Issue using Dotnetzip in powershell error consider setting UseZip64WhenSaving - powershell

I have used dotnetzip in c# with large files with no problem. I have a requirement to zip up some large files in the power shell. I see from dotnetzip docs I can use it iN ps .
But I keep getting the error
Compressed or Uncompressed size, or offset exceeds the maximum value. Consider setting the UseZip64WhenSaving property on the ZipFile instance.
this is my PS code. How do I set the UseZip64WhenSaving in PS?
$directoryToZip = "D:\\mybigfiles\\";
$zipfile = new-object Ionic.Zip.ZipFile;
$e= $zipfile.AddEntry("mybig.csv", "This is a zipfile created from within powershell.")
$e= $zipfile.AddDirectory($directoryToZip, "home")
Working C# code.
using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
zip.UseZip64WhenSaving = Zip64Option.AsNecessary;

Unlike C#, PowerShell loves implicit type conversions - and it'll implicitly parse and convert a string value to its cognate enum value when you assign it to an enum-typed property:
$zipfile.UseZip64WhenSaving = 'AsNecessary'
Alternatively, make sure you qualify the enum type name:
#$zipfile.UseZip64WhenSaving = [Ionic.Zip.Zip64Option]::AsNecessary
It's also worth noting that all PowerShell string literals act like verbatim strings in C# - in other words, \ is not a special character that needs to be escaped:
$directoryToZip = "D:\mybigfiles\"
# ...
$e = $zipfile.AddDirectory($directoryToZip, "home")


ExtendedPropertyDefinition declaration for EmailMessage in Powershell throws exception

since I got to know that ExtendedProperties have its limit for a specific mailbox in the EWS cloud I am trying to switch up my code to have only one ExtendedProperty and just change its value each time I am assigning the property to an e-mail message I am sending to then find it and work on the e-mail message object later on in the program.
I am having a hard time setting this up correctly even though I am following the docs, but it just seems to not work out for me.
This is the code part that throws an Exception: "Multiple ambigious overloads found for "ExtendedPropertyDefinition" and the argument count "3" :
# email declaration exposing the $email object
# property declaration and setting the value
# since I want to have only one extended property, this is actually a valid GUID string that I then # convert to a Guid type
$GUIDproperty = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
$propertyGUID = [Guid]$GUIDproperty
# since I want to have a unique value each time set to the existing extended property
$propertyValue = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$propertyName = "Id"
$ExtendedProperty = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExtendedPropertyDefinition]::new($propertyGUID, $propertyName, $propertyType)
# well I dont even reach this part, but just for the big picture
$email.SetExtendedProperty($ExtendedProperty, $propertyValue)
The docs I have followed for that are the following:
The following works okay for me
$propertyType = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MapiPropertyType]::String
$GUIDproperty = "82e3d64f-e26d-4321-8fc3-c31aa790197c"
$propertyGUID = [Guid]$GUIDproperty
$propertyValue = [guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
$propertyName = "MyPropId"
$ExtendedProperty = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExtendedPropertyDefinition]::new($propertyGUID, $propertyName, $propertyType)
return $ExtendedProperty
You don't specify what you using in the $propertyType so that maybe it, could also be to do with the versions you using. What version of PowerShell and the EWS Managed API are you trying ?

Split a string based on "|" character in PowerShell

I have a string variable in PowerShell which contains the value:
I am attempting to get the beginning portion of that string into it's own variable by identifying the index of the "|" character and using a substring function to extract the first portion of the string, in this case "NFP". I am not sure how to escape the "|" so I can use it properly. It doesn't seem to recognize it at all. My latest attempt is as follows:
$PolicyManual = $Item["PolicyManual"]
write-host $PolicyManual #Displays NFP|8dc3b47a-48eb-4696-abe2-48729beb63c8
if ($PolicyManual.Contains([regex]::escape("|"))) {
$PolcyManual = $PolicyManual.Substring(0, $PolicyManual.IndexOf([regex]::escape("|")))
I'm sure this is simple, but I can't figure out how to make it work. Can anyone offer assistance to a PowerShell novice?
The problem is that .contains method doesn't know about regex and you are never entering the if condition because of this. When you do [regex]::escape("|"), the method is looking for a literal \|.
Try this instead:
$PolicyManual = "NFP|8dc3b47a-48eb-4696-abe2-48729beb63c8"
if ($PolicyManual.Contains('|')) {
$element0, $element1 = $PolicyManual.Split('|')
$element0 #=> NFP
$element1 #=> 8dc3b47a-48eb-4696-abe2-48729beb63c8

How do I read values of a variable of type Map passed from terraform to powershell userdata script?

I need to pass the variable of type map from terraform to powershell userdata script and be able to access the key value pairs of the map in the powershell script. Thank you
data "template_file" "user_data" {
template = "${file("${path.module}/init.ps1")}"
vars = {
environment = var.env
# I want to pass the values as shown below
hostnames = {"dev":"devhost","test":"testhost","prod":"prodhost"}
$hostnames = "${hostnames}"
$environment = "${environment}"
if ($environment -eq "dev"){
# print the value of the dev key in the hostname map here
The template_file data source is discouraged.
Note In Terraform 0.12 and later, the templatefile function offers a built-in mechanism for rendering a template from a file. Use that function instead, unless you are using Terraform 0.11 or earlier.
The templatefile function is preferred which is why my solution uses it instead.
In either case, only map(string) is supported for template vars. The values must be strings. JSON can encode arbitrary tree structures