EVAL: undefined function X - lisp

I keep getting some random errors while trying to call my function that has to return
the level of a node from a binary tree.
This is my method
(defun nodeLevel(x index l)
((null l) nil)
((equal (car l) x) index)
((equal (cadr l) 1) (nodeLevel ( x (+ index 1) (cddr l))))
((equal (cadr l) 2) (nodeLevel ( x (+ index 1) (cddr l))))
(t nodeLevel(x (+ index 1) (cddddr l)))
This is how i call it
(nodeLevel 'D '0 '(A 2 B 0 C 2 D 0 E 0) )

You have extra parentheses. When you call a function, the entire call goes in parens, but the arguments don't get their own set. You've written
(nodeLevel (x (+ index 1) (cddr l)))
What you probably meant was
(nodeLevel x (+ index 1) (cddr l))


Issue with extra nils in quicksort result

I'm new to lisp, and am writing code for quicksort. I am almost done, although the output is giving me some trouble. This is currently what I have:
(defun fil(P L)
(if (null L) nil
(if (funcall P (first L)) (cons (first L) (fil P (rest L)))
(fil P (rest L)))))
(defun qs(L)
(if (null L) nil
(let ((x (first L))
(gt (fil (lambda (x) (<= (first L) x))(rest L) ))
(lt (fil (lambda (x) (> (first L) x))(rest L))))
(cons (cons (qs lt) (first L)) (qs gt)))))
(write (qs '(4 2 3 1 7 3 5 3 6)))
This works, but the output looks like this:
((((((NIL . 1)) . 2) (NIL . 3) (NIL . 3) (NIL . 3)) . 4)
(((NIL . 5) (NIL . 6)) . 7))
I am not sure where the extra nils and periods and parentheses are coming from or how to fix it. Any advice is appreciated.
Look at
(cons '(a b c d) 'e)
Above code does not append E to the list.
CL-USER 4 > (cons '(a b c d) 'e)
((A B C D) . E)
It creates a new cons cell (a two element container) with the first arg and the second arg with its elements.
What you need, is to APPEND lists into a result list.
Adding to what #RainerJoswig said:
(defun %filter (pred l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((funcall pred (car l)) (cons (car l) (%filter pred (cdr l))))
(t (%filter pred (cdr l)))))
(defun quicksort (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
(t (let ((greater-than (%filter (lambda (x) (<= (car l) x)) (cdr l)))
(less-than (%filter (lambda (x) (> (car l) x)) (cdr l))))
(append (quicksort less-than) (list (car l)) (quicksort greater-than))))))
(quicksort '(4 2 3 1 7 3 5 3 6))
;; (1 2 3 3 3 4 5 6 7)
Alternatively also:
(defun %filter (pred l)
(mapcan (lambda (x) (if (funcall pred x) (list x) nil)) l))
(defun quicksort (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
(t (append (quicksort (%filter (lambda (x) (< x (car l))) (cdr l)))
(list (car l))
(quicksort (%filter (lambda (x) (<= (car l) x)) (cdr l)))))))

