DeleteALLByID not existe an other table CrudRepository - spring-data

What is the correct syntax with spring date ( Crud repository ) to said delete from table A where not exist in select distinct b.id_A from b in the interface ARepository some thing like : deleteAllbyIdIsNotIn...


Copy SQL result into another table

I need some help. I'm trying to copy a tsql query result into another table. I was able to do it with the below tsql but I need to put some sort of check method to not copy a record if it already exist in the "PageControls" table.
INSERT INTO PageControls (UserId, PageId)
SELECT t1.UserId, t2.PageId FROM
aspnet_users t1, Pages t2
How can I accomplish this?
Thank you.
It looks like you're trying to populate the pagecontrols table with a cartesian product of users and pages. Assuming that's your goal, then you can add not exists to your query to exclude those already in the pagecontrols table:
INSERT INTO PageControls (UserId, PageId)
SELECT t1.UserId, t2.PageId
FROM aspnet_users t1, Pages t2
FROM PageControls p
WHERE p.userid = t1.userid and p.pageid = t2.pageid
SQL Fiddle Demo

JPA: Querying an object and single values from other entity

Is it possible with JPA to query a database to get an entity filled with an additional field belonging to another table/entity?
I have a reservations table holding a foreign key to a record(an entity) in another table pois which has to columns of interest: poiId and poiType.
Instead of having a field ReservationEntity.poi (to finally obtain poi.poiType) I want to have a ReservationEntity.poiId and ReservationEntity.poiType and I wonder if it's possible to achieve this through a NamedQuery:
#NamedQuery(name="ReservationEntity.findByRfId", query="SELECT r, p.poiType FROM ReservationEntity r LEFT JOIN PoiEntity p ON r.poiId = p.poiId WHERE r.rfId = :rfId")
...since you read my question you can imagine that this DOESN'T work. ;-)
Is it possible to do it in such a kind?
Here's the exception:
Internal Exception: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'POITYPE' in 'field list'
Error Code: 1054
Call: SELECT reservationId, endTime, notification, poiId, POITYPE, startTime, status, timeZone, tstamp, type FROM reservations WHERE (reservationId = ?)
bind => [1 parameter bound]
Query: ReadObjectQuery(name="ReservationEntity.findById" referenceClass=ReservationEntity sql="SELECT t1.reservationId, t1.authInfo, t1.endTime, t1.evsp, t1.notification, t1.poiId, t1.POITYPE, t1.startTime, t1.status, t1.timeZone, t1.tstamp, t1.type FROM reservations t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN pois t0 ON (t1.poiId = t0.poiId) WHERE (t1.reservationId = ?)")
at org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException.sqlException(
By now I made it work using a database view instead of a table for the #Entity(...) annotation.
Yet I don't have the requirement to update the entity. However, it is possible to update a view as long as only one table' column are modified and an INNER JOIN is used:

Entity Framework 5: How to Outer Join Table Valued Function

I'm attempting to outer join a table with an inline table valued function in my LINQ query, but I get a query compilation error at runtime:
"The query attempted to call 'OuterApply' over a nested query, but 'OuterApply' did not have the appropriate keys."
My linq statement looks like this:
var testQuery = (from accountBase in ViewContext.AccountBases
join advisorConcatRaw in ViewContext.UFN_AccountAdvisorsConcatenated_Get()
on accountBase.AccountId equals advisorConcatRaw.AccountId into advisorConcatOuter
from advisorConcat in advisorConcatOuter.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
The function definition is as follows:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.UFN_AccountAdvisorsConcatenated_Get()
SELECT AP.AccountId,
LEFT(AP.Advisors, LEN(AP.Advisors) - 1) AS Advisors
( SELECT AP2.PropertyValue + ', '
FROM dbo.AccountProperty AP2 WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE AP2.AccountId = AP.AccountId
AND AP2.AccountPropertyTypeId = 1 -- Advisor
FOR XML PATH('')) AS Advisors
FROM dbo.AccountProperty AP WITH (NOLOCK)) AP;
I can successfully perform the join directly in sql as follows:
SELECT ab.accountid,
FROM accountbase ab
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Ufn_accountadvisorsconcatenated_get() advisorConcat
ON ab.accountid = advisorConcat.accountid
Does anyone have a working example of left outer joining an inline TVF to a table in LINQ to entities - or is this a known defect, etc? Many thanks.
Entity Framework needs to know what the primary key columns of the TVF results are to do a left join. Basically you need to create a fake table which has same schema as your TVF results and update TVF in model browser to return the new created table type instead of default complex type. You could refer to this answer to get more details.

