How to get file extension from base64 String in Flutter | Dart - flutter

I have a base64 string of a document from api. I want to know which extension/file format is that. Because if it is in jpg/jpeg/png i want to show it in image widget. Or if it is in pdf format i want to show it in PdfView widget. So is there any way to get file extension from base64. Is there any package for it?

If you have a base64 string you can detect file type by checking the first character of your base64 string:
'/' means jpeg.
'i' means png.
'R' means gif.
'U' means webp.
'J' means PDF.
I wrote a function for that:
String getBase64FileExtension(String base64String) {
switch (base64String.characters.first) {
case '/':
return 'jpeg';
case 'i':
return 'png';
case 'R':
return 'gif';
case 'U':
return 'webp';
case 'J':
return 'pdf';
return 'unknown';

If you don't have the original filename, there's no way to recover it. That's metadata that's not part of the file's content, and base64 encoding operates only on the file's content. It'd be best if you could save the original filename.
If you can't, you can use package:mime to guess the MIME type of the file from a small amount of binary data. You could decode the first n×4 characters from the base64 string (a valid base64 string must have a length that's a multiple of 4), decode it, and call lookupMimeType.
package:mime has a defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength value that you can use to compute n dynamically:
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:mime/mime.dart' as mime;
String? guessMimeTypeFromBase64(String base64String) {
// Compute the minimum length of the base64 string we need to decode
// [mime.defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength] bytes. base64 encodes 3 bytes of
// binary data to 4 characters.
var minimumBase64Length = (mime.defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength / 3).ceil() * 4;
return mime.lookupMimeType(
headerBytes: base64.decode(base64String.substring(0, minimumBase64Length)),
For the types that package:mime supports as of writing, mime.defaultMagicNumbersMaxLength is 12 (which translates to needing to decode the first 16 bytes from the base64 string).


Flutter how to display an image from base64

I am using an API that brings data like this:
"photos": [
"id": 6,
"name": "Seguridad",
"base64Image": "...",
What I need to do is to display the photos in a screen in my App. I've searched how to do it but I kept having the same error message: Exception: Invalid Image Data. I've read that what I need to do is to encode my base64 String, then decode that and then use it on Image.Memory, like this:
String image = '...';
var bs64 = base64.encode(utf8.encode(example));
Uint8List decodedImage = base64.decode(bs64);
// --------
I've tried using different base64 strings but the error is always there. I appreciate any help with this.
Because you are not decoding base64 string.
You have to remove data:image/jpeg;base64, (comma included)
you have to remove that because that data:image/jpeg;base64, just indicates that the string is image data with jpeg format which is encoded as base64 string.
So, the actual base64 data starts after it and you have to decode that.

Decoding base64 string to image in flutter (Invalid character exception)

Basically I'm trying to convert a base64 jpeg image to normal image in flutter using
the image initially used to be jp/2 format which isn't supported by flutter so i converted the jp/2 base64 string to bitmap in java and then to base64 string jpeg to be able to decode it in flutter using this code :
public static String encodeToBase64(Bitmap image)
Bitmap immagex=image;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
immagex.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
String imageEncoded = Base64.encodeToString(b, Base64.DEFAULT);
return imageEncoded;
how ever when i try to decode this base64 string in flutter i'm getting this error
Invalid character (at character 77)
which is pointing to the last C in the given line.
i don't seem understand where does the issue come from since i can convert my base64 string to image online but in flutter it throws that exception every time
thank you very much #Jamesdlin for the solution that was given in the comments
The issue was due to whitespace in the base64 string , solved by using
base64.decode(photoBase64.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\s'), '')),
If your URI contains data after the comma as it is defined by RFC-2397. Dart's Uri class is based on RFC-3986, so you can't use it.
Split the string by a comma and take the last part of it:
String uri = 'data:image/gif;base64,...';
Uint8List _bytes = base64.decode(uri.split(',').last);

How to decode or convert base64 string url to UintList in Dart?

