-fx-background-image on scene builder - background-image

So I tried to change the background for a scene for my final project on scene builder. I tried changing the color of the background using -fx-background-color- and typing #3557 and it worked fine. But when I to do the same by changing the background with an image I wanted using -fx-background-image-, I struggled to change the background. Can someone tell my what is the right syntax for this?Here is the problem I am facing with


Unity Text turning black after UR

I recently updated my 2D project to use URP. I setuped the global light, canvas is set to world space. Everything is fine but when I assign sprite-lit-default material to the text, it turns BLACK. It works on everything except the text(well it sort of works, but turns it black). Does anyone know what the is issue ? Version is 2019.4.25f1. Thank you
I tried using TextTMPro and the issue is the same....

scrollview mask not working unity

I am experiencing the issue with text colour not changing to what I set in the inspector resulting in always black text.
I have followed the advise to create a material and assign that to the font and this appears to work, but only on a static text field or button text.
I have a text field in a scrollview and after I apply the material the scrollview mask no longer hides the text outside of the scroll area?
If I set the material shader to GUI/TextShader I get the correct colour, but the srollview mask does not work, if I set it to no material the mask works but colour is black?
This happens on every font as soon as I add a material?
I have tried all manner of shader setting without any joy, does anyone know how to resolve this? It seems totally bonkers to me :-(
I imported TextMesh Pro, used its Font Creation Tool and hey presto :-)
Not sure why the default Unity text component cant handle this?

Unity Camera Background Color

In the image below, you can see my scene including a map. However in play mode, due to the color adjustment of the main camera, only a single flat color is visible. I tried to play with the color settings in any way (changing colors, transparency) but it still doesn't work.
Also, whenever I add a new scene, the camera comes with the same setting and nothing is observed in play mode. What can be the possible reasons for this problem?

Particle Designer setting background image

First of all, I am newbie iPhone developer. I am using Particle created from Particle Designer(.pex file)(71squared). My application is not cocos2d. How to set the background image. My application has a image in background and adding this particle view with particle designes pex file as subview to it. Now, this particle view is hiding the background image with pex file's black background. I tried to put background to pex file when creating it. But it is not including that. I tried to put background image to view that I created to load this pex file, that didn't help. I tried to put background image to particle view that I am loading this view over, that didn't help. Is there any other way I could implement this?
Go here and download the zip to see an example

iPhone OpenGL : Adding a background image

Right so I got all my lovely openGL stuff working and I can change the background colour via the property of the view or even the window however for the love of god I cant change it to an image.
I have tried adding it to the nib
I have tried adding a UIImageView as
a subview.
I have tried addiing it as a UIColor
with Pattern
I tried making the OpenGL view have a
clear background and setting the
image on the actual window.
Still no joy!
Issue a glClear then render 2 triangles (ie a quad) to the screen with the appropriate image texture mapped onto them.