes in my application that match none of the tabs. When I pass a value to the Tabs component that does not match any of the child tab values, I get a warning about an invalid value.
I created a hidden tab will a value of null as a work-around.
Is it possible to disable this warning about an invalid tab value?
Can tabs in Material UI have no selection?
The value of the currently selected Tab. If you don't want any selected Tab, you can set this property to false.
What I ended up doing is creating a switch statement with valid tab values, and if windows.location.pathname doesn't match any of them have the default return false.
Example Routes:
class Routes extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Route path={'/test2'} component={Test2} />
<Route path={'/test3'} component={Test3} />
<Route exact path={'/'} component={Test} />
Example NavBar:
checkPathnameValue() {
const { pathname } = window.location;
switch (pathname) {
case '/test2':
case '/test3':
return false;
return pathname;
render() {
const { classes } = this.props;
const tabValue = this.checkPathnameValue();
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
<AppBar position={'static'}>
<Tabs value={tabValue}>
label={'Test 2'}
label={'Test 3'}
Seems like setting the value property of Tabs to false will not show any warning and will deselect all the tabs correctly.
Philip's solution works perfectly, here I am just removing the need for the switch case.
In my case, I only had one tab (Login) where I wanted no tab to be selected since it is a button rather than a tab.
Here's what I did to solve this:
<Tabs value={this.state.content !== "login" ? this.state.content : false} onChange={(event, newValue) => { this.setState({content: newValue}) }}>
<Tab value="home" label="Home" wrapped />
<Tab value="tab1" label="Tab 1" />
<Tab value="tab2" label="Tab 2" />
on another part of my AppBar I had a Login button:
<Button onClick={(event, newValue) => { this.setState({content: "login"}) }}>Login</Button >
Similarly to Philips's answer, the key is in {this.state.content !== "login" ? this.state.content : false} which prevents Tabs from being rendered with "login" value. Instead, it is given the value "false" which is allowed and does not invoke the warning.
I also experienced this issue a while back and follow the same pattern.
return <Tabbar value={value ?? false} onChange={(event: React.ChangeEvent<{}>, value: any) => onChange(value)}>{tabs}</Tabbar>
Toggle Effect
To get a toggle effect the listener will need to be placed on the individual <Tab onClick/> events as <Tabs onChange> will not trigger when clicking the same button multiple times.
const Container = ()=>{
const [currentTab,setCurrentTab] = React.useState<string|false>('a')
const handleChange = (val: string) =>
setCurrentTab(val === currentTab ? false : val)
return <Tabs value={currentTab}>
<Tab value='a' label='a' onClick={()=>handleChange('a')}/>
<Tab value='b' label='b' onClick={()=>handleChange('b')}/>

React: how to use child FormItem components without getting Warning: validateDOMNesting: <form> cannot appear as a descendant of <form>

Given the parent component, I am using a child component DynamicFieldSet that is a grouping of FormItems. But I am receiving the error:
Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <form> cannot appear as a descendant of <form>. See CreateTopic > Form > form > ... > DynamicFieldSet > Form > form.
I have tried to remove the <Form> </Form> tags in my child component, but then it is a compile error.
Is there a way I can disable rendering of the child Form view?
Parent component
class CreateTopic extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="create-topic-container">
<h3>Create an event</h3>
<Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
style={{ marginBottom: SPACING_FORM_ITEM }}
{getFieldDecorator('results', {
rules: [
required: true,
message: 'Results cannot be empty.',
DynamicFieldSet - Child component
export class DynamicFieldSet extends React.Component {
render() {
getFieldDecorator('keys', { initialValue: ['0', '1'] });
const keys = getFieldValue('keys');
const formItems =, index) => {
return (
{getFieldDecorator(`results[${k}]`, {
validateTrigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'],
rules: [
required: true,
whitespace: true,
message: 'Result name cannot be empty.',
validator: this.validateLength,
})(<Input placeholder={`Result #${index + 1}`} style={{ width: '80%', marginRight: 8 }} />)}
{keys.length > 2 ? (
disabled={keys.length === 1}
onClick={() => this.remove(k)}
) : null}
return (
<FormItem {...formItemLayoutWithOutLabel}>
{keys.length < 10 ? (
<Button type="dashed" onClick={this.add} style={{ width: '80%' }}>
<Icon type="plus" />Add Result
) : null}
I faced this issue when using ant design table and turns out its not ant design which throws the warning. It's the web standards description
"Every form must be enclosed within a FORM element. There can be several forms in a single document, but the FORM element can't be nested."
So, there should not be a form tag inside a form tag.
To solve the issue (in our case), remove the Form tag inside the DynamicFieldSet "return" and replace with a div tag
Hope it helps :)
You can portal a form like this:
import Portal from '#material-ui/core/Portal';
const FooComponent = (props) => {
const portalRef = useRef(null);
return <>
First form
<div ref={portalRef} />
<Portal container={portalRef.current}>
<form>Another form here</form>
In the example above I use the react material-ui Portal component. But you can try to implement it with React Portals as well
If you're using MUI, the Box component contains an attribute that identifies them as any native HTML container; form is one of them. E.g:
"& > :not(style)": { m: 1, width: "25ch" },
In such case, we just need to delete that attribute, it will default to a DIV. The form will continue to work as expected, and the error will disappear off the console.
In my case this is occur bcoz of i declared <form> inside another <form/> tag.