From the docs for svv_table_info, pct_used is
Percent of available space that is used by the table
So then I wondered, what is the defintion for 'available space' ?
Google led me to an article that said this :
The query below will give you the percentage of storage used in your
cluster, which you can use to check if this is the reason for slow
query performance. If you’re nearing capacity (80% or greater),
consider adding some more nodes or truncating some unused historical
SELECT sum(pct_used) FROM svv_table_info;
That doesn't make sense, as svv_table_info only shows you tables in the current database, not for all tables in all databases the cluster, so could never reflect cluster capacity !?
I ran that query in 1 database and it resulted in 0.9490
So is it telling me that the current Database is at 94% capacity ?
If so, what defines the capacity for each of my numerous databases within the cluster ?
Logging in to the AWS console, my cluster is running at 1% capacity.
Can anyone help me make sense of all this please ?
I'm sure its very simple, but finding documentation seems to be sketchy.
I've got a postgres database which I recently vacuumed. I understand that process marks space as available for future use, but for the most part does not return it to the OS.
I need to track how close I am to using up that available "slack space" so I can ensure the entire database does not start to grow again.
Is there a way to see how much empty space the database has inside it?
I'd prefer to just do a VACUUM FULL and monitor disk consumption, but I can't lock the table for a prolonged period, nor do I have the disk space.
Running version 13 on headless Ubuntu if that's important.
Just like internal free space is not given back to the OS, it also isn't shared between tables or other relations (like indexes). So having freespace in one table isn't going to help if a different table is the one growing. You can use pg_freespacemap to get a fast approximate answer for each table, or pgstattuple for more detailed data.
I created a test Postgres database in AWS RDS. Created a 100 million row, 2 column table. Ran select * on that table. Postgres reports "Buffers: shared hit=24722 read=521226" but AWS reports IOPS in the hundreds. Why this huge discrepancy? Broadly, I'm trying to figure out how to estimate the number of AWS I/O operations a query might cost.
PostgreSQL does not have insight into what the kernel/FS get up to. If PostgreSQL issues a system call to read the data, then it reports that buffer as "read". If it was actually served out of the kernel's filesystem cache, rather than truly from disk, PostgreSQL has no way of knowing that (although you can make some reasonable statistical guesses if track_io_timing is on), while AWS's IO monitoring tool would know.
If you set shared_buffers to a large fraction of memory, then there would be little room left for a filesystem cache, so most buffers reported as read should truly have been read from disk. This might not be a good way run the system, but it might provide some clarity to your EXPLAIN plans. I've also heard rumors that Amazon Aurora reimplemented the storage system so that it uses directIO, or something similar, and so doesn't use the filesystem cache at all.
I have set up a free tier MongoDB-atlas database and have a script that is storing tweets on it. Using db.collection.stats() it says storage size is 32768 which will fill up quite fast. Firstly, what happens when you exceed this limit? are new entries rejected or something else? Secondly, is there a way to deal with this without upgrading? For example, is it possible to clear entries before exceeding capacity?
When you exceed the limit the atlas cluster node will have exceeded the limit will be unavailable. It may be possible that the entire cluster will go down and then you will need to contact the MongoDB support to make the cluster up.
Although the best option is this that you need to upgrade to next tier for having more storage capacity. But in case you don't want that in that case you may write a script to delete old data from your cluster and after deleting the data make sure to run the compact command to reclaim the data storage.
I recently upgraded a Postgres 9.6 instance to 11.1 on Google Cloud SQL. Since then I've begun to notice a large number of the following error across multiple queries:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not resize shared
memory segment "/PostgreSQL.78044234" to 2097152 bytes: No space left
on device
From what I've read, this is probably due to changes that came in PG10, and the typical solution involves increasing the instance's shared memory. To my knowledge this isn't possible on Google Cloud SQL though. I've also tried adjusting work_mem with no positive effect.
This may not matter, but for completeness, the instance is configured with 30 gigs of RAM, 120 gigs of SSD hd space and 8 CPU's. I'd assume that Google would provide an appropriate shared memory setting for those specs, but perhaps not? Any ideas?
Setting the database flag random_page_cost to 1 appears to have reduced the impact the issue. This isn't a full solution though so would still love to get a proper fix if one is out there.
Credit goes to this blog post for the idea.
The original issue report was closed and a new internal issue that isnt viewable by the public was created. According to a GCP Account Manager's email reply however, a fix was rolled out by Google on 8/11/2019.
This worked for me, I think google needs to change a flag on how they're starting the postgres container on their end that we can't influence inside postgres.
Bingo. Somehow your container tech is limiting shared memory. That
error is working as designed. You could figure out how to fix the
mount options, or you could disable parallelism with
max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 0.
show max_parallel_workers_per_gather;
-- 2
-- Run your query
-- Query fails
alter user ${MY_PROD_USER} set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=0;
-- Run query again -- query should work
alter user ${MY_PROD_USER} set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=2;
-- -- Run query again -- fails
You may consider increasing Tier of the instance, that will have influence on machine memory, vCPU cores, and resources available to your Cloud SQL instance. Check available machine types
In Google Cloud SQL PostgreSQL is also possible to change database flags, that have influence on memory consumption:
max_connections: some memory resources can be allocated per-client, so the maximum number of clients suggests the maximum possible memory use
shared_buffers: determines how much memory is dedicated to PostgreSQL to use for caching data
autovacuum - should be on.
I recommend lowering the limits, to lower memory consumption.
Having a postgres DB on AWS-RDS the Swap Usage in constantly rising.
Why is it rising? I tried rebooting but it does not sink. AWS writes that high swap usage is "indicative of performance issues"
I am writing data to this DB. CPU and Memory do look healthy:
To be precise i have a
db.t2.micro-Instance and at the moment ~30/100 GB Data in 5 Tables - General Purpose SSD. With the default postgresql.conf.
The swap-graph looks as follows:
Swap Usage warning:
Well It seems that your queries are using a memory volume over your available. So you should look at your queries execution plan and find out largest loads. That queries exceeds the memory available for postgresql. Usually over-much joining (i.e. bad database structure, which would be better denonarmalized if applicable), or lots of nested queries, or queries with IN clauses - those are typical suspects. I guess amazon delivered as much as possible for postgresql.conf and those default values are quite good for this tiny machine.
But once again unless your swap size is not exceeding your available memory and your are on a SSD - there would be not that much harm of it
check the
select * from pg_stat_activity;
and see if which process taking long and how many processes sleeping, try to change your RDS DBparameter according to your need.
Obviously you ran out of memory. db.t2.micro has only 1GB of RAM. You should look in htop output to see which processes takes most of memory and try to optimize memory usage. Also there is nice utility called pgtop ( which shows current queries, number of rows read, etc. You can use it to view your postgress state in realtime. By the way, if you cannot install pgtop you can get just the same information from posgres internal tools - check out documentation of postgres stats collector
Actually it is difficult to say what the problem is exactly but db.t2.micro is a very limited instance. You should consider taking a biggier instance especially if you are using postgres in production.