ActiveMQ Artemis topology for enterprise-wide messaging in clustering mode - activemq-artemis

We are trying to build a solution on ActiveMQ Artemis which offers a high availability solution where multiple producers can put message and at the same time, a huge set of consumer can come and pick the message. In theory we should be able to deal with millions of message/hour.
I have checked through documentation and a few sites that does not talk about clustering, yes options are there like failover, etc.
Could someone please help me redirect to a good documentation which talk a more on this space and which topology is idea on which case.


Monitor if Kafka is up?

I need to simply monitor if my Kafka cluster is up. Occasionally the machines running Kafka were shutdown. I want to send an email alert if the cluster is not available.
I can create a producer and consumer to send and receive dummy messages periodically. Is there a simpler way to do it?
You can use
It won't send you emails, but it much easier than send dummy messages
Actually knowing if cluster is up is not so easy at all, there is discussion with community what is the best practice to decide if kafka cluster is up and active but there is no current good way to get this information, as kafka architecture is distributed system, you might have big clusters and while one or more brokers are down , still having your cluster to give high available service, not effecting the integrity of data. Also you might have problems with one topic while on other topics it might work fine.
One suggestion I read which might give you the most certain approach is to produce "dummy" msgs to your applicative topics, and "skip" these msgs on consumption, that guarantee you that your application would work. I don't like this approach very much as it requires to "send junk to your main topics"
Other approaches are like you say "produce/consume to/from test/healthcheck topic" but it is might not give full guarantee that your application would work, this is a lot like select from dummy in other db approaches... if for them is good enough....
Another suggestion is to use AdminClient to read the metrics of cluster, if metrics are provided that usually means the cluster is healthy , also not very good guarantee...
I asked in comment which language are you using, maybe you are using something like spring which has HealthIndicator to check component status, but for your case it would be little different.
First of all, you should know that Kafka by default should be High
Available, so while building the cluster you should follow the bold
lines of best practices, you should ensure that you have replicas of
machines. This is good assumption that will make you satisfied over implementing all of this.
But, if you want to check health of a cluster, you can use admin process, you can use AdminClient, with help of some utilities; you can check list of topics, groups, etc that you have. But this not 100% guarantee for you although it is good workaround.
You can do that using as you mentioned periodic scheduler, and send email based on the findings you get. But again this is not the ideal solution, and HA cluster infrastructure should save lots of time for you if you build it correctly from the beginning.

Ensure Fairness in Publisher/Subscriber Pattern

How can I ensure fairness in the Pub/Sub Pattern in e.g. kafka when one publisher produces thousands of messages, while all other producers are in a low digit of messages? It's not predictable which producer will have high activity.
It would be great if other messages from other producers don't have to wait hours just because one producer is very very active.
What are the patterns for that? Is it possible with Kafka or another technology like Google PubSub? If yes, how?
Multiple partitions also doesn't work very well in that case, or I can see how.
In Kafka, you could utilise the concept of quotas to prevent a certain clients to monopolise the cluster resources.
There are 2 types of quotas that can be enforced:
Network bandwidth quotas
Request rate quotas
More detailed information on how these can be configured can be found in the official documentation of Kafka.

