Microsoft Visio 2019 Low Quality Problem (for .png and .jpg) - visio

When I want to save my file as .png or .jpg format in Microsoft Visio and select quality of 100% the final quality is really low. but when I save my file as .PDF format that's ok.
any solution?


How to use .vsdx file in Doxygen for Document generation

is it possible to include a .vsdx Microsoft Visio file into source code as a image and use doxygen for compiling the documentation. If so, How?
Save the Visio .vsdx files as .png images or as .pdf files.

Conversion from USDZ file to glTF file

I am currently trying to work with AR in android but I have been given models in .usdz format. So far I have been looking for a way to convert this file into one that works with android (.fbx .obj .gltf), preferably being .gltf.
Can someone tell me if there is some support to this kind of conversion?
From what I have researched there is a support to convert files the other way around, meaning from .obj .fbx to .unsz.
Updated: May 10, 2022.
Now USDZ to glTF conversion is possible
At first, you need to install Autodesk Maya 2020 | 2022 | 2023 with Maya USD plug-in.
Then unzip a USDZ zero-compressed archive to get a binary USDC (sometimes ascii USDA) file format and a set of textures. You need to import USDC into Maya. And if you need you can edit those PNG or JPG textures.
Unzipping a USDZ file in macOS
In macOS Finder change the suffix of USDZ file to ZIP.
Uncompress ZIP file using or
In Autodesk Maya (with pre-installed USD plugin) import USDC model.
Edit USDC model.
Use Babylon exporter to produce a glTF format.
Recording this for posterity.
You can convert a USDZ file to GLB easily through the following steps.
Open said USDZ file in XCode.
File -> Export... , select Digital Asset Exchange (DAE)
From here you can choose any other tool like or (it's just much easier to find DAE to GLB convertors.)
Voila. However, do note that while on iOS quick look obeys your pivot point origin, but on Android Scene Viewer does not.

Tesseract - train with different image format than used for primary OCR

As discussed on this SO Question, tesseract often operates better with .png files than with .tiff files. (I have also experienced this directly myself). Unfortunately, there are fewer box editors available that can handle .png files. I therefore am tempted to train my data using .tiff files but then use .png files for my main OCR work. Will doing so reduce the effectiveness of the training? If so, are there any ways to address it (other than just finding a box editor that can accept .png files)?
Some editors such as jTessBoxEditor (Tesseract AddOns page) support both TIFF and PNG formats. Since TIFF can be multi-page image, it can have a lot more samples for your character set than single-page PNG.

Matlab access PDF as an array of images

Building a system which search for a specific region in the picture, and saves it. Everything works fine. Mostly I am going to extract these regions from pdf books.
So I am looking for a solution to treat PDF file in matlab as an array of images (each page is an image). Up till now the only thing I have found is how to open pdf files in matlab.
The best solution I came up with is to export PDF as many PNG images and iterate through them. There is nothing bad with these idea, but I am wondering am I missing something
Judging from this page it appears to be impossible to import pdf directly into matlab:
And a quick file exchange search for 'pdf import' only offers an attempt to extract text, rather than the images.
So all in all your approach of saving the pdf as images and then importing them seems to be the way to go.
I agree with Salvador Dali and Dennis. To convert each page of the PDF to a png image, I downloaded imagemagick and followed the commands here:
convert -density 150 -antialias "input_file_name.pdf" -resize 1024x -quality 100 "output_file_name-%03d.png"
Of course, there are other discussion about using ImageMagick for this purpose:
Converting a PDF to PNG and
Convert PDF to PNG using ImageMagick
This is an old thread, but it's the one I found when I asked the same question, so I thought I would elaborate in case it's helpful to future users who also land on this thread.

Images in OOXML (Office Open XML) standard documents are damaged. Where I can find a good one?

We are working on a project to deal with OOXML format, specifically DOCX format. We downloaded PDFs from ISO site ( but found all images in the PDF are black. Some images have colored lines but none of them has text.
Is there anyone read the standard?
Where I can get a good document with good images.
You can take a look at the ECMA-376 version of the standard at the following link. I would download the third edition set of the pdf's as they are the most recent to date.