number of sub-lists in a list, having an even sum, from odd levels in Lisp

I have a non-linear list. I need to find out the number of sub-lists at any level in the initial list, for which the sum of the numerical atoms at the odd levels, is an even number. The superficial level is counted as 1. I wrote something like:
(defun numbering (l level)
;counts the levels that verify the initial conditions
((null l) l)
((and (verify (sumlist l)) (not (verify level))) (+ 1 (apply '+ (mapcar#' (lambda (a) (numbering a (+ 1 level))) l))))
(T (apply '+ (mapcar#' (lambda (a) (numbering a (+ 1 level))) l )))
(defun verify (n)
;returns true if the parameter "n" is even, or NIL, otherwise
((numberp n)(= (mod n 2) 0))
(T f)
(defun sumlist (l)
;returns the sum of the numerical atoms from a list, at its superficial level
((null l) 0)
((numberp (car l)) (+ (car l) (sumlist(cdr l))))
(T (sumlist(cdr l)))
(defun mainNumbering (l)
; main function, for initializing the level with 1
(numbering l 1)
If I run "(mainnum '(1 2 (a b 4) 8 (6 g)))" I get the error: " Undefined function MAPCAR# called with arguments ((LAMBDA (A) (NUMEROTARE A #)) (1 2 (A B 4) 8 (6 G)))."
Does anyone know, what am I missing? Thanks in advance!
Well, that's true, there is no such function as mapcar#, it's just a typo, you missing space in this line:
(T (apply '+ (mapcar#' (lambda (a) (numbering a (+ 1 level))) l )))
It should be:
(T (apply '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (numbering a (+ 1 level))) l )))
Here is a possible solution, if I have interpreted correctly your specification:
(defun sum(l)
(loop for x in l when (numberp x) sum x))
(defun test(l &optional (level 1))
(+ (if (and (oddp level) (evenp (sum l))) 1 0)
(loop for x in l when (listp x) sum (test x (1+ level)))))
(test '(1 2 (a b 4) 7 (6 2 g) (7 1 (2 (3) (4 4) 2) 1 a))) ; => 2
The function sum applied to a list returns the sum of all its numbers (without entering in its sublists).
The function test, for a list with an odd level, sum its numbers, and, if the result is even, add 1 to the sum of the results of the function applied to the sublists of l, 0 otherwise.
in numbering you should add the case when l is a number,so
(defun numbering (l level)
;counts the levels that verify the initial conditions
((null l) l)
((atom l)0)
((and (verify (sumlist l)) (not (verify level))) (+ 1 (apply '+ (mapcar #' (lambda (a) (numbering a (+ 1 level))) l))))
(T (apply '+ (mapcar #'(lambda (a) (numbering a (+ 1 level))) l )))
will resolve the problem

List without nil in result Lisp

I have to delete all occurences of an element in a list from all levels.
My code is:
(defun sterge(e l)
((and (atom l) (equal e l)) nil)
((atom l) (list l))
(t (append (apply #'list (mapcar #' (lambda (l) (sterge e l)) l))))
(defun sterg(e l)
(car (sterge e l))
When I give:
(sterg 1 '(1 2 1 ( 1 2 1( 1 (1) (1)) (1) 3) (1)(2)))
it shows me the output:
((2 (2 (NIL NIL) NIL 3) NIL (2)))
How to delete that nil?? Thank you.
Instead of returning nil, consider returning sterge applied to the rest of the entity l. mapcar is not the best way to approach this problem; a recursive function is better (unless the assignment specifies using mapcar, of course.)
Hint: Treat l as if it were a list and test (car l), e.g., (atom (car l)), apply sterge to (cdr l).

how to solve badly formed lambda in lisp?

I am trying to check if a list has a mountain aspect or not in lisp.
l is my list and aux is 0-the ascending part of l or 1-the descending part of the list.
muntemain just call munte starting with aux=0,the ascending part
my error is :
Badly formed lambda: (AND (< (CAR L) (CAR (CDR L))) (EQ AUX 0))
and I can't see the problem.Can someone help please?
(defun munte (l aux)
((and (atom l) (null aux)) NIL)
((and (null l) (null aux)) NIL)
((and (atom l) (eq aux 1)) T)
((and (null l) (eq aux 1) T)
((and (< (car l) (car(cdr l))) (eq aux 0)) (munte(cdr l) 0))
((and (or (> (car l) (cadr l)) (= (car l) (cadr l))) (eq aux 0))(munte(cdr l) 1))
( and (> (car l) (cadr l)) (eq aux 1)) (munte(cdr l) 1))
(defun muntemain (l)
((> (car l) (cadr l)) NIL)
((< (length l) 2) NIL)
(T (munte l 0))
As noted by Barmar, you really need to use an editor to help you with the parenthesis. There are many tutorials for installing Emacs+Slime. Take some time to install proper tools.
Don't use EQ for numbers and characters
An implementation is permitted to make "copies" of characters and
numbers at any time. The effect is that Common Lisp makes no guarantee
that eq is true even when both its arguments are "the same thing" if
that thing is a character or number.
Factorize tests
((and (atom l) (null aux)) NIL)
((and (null l) (null aux)) NIL)
((and (atom l) (eq aux 1)) T)
((and (null l) (eq aux 1) T)
From the definition of atom, NIL is an atom, so you don't need (null L). The different cases for aux can be grouped too. The clause below is sufficient to account for all the above ones:
((atom L) (eql aux 1))
But I don't understand why aux is not a boolean in the first place if you always bind it to 0 or 1. Just use t and nil and return aux in the above clause.
Use meaningful functions
(< (car l) (car(cdr l)))
Of course, (car(cdr ..)) is known as (cadr ..), but also as second. The above test is equivalent to:
(< (first L) (second L))
And what if your list has no second element? You will compare a number against nil and signal an error (not what you want). You need more tests. In muntemain, you seem to have a special case for when length is below 2, but the test is done only if the previous returns nil, which won't happen if an error is signaled.
An iterative alternative
Here is a completely different way to attack the problem, just to give you ideas.
(lambda (list)
;; memories
for px = nil then x
for pdx = nil then dx
;; current element
for x in list
;; first and second "derivatives" (signs only)
for dx = 1 then (signum (- x px))
for ddx = 0 then (signum (- dx pdx))
;; checks
sum ddx into total
always (and (<= dx 0) (<= -1 total 0))
finally (return (= total -1))))