I got this base64Result from canvas.toDataURL() but I having difficulties parsing in Dart to 'UintList'
import 'dart:convert';
final String base64Result = result.toString();
print("$logTrace calling web function done ${base64Result.length}");
final bytes = base64Url.decode(base64Result);
character (at character 5)
'data:image/png;base64,' is part of the data URL, not part of a base-64 string. You need to extract the base-64 data from the URL first.
Luckily, the UriData class can do this all for you:
final bytes = UriData.parse(base64Result).contentAsBytes();

How to display Unicode Smiley from json response dynamically in flutter

How to display Unicode Smiley from json response dynamically in flutter. It's display properly when i declare string as a static but from dynamic response it's not display smiley properly.
Static Declaration: (Working)
child: Text("\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0eThis is just test notification..\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\ude4c")
Dynamic Response:
"message":"\\ud83d\\ude4c Be Safe at your home \\ud83c\\udfe0",
When i'm parse and pass this response to Text then it's consider Unicode as a String and display as a string instead of Smiley Code is below to display text with smiley:
child: Text(_listData[index].message.toString().replaceAll("\\\\", "\\"))
Already go through this: Question but it's only working when single unicode not working with multiple unicode.
Anyone worked with text along with unicode caracter display dynamically then please let me know.
Another alternate Good Solution I would give to unescape characters is this:
1st ->
String s = "\\ud83d\\ude0e Be Safe at your home \\ud83c\\ude0e";
String q = s.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\");
This would print and wont be able to escape characters:
\ud83d\ud83d Be Safe at your home \ud83c\ud83d
and above would be the output.
So what one can do is either unescape them while parsing or use:
String convertStringToUnicode(String content) {
String regex = "\\u";
int offset = content.indexOf(regex) + regex.length;
while(offset > 1){
int limit = offset + 4;
String str = content.substring(offset, limit);
// print(str);
if(str!=null && str.isNotEmpty){
String uni = String.fromCharCode(int.parse(str,radix:16));
content = content.replaceFirst(regex+str,uni);
// print(content);
offset = content.indexOf(regex) + regex.length;
// print(offset);
return content;
This will replace and convert all the literals into unicode characters and result and output of emoji:
String k = convertStringToUnicode(q);
😎 Be Safe at your home 🈎
That is above would be the output.
Note: above answer given would just work as good but this is just when you want to have an unescape function and don't need to use third-party libraries.
You can extend this using switch cases with multiple unescape solutions.
Issue resolved by using below code snippet.
Client client = Client();
final response = await client.get(Uri.parse('YOUR_API_URL'));
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
// If the server did return a 200 OK response,
// then parse the JSON.
final extractedData = json.decode(response.body.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\"));
Here we need to replace double backslash to single backslash and then decode JSON respone before set into Text like this we can display multiple unicode like this:
final extractedData = json.decode(response.body.replaceAll("\\",
Hope this answer help to other

Emoji and accent encoding in dart/flutter

I get the next String from my api
"à é í ó ú ü ñ \uD83D\uDE00\uD83D\uDE03\uD83D\uDE04\uD83D\uDE01\uD83D\uDE06\uD83D\uDE05"
from a response in a json format
'apiText': "à é í ó ú ü ñ \uD83D\uDE00\uD83D\uDE03\uD83D\uDE04\uD83D\uDE01\uD83D\uDE06\uD83D\uDE05",
'otherInfo': 'etc.',
it contains accents à é í ó ú ü ñ that are not correctly encoded and it contains emojis \uD83D\uDE00\uD83D\uDE03\uD83D\uDE04\uD83D\uDE01\uD83D\uDE06\uD83D\uDE05
so far i have tried
var json = jsonDecode(response.body)
String apiText = json['apiText'];
List<int> bytes = apiText.codeUnits;
comentario = utf8.decode(bytes);
but produces a
[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: FormatException: Invalid UTF-8 byte (at offset 21)
how can i get the correct text with accents and emoji?
Based on the fact you called response.body I assumes you are using the http package which does have the body property on Response objects.
You should note the following detail in the documentation:
This is converted from bodyBytes using the charset parameter of the Content-Type header field, if available. If it's unavailable or if the encoding name is unknown, latin1 is used by default, as per RFC 2616.
Well, it seems rather likely that it cannot figure out the charset and therefore defaults to latin1 which explains how your response got messed up.
A solution for this is to use the resonse.bodyBytes instead which contains the raw bytes from the response. You can then manually parse this with e.g. utf8.decode(resonse.bodyBytes) if you are sure the response should be parsed as UTF-8.
rewrite your function as
String utf8convert(String text) {
var bytes = text.codeUnits;
String decodedCode = utf8.decode(bytes, allowMalformed: true);
if (decodedCode.contains("�")) {
return text;
return decodedCode;