Mapping out a Kafka+Zookeeper cluster

I inherited a Kafka/Zookeeper installation. I have a passing knowledge of those - I know the general architecture, how clients work, about topics, etc., have been involved in programming Java clients etc.
But the installation is somewhat dubious. They are three instances of Kafka and Zookeeper each (in their separate docker containers). Supposedly they should work, but what I am seeing is all processes spout immense amount of log output with loads and loads of (diverse) warnings and errors. I have the impression that some of these seem to be quite normal (or are being self-healed all the time), and am having a very hard time figuring if everything works as intended or not, and set up correctly.
Some of these are - according to Google - related to unclean shutdowns of the brokers; corrupted individual topics and such. As this is a test environment, I can easily delete such files.
I know about some commands which help me check topics etc. (basic stuff, like listing them, displaying their individual configuration etc.).
Is there an online ressource/documentation which can be used as a systematic walkthrough to check whether everything is basically setup OK; for example to clear up these questions:
Do the three Zookeepers and the three Kafka instances correctly talk to each other for high-availability purposes? Do they have a correct "leader" etc.?
Are the servers generally "healthy", i.e., easily able to accept connections etc.?
How are the topics working (what's in there, how many messages, etc.)?
I am aware that one may very quickly dismiss this question as too generic; I am not asking you to solve my problems. I am looking for a ressource to systematically walk through such an installation - it may or may not cover the examples I have given, but it definitely should give a systematic way to find out if things are fundamentally wrong.
Rather than looking solely at logs, you might want to familiarize yourself with JMX metrics and how you can gather them across the cluster.
If you want to actually collect and analyze logs, you'll likely need to separately use something like Elasticsearch.
You won't see "how many messages" in a topic, and you'll need even more monitoring to know if a port is actually open and the Kafka process is running, the disks are filling up, etc.
My point here is that, Kafka needs fed and watered, if you plan to productionalize it, you can't just set up a small cluster and forget about it. Even if you think it's setup correctly at the beginning, increasing the load on it will cause it to fall in a bad state eventually.
For a limited trial for your dev environment to get a full look at your cluster health, Confluent Control Center can assist with that.
To solve the "what's in there" problem, I suggest you setup a Schema Registry, and convince Kafka producers to use it.
This packtpub tutorial/training by Stéphane Maarek is wonderful resource for setting kafka in cluster mode. However he did that in AWS cloud in ubuntu VM.
I have followed the same steps and installed in Vagrant VMs in cent OS. You can find the code here.
The VM has yahoo kafka manager to monitor the kafka internal details. list of broker available, healthy , partitions, leaders etc.,
kafka manager can help you with high level monitoring.
Please provide your comments.

Is Kafka ready for production use?

I have an application in production that has to process several gigabytes of messages per day. I like the Kafka architecture and performance a lot; it perfectly fits my needs.
I'd like to replace my messaging layer with Kafka at some point. Is the 0.7.1 version good enough for production use in terms of stability and consistency in performance?
It is definitely in use at several Big Data companies already, including LinkedIn, where it was created (and later open sourced), and Tumblr. Just Tumblr by itself handles many gigabytes of messages per day. I'm sure LinkedIn is way up there too. You can see a list of companies known to currently use it here:
Also, be sure to subscribe to their mailing list, there are lots of people actively trying it out and using it in production environments.
I'm sure it can handle whatever volume you can throw at it.
There is one critical feature I think Kafka is missing before it is ready for production.
"Flushing messages to disc if the producer can't reach any Kafka broker"
The issue has been filed a long time ago here:
This feature will makes the complete Kafka event pipline even more robust for some use-cases when the producer always has to be able to send events. For example when you track pageviews or like-button clicks and you don't want to miss any events, even if all Kafka brokers are unreachable.
I must agree with Dave, Kafka is a good tool but it missing some basic features which some can be done manually but then you need to think what Kafka provide. some missing things are:
(As Dave said) Flushing messages to disk when the producer fail to send them
Consumers ability to track which messages were handled (not just consumed) and which wasn't in case of a restart.
Monitoring - a way to receive the current status of the entities in the system like the current size of the queue in the producer or the write\read pace at the brokers (those can be done but are not part of the tool).
I have used kafka for quite sometime. Using native java and python clients would be preferred.
I had to struggle a lot finding a proper node.js client. literally re-wrote my whole code many a times using different clients as they had lot of bugs.
Finally settled with franz-kafka for node.js.
Apart from that maintaining the consumer offsets is a bit difficult. It is missing some good features like exchanges that exist in AMQP based Apache Qpid or RabbitMQ
Since it's distributed, supports offline messages and the performance is really impressive. I too preferred it :)

How to implement a competing consumer solution?

As a exercise I'm trying to find an example which implements competing consumer.
many producers - > MSMQueue <- competing consumers
So far I did not find any documentation on how to achieve this. My first attempt to figure out how is implemented in MassTransit or NServiceBus failed to many layers of indirection.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
With MassTransit and MSMQ you can achieve this using the Distributor component.
Note that if you use MassTransit with RabbitMQ instead of MSMQ, you can implement a competing consumer scenario without using the Distributor, simply by setting the same queue name for all consumers. If you can choose between MSMQ and RabbitMQ, I'd go for RabbitMQ, as you get better management tools and SSL encryption, and it plays nicely with firewalls too.
There is some discussion on this over on the MassTransit Google Groups forum.