Google Action Console deploy on specify country - deployment

I would like to deploy the Google Action on specify country ( Thai and Japan )
I found out that, if i chose the Google Action Console project as "Custom" when creating new project. There'll be a option on deploy tab "Location Targeting", this option allowed the Google action deploy on specify country as i wanted it to be.
However, my project is created as "Smart Home". After i check in deploy tab, the "Location Targeting" option is not appear. ( this option maybe disable for "Smart Home" type project)
My Question is,
Is there any other way to specify the Country when deploy with "Smart Home" Type Project ?


Can test users download add-ons from Google Workspace Marketplace when the user type is public-testing?

I'm going to publish the app using Google cloud console.
Less than 100 users will use it.
I'm going to use user type - External testing, but I have a question here.
Even if the user type is external-testing, if it is registered as a test user,
Can I download it in the Google Workspace Marketplace Regardless of the company's domain?
Even if the user type is external-testing
Do I need to set the app visibility to public in APP configuration of Google Workspace MarketPlace SDK API
and then go through the application qualification examination?
Please understand my lack of English. If there's anything you don't understand in the question, please leave a comment. Thank you.
Google Workspace Add On
To start, I would like to answer both questions:
The external would not be able to download or install the add on itself from the Workspace Marketplace due to the Add On not being listed at all for the external users (Gmail user).
It would not be necessary to make it public, also you would need to redo the process to make it public as it is already selected as internal. As long as they have the permission to access the project and the App Script that it was based on you can collaborate with external.
Collaborating with external users
If both the project and the App Script are share with external user (Gmail for example), you can edit the App Script manifest to something similar to what I have for a testing Sheet Add On:
// You would need to add this under the appscript.json file, You can find it under the settings of your App Script file.
"timeZone": "America/Guatemala",
"dependencies": {},
"exceptionLogging": "STACKDRIVER",
"runtimeVersion": "V8",
"addOns": {
"common": {
"name": "Sheet",
"logoUrl": "",
"layoutProperties": {
"primaryColor": "#2772ed"
"homepageTrigger": {
"runFunction": "welcomeMessage"
"sheets" : {}
Keep in mind that the manifest works for Google Sheet, however it would depend on what service you are using would need a different reference. You can then make a test deployment as a Google Workspace Add On:
This way you would be able to add the application and run some test on it or add it as a normal way and Add on would look like.
Sample of my configuration on GCP from a project of my domain:

How to create spring boot profile for selection in spring boot run configuration

Does anyone know how you create spring boot profiles to use in a spring boot run configuration? I know I can as launch param, but there is a section in the gui of a spring boot launch config. But I can't seem to get the profiles to populate the drop down.
Let me try to give a more complete answer than Alex's. Alex is right that you can just type any string there and use it as a profile. (This has the same effect as adding something like to the commandline.
The pull-down options come from two sources:
history: when you launch the app the current setting for that option is remembered and will be shown to you next time in the pull-down.
discovery: the tools will try to 'guess' real profiles you have defined in your project.
Option 2. at the moment is not very smart and the only way it can currently discover that you defined a profile is by looking for .properties files that follow the naming convention application-${profile-name}.properties.
You can just type the name of you profile in the Combo box located in the Boot launch config tab under right under Main Type and Project combo boxes (it's in the properties editor below). Although the combo box is not populated with options (a bug) you can just type the name of the profile and it would work.

unspecified error when binding to source control in VS2013

just upgraded a VS2010 project to VS2013. Project was already under source control in TFS.
Now everytime i open the solution, i receive a box that states something like "Project is already under source control but is not currently configured to use integrated source control. Would you like to configure now? Yes or no"
So if i click on 'Yes' it brings up the 'Change source Control' which shows it not connected to any server or anything. I am unable to click on the 'Connect' checkboxes and if I click 'bind' it will throw an 'unspecified error'
Help please. I need to ensure i can check in/out changes so that other developers are able to get the latest.
After investigate a few about your problem, i think you have two options:
Make a new repository with your project using vs2013.
Use your project (that is on TFS) with vs2010.

