I want to do a heatmap after clustering my data rows and data columns to 2 clusters.
I used AgglomerativeClustering(), I did that for my data and my transpose data in order to cluster my columns too.
clustering1 = AgglomerativeClustering()
label1 = clustering1.labels_
dataset_t = dataset.T
clustering2 = AgglomerativeClustering()
label2 = clustering2.labels_
I got 2 vectors of 0,1 (2 clusters). And now how I can reorder my data after the clustering and plot a new heatmap?
Like I want a heatmap that we got from using sns.clustermap(data) but without using it.
Pretty new to Matlab, so please forgive the poor coding. I have some data for different categories (9 categories) with a different number of data points in each category. I created a structure that holds the data points for the different categories. I believe the categories are themselves structures within the larger structure.
I want to plot a histogram for each category. The first thing I tried was just creating a for-loop and plotting a histogram for each category in the structure, but this failed because the histogram doesn't take in structures. The next thing I tried to do was create another for loop which would change the structure holding each category into a cell array, but this also failed with the error:
if isnumeric(c{1}) || ischar(c{1}) || islogical(c{1}) || isstruct(c{1})
I am able to individually change each category to a cell array and then to a matrix, which allowed me to create one histogram. Is there a way to do this using a loop? My code is below. Thanks.
data = readtable('');
data = table2array(data);
Trial = data(:,1);
dist = data(:,2);
Time = data(:,3);
intstim = data(:,4);
color = data(:,5);
UniqueDist = unique(dist);
for ii = 1.0:length(UniqueDist)
idx = find(dist == UniqueDist(ii));
distTime(ii).data = Time(idx);
distTime(ii).data = distTime(ii).data(distTime(ii).data ~= 0);
for jj =1.0:length(distTime)
distTime(jj).data = struct2cell(distTime(jj));
distTime(jj).data = cell2mat(distTime(jj));
I am trying to do some labelling on cluster data following GMMs but haven't found a way to do it.
Let me explain:
I have some x,y data pairs into a X=30000x2 array. In reality the array contains the data from different sources (known) and each source has the same number of data (So source 1 has 500 (x,y), source 2 500 (x,y) and so on and all of them are appended into the X array above).
I have fitted a GMM on X. Cluster results are fine and as expected but now that the data are clustered I want to be able to color code them based on their initial origin.
So let's say I want to shown in black the data points of source 1 that are in cluster 2.
Is that possible?
In the original array we have three sources for the data. Source 1 is data from 1-10000, source 2 10001-20000 and source 3 20001-30000.
After GMM fitting and clustering I have clustered my data as per figure 1 and I got two clusters. The red colour in all of them is irrelevant.
I want to modify the color of the data points in cluster 2 based on their index and the original array X.
E.g., if a data point belongs to cluster 2 (clusteridx=2), then I want to check to which source it belongs and then color it and label it accordingly. So that you can tell from which source are the data points in cluster 2 as shown in the second figure.
Original clusters
Desired labelling
You could add a "source_id" column and then plot through a loop on that. For example:
% setup fake data
source1 = rand(10,2);
source2 = rand(15,2);
source3 = rand(8,2);
% end setup
% append column with source_id (you could do this in a loop if you have many sources)
source1 = [source1, repmat(1, length(source1), 1)];
source2 = [source2, repmat(2, length(source2), 1)];
source3 = [source3, repmat(3, length(source3), 1)];
mytable = array2table([source1; source2; source3]);
mytable.Properties.VariableNames = {'X' 'Y' 'source_id'};
hold on;
for ii = 1:max(mytable.source_id)
rows = mytable.source_id==ii;
x = mytable.X(rows);
y = mytable.Y(rows);
label = char(strcat('Source ID =', {' '}, num2str(ii)));
mycolor = rand(1,3);
scatter(x,y, 'MarkerEdgeColor', mycolor, 'MarkerFaceColor', mycolor, 'DisplayName', label);
set(legend, 'Location', 'best')
I'm very new in MATLAB and I'm trying to do the following: I've 5 images and I want to create a table with names and some statistics as columns. In addition, I would like to insert one column in which every cell is the histogram of the images.
My code is this:
Type = {'volto';'volto_jpg'; 'volto_jpg_100';'volto_tiff';'volto_tiff_nocompression'}
Sum_of_diff = [NaN;2531547;280391;0;0]
Medie = cellfun(#mean2,y)
Dev_st = cellfun(#std2,y)
x = table(Type; Sum_of_diff; Medie; Dev_st)
I would like to add a final column where i can view the histogram made with imhist() function.
It could be possible? Of course only for exporting and visualising purposes.
I want to plot bar plot in which bars are grouped like this:
I have tried this code but I am not getting this type of plot. Please guide me how can I generate plot like above:
load Newy.txt;
load good.txt;
one = Newy(:,1);
orig = good(:,1);
hold on
hold off
In each text file there is a list of numbers. The list comprises of 8 values.
You can use histc to count the values within certain edges.
To group bars you can collect them in a single matrix (with the values in each column).
edges = [0 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 1501];
edLeg = cell(numel(edges)-1,1);
for i=1:length(edLeg)
edLeg{i} = sprintf('%d-%d',edges(i),edges(i+1)-1);
n = histc([one,orig],edges);
I used these as test data
one = ceil(1500.*rand(200,1));
orig = ceil(1500.*rand(200,1));
I got the way to achieve group bars:
I had to plot the data such that there are 8 groups of bars where each group consists of 3 bars.
For that I wrote the data in my each file like this:
Y = [30.9858 1.36816 38.6943
0.655176 6.44236 13.1563
1.42942 3.0947 0.621403
22.6364 2.80378 17.1299
0.621871 5.37145 1.87824
0.876739 5.97647 3.80334
40.6585 68.6757 23.0408
2.13606 6.26739 1.67559
In Matlab, I have several txt files that I have loaded and converted to matrices. The matrices represent temperature data at different cities around the world. The first column in each matrix is a year. Each file spans a different range of years but they all overlap for a few of those years. I would like to find where the overlap, and either extract out (or delete non-overlapping years) so that when I plot the data, each data set is using the same span of years. The code should be able to ingest an unknown number of these txt files. I have tried to use the "intersect" function but that will work on an element-by-element basis. I want all data for overlapping years, so the elements (except for the header) will be different.
An example of current code:
clear all
files = dir('.txt');
num_files = length(files);
for i=1:num_files
eval(['load ' files(i).name ' -ascii']);
vals{i} = load(files(i).name);
matrix = vals{i};
station = (files(i).name(1:end-4));
matrix(matrix == 999.9) = NaN;
matrix(matrix == -99.0) = NaN;
years = matrix(:,1);
months = matrix(:,2:13)';
figure, hold on
plot(years, months,'');
grid on;
title(sprintf('Mean Monthly Temperature for %s Station',station));