JPA Query over a join table

I have 3 tables like:
------------- ------------ ---------------
a1 a1,b1 b1
AB is a transition table between A and B
With this, my classes have no composition within these two classes to each other. But I want to know that , with a JPQL Query, if any records exist for my element from A table in AB table. Just number or a boolean value is what I need.
Because AB is a transition table, there is no model object for it and I want to know if I can do this with a #Query in my Repository object.
the AB table must be modeled in an entity to be queried in JPQL. So you must model this as
an own entity class or an association in your A and or your B entity.
I suggest to use Native query method intead of JPQL (JPA supports Native query too). Let us assume table A is Customer and table B is a Product and AB is a Sale. Here is the query for getting list of products which are ordered by a customer.
entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT PRODUCT_ID FROM
Actually, the answer to this situation is simpler than you might think. It's a simple matter of using the right tool for the right job. JPA was not designed for implementing complicated SQL queries, that's what SQL is for! So you need a way to get JPA to access a production-level SQL query;
So in your case what you want to do is access the AB table looking only for the id field. Once you have retrieved your query, take your id field and look up the Java object using the id field. It's a second search true, but trivial by SQL standards.
Let's assume you are looking for an A object based on the number of times a B object references it. Say you are wanting a semi-complicated (but typical) SQL query to group type A objects based on the number of B objects and in descending order. This would be a typical popularity query that you might want to implement as per project requirements.
Your native SQL query would be as such:
select a_id as id from AB group by a_id order by count(*) desc;
Now what you want to do is tell JPA to expect the id list to comeback in a form that that JPA can accept. You need to put together an extra JPA entity. One that will never be used in the normal fashion of JPA. But JPA needs a way to get the queried objects back to you. You would put together an entity for this search query as such;
public class IdSearch {
Long id;
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
Now you implement a little bit of code to bring the two technologies together;
public List<IdSearch> findMostPopularA() {
return em.createNativeQuery("select a_id as id from AB group by a_id
order by count(*) desc", IdSearch.class).getResultList();
There, that's all you have to do to get JPA to get your query completed successfully. To get at your A objects you would simply cross reference into your the A list using the traditional JPA approach, as such;
List<IdSearch> list = producer.getMostPopularA();
Iterator<IdSearch> it = list.iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
IdSearch a =;
A object = em.find(A.class,a.getId());
// your in business!
Still, a little more refinement of the above can simplify things a bit further actually given the many many capabilities of the SQL design structure. A slightly more complicated SQL query will an even more direct JPA interface to your actual data;
public List<A> findMostPopularA() {
return em.createNativeQuery("select * from A, AB
where = AB.a_id
group by a_id
order by count(*) desc", A.class).getResultList();
This removes the need for an interm IdSearch table!
List<A> list = producer.getMostPopularA();
Iterator<A> it = list.iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
A a =;
// your in business!
What may not be clear tot the naked eye is the wonderfully simplified way JPA allows you to make use of complicated SQL structures inside the JPA interface. Imagine if you an SQL as follows;
SELECT array_agg(players), player_teams
SELECT DISTINCT t1.t1player AS players, t1.player_teams
p.playerid AS t1id,
concat(p.playerid,':', p.playername, ' ') AS t1player,
array_agg(pl.teamid ORDER BY pl.teamid) AS player_teams
FROM player p
LEFT JOIN plays pl ON p.playerid = pl.playerid
GROUP BY p.playerid, p.playername
) t1
p.playerid AS t2id,
array_agg(pl.teamid ORDER BY pl.teamid) AS player_teams
FROM player p
LEFT JOIN plays pl ON p.playerid = pl.playerid
GROUP BY p.playerid, p.playername
) t2 ON t1.player_teams=t2.player_teams AND t1.t1id <> t2.t2id
) innerQuery
GROUP BY player_teams
The point is that with createNativeQuery interface, you can still retrieve precisely the data you are looking for and straight into the desired object for easy access by Java.
public List<A> findMostPopularA() {
return em.createNativeQuery("SELECT array_agg(players), player_teams
SELECT DISTINCT t1.t1player AS players, t1.player_teams
p.playerid AS t1id,
concat(p.playerid,':', p.playername, ' ') AS t1player,
array_agg(pl.teamid ORDER BY pl.teamid) AS player_teams
FROM player p
LEFT JOIN plays pl ON p.playerid = pl.playerid
GROUP BY p.playerid, p.playername
) t1
p.playerid AS t2id,
array_agg(pl.teamid ORDER BY pl.teamid) AS player_teams
FROM player p
LEFT JOIN plays pl ON p.playerid = pl.playerid
GROUP BY p.playerid, p.playername
) t2 ON t1.player_teams=t2.player_teams AND t1.t1id <> t2.t2id
) innerQuery
GROUP BY player_teams
", A.class).getResultList();