Finding the maximum number of child nodes in a tree

First, I should make it clear that this is required for an academic project. I am trying to find the maximum number of child nodes for any node in a tree, using Common Lisp.
My current code is shown below - I'm not 100% on the logic of it, but I feel it should work, however it isn't giving me the required result.
(defun breadth (list y)
(setf l y)
(mapcar #'(lambda (element)
(when (listp element)
(when (> (breadth element (length element)) l)
(setf l (breadth element (length element)))
))) list)
(defun max-breadth(list)
(breadth list (length list))
As an example, running
(max-breadth '(a ( (b (c d)) e) (f g (h i) j)))
should return 4.
Trace results and actual return values, forgot these:
CG-USER(13): (max-breadth '(a ( (b (c d)) e) (f g (h i) j)))
0[6]: (BREADTH (A ((B (C D)) E) (F G (H I) J)) 3)
1[6]: (BREADTH ((B (C D)) E) 2)
2[6]: (BREADTH (B (C D)) 2)
3[6]: (BREADTH (C D) 2)
3[6]: returned 2
2[6]: returned 2
1[6]: returned 2
1[6]: (BREADTH (F G (H I) J) 4)
2[6]: (BREADTH (H I) 2)
2[6]: returned 2
1[6]: returned 2
0[6]: returned 2
Does anyone have any ideas where I'm going wrong? I suspect it's related to the second conditional, but I'm not sure.
First, standard formatting:
(defun breadth (list y)
(setf l y)
(mapcar #'(lambda (element)
(when (listp element)
(when (> (breadth element (length element)) l)
(setf l (breadth element (length element))))))
(defun max-breadth (list)
(breadth list (length list)))
Your problem is the (setf l y), which should give you a warning about l being undefined. Setf should not be used on unbound variables. Use let to make a lexical scope:
(defun breadth (list y)
(let ((l y))
(mapcar #'(lambda (element)
(when (listp element)
(when (> (breadth element (length element)) l)
(setf l (breadth element (length element))))))
Then, instead of two nested when, use a single one and and:
(when (and (listp element)
(> (breadth element (length element)) 1))
(setf l (breadth element (length element))))
I find dolist more concise here:
(dolist (element list)
(when (and (listp element)
(> (breadth element (length element)) l))
(setf l (breadth element (length element)))))
The parameter y is always the length of the parameter list, so this call can be simplified. You also do not need to alias y:
(defun breadth (list &aux (y (length list)))
(dolist (element list)
(when (and (listp element)
(> (breadth element) y))
(setf y (breadth element))))
You could eliminate the double recursive call through a let, but we can use max here:
(defun breadth (list &aux (y (length list)))
(dolist (element list)
(when (listp element)
(setf y (max y (breadth element)))))
You could also use reduce for this:
(defun breadth (l)
(if (listp l)
(reduce #'max l
:key #'breadth
:initial-value (length l))
L is not a local variable, so the function will return the last value assigned to it (ie, the breadth of the last subtree).
Use LET to declare a local variable:
(LET ((l y))
Isn't the correct answer 6? Since e and j in your example are also technically child nodes? If that's how you're defining your problem, the following solution should get you there:
(defun max-breadth (lst)
((atom lst) 0)
((every #'atom lst) (length lst))
(t (+ (max-breadth (car lst)) (max-breadth (cdr lst))))))
version 2:
(defun max-breadth (lst)
((atom lst) 0)
((every #'atom lst) (length lst))
(t (+
(max-breadth (car lst))
(max-breadth (remove-if-not #'consp (cdr lst)))))))