Build and run Disabled in xcode

There are some applications which shows Build and run icon disabled which stops me from running the application.It does not happen to all applications but on a few . It mainly occurs to me in facebook applications and a few more applications.Can anybody have an idea what could be the problem ? I have tried everything from changing the build settings etc. but it does not work.
Need to fix the executable, it happens after renaming project.
Product > Scheme > Edit scheme..
Run > Info
Set Executable is your app name, if selected None.
Try this, It's work for me.
Follow below steps to unable Build and Run in xcode
1) Go to
Product => Scheme => Edit scheme.
2) Select Run option and select info
3) In Executable if option is selected to None then change it to your app name
Hope this is help for some one.
That project appears to be the Sparrow audio project. It's not a stand-alone project you can run; it's a library, you need to be using it in another project to have anything to actually run.
The sparrow project includes a sample app called Scaffold which demonstrates the use of Sparrow. More info:
Also see:
Note that you can still 'build'; it's just 'build and run' that can't be clicked.
I think those may be frameworks,static libraries. So the build and run option is disabled.
I think you might be creating plugin or frameworks or libraries (not an Application).
So the "Build & Run" icon is DISABLED.(as answered by Chandan Shetty SP)
In order to enable the icon you need to specify the Application which use this plugin or framework or library whatever you are building.
To specify such application:
Rt. Click on "Executables" (in Xcode's Groups and Files panel)
Select Add > New Custom Executable
Then specify the name of application (just for display purpose) and specify the path of the application.
Go to the Project menu in the menubar and change the Active Target to the target of the actual app.

How do you deploy a website and database project using TFS 2010?

I've been trying to figure this out and so far haven't found a simple solution. Is it really that hard to deploy a database project (and a web site) using TFS 2010 as part of the build process?
I've found one example that involved lots of complicated checks and editing the workflow (which is a giant workflow btw).
I've even purchased the book "professional application lifecycle management with VS 2010", but apparently professionals don't deploy their applications since it isn't even mentioned in the book.
I know I'm retarded when it comes to TFS, but it seems like there should be any easy way to do this. Is there?
I can't speak for the database portion, but I just went through this on the web portion, the magic part is not very well documented component, namely the MSBuild Parameters.
In your build definition:
Process on the Left
Required > Items to Build > Configurations to Build
Edit, add a new one, for this example
Configuration: Dev (I cover how to create a configuration below)
Platform: Any CPU
Advanced > MSBuild Process
Use the following arguments (at least for me, your publish method may vary).
MsBuild Params:
You need to install the MS Deploy Remote Agent Service on the destination web server, MSDeploy needs to be on the Build/Deployer server as well, but this should be the case by default.
The account you use in the params above needs admin access, at least to IIS...I'm not sure what the minimum permission requirements are.
You configure which WebSite/Virtual Directory the site goes to in the Web project you're deploying. Personally I have a build configuration for each environment, this makes the builds very easy to handle and organize. For example we have Release, Debug and Dev (there are more but for this example that's it). Only the Web project has a Dev configuration.
To do this, right click the solution, Configuration Manager..., On the web project click the configuration drop down, click New.... Give it a name, "Dev" for this example, copy settings from debug or release, whatever matches closest to what your deployment server environment should be. Make sure "Create new solution configurations" is checked, it is by default. After creating this, change the configuration dropdown on the solution to the new Dev one, and Any CPU...make sure your projects are all correct, I had some flipping to x86 and x64 randomly, not sure of the exact cause of that).
In your web project, right click, properties. On the left, click Package/Publish Web (you'll also want to mess with the other Package/Publish SQL tab, but I can't speak to that). In the options on the right click Create deployment package as a zip file. The default location is fine, the next textbox I didn't find documented anywhere. The format is this: WebSite/Virtual Directory, so if you have a site called "BuildSite" in IIS with no virtual directory (app == site root), you would have BuildSite only in this box. If it was in a virtual directory, you might have Default Web Site/BuildVirtualDirectory.
After you set all that, make sure to check-in the solution and web project so the build server has the configuration changes you made, then kick off a build :)
If you have more questions, I recommend you watch this video by Vishal Joshi, specifically around 22 and 59 minutes in, he covers the database portion as well...but I have no actual experience trying it since we're on top of a non MSSQL database.