How to do this JOIN

Related to my previous post here, I have the following SELECT:
SELECT tc.[Time],tc.[From], tc.[To], tc.[Cost], tc.[Length], tc.[Type], tc.[PlaceCalled]
TelstraCall as tc
[AccountNumber] IN (#AccountNumber)
I'm trying to get the [Username] out of [Resource] given that the [PhoneNum] in [rtc] matches either [From] or [To], and Hogan has kindly helped me out with the first half :
USE [rtc]
SELECT [Username]
FROM [dbo].[Resource] R
JOIN ResourcePhone RP on R.ResourceId = RP.ResourceId
WHERE RP.PhoneNum = tc.[From]
Now I'm trying to work out the syntax of how to get a 'User1' given that [From] matches the [PhoneNum] in [rtc] and a 'User2' if [To] matches [PhoneNum] instead, because I can't have them being jumbled up.
What you're wanting to do is join on the same table twice to get related values based on two different references.
For this, you use table aliases. Here's a simple example
SELECT u1.[Username] AS User1, u2.[Username] AS User2
FROM TelstraCall tc
INNER JOIN ResourcePhone rp1 ON tc.[From] = rp1.PhoneNum
INNER JOIN Resource u1 ON rp1.ResourceId = u1.Id -- guessing at column names here
INNER JOIN ResourcePhone rp2 ON tc.[To] = rp2.PhoneNum
INNER JOIN Resource u2 ON rp2.ResourceId = u2.Id
Here is one way that you can do this using CROSS APPLY since you are using SQL Server 2008. CROSS APPLY helps you to join your table with sub queries.
In this case, the table CallDetails in the database PhoneBills drives your query using the fields From and To. Both these fields have to fetch the Username data from the table Resource in the database rtc by joining with the PhoneNumber column in the table ResourcePhone also in the database rtc.
So the inner/sub query will join the tables Resource and ResourcePhone, it will then be used twice to fetch User1 and User2. For User1, the filter will use the From field in the table CallDetails in the database PhoneBills and for User2, the filter will use the To field in the table CallDetails in the database PhoneBills
SELECT USR1.UserName AS [User1]
, USR2.UserName AS [User2]
FROM PhoneBills.dbo.CallDetails CD
SELECT Username
FROM rtc.dbo.Resource R
INNER JOIN rtc.dbo.ResourcePhone RP
ON RP.ResourceID = R.ResourceID
WHERE RP.PhoneNumber = CD.From
) USR1
SELECT Username
FROM rtc.dbo.Resource R
INNER JOIN rtc.dbo.ResourcePhone RP
ON RP.ResourceID = R.ResourceID
WHERE RP.PhoneNumber = CD.To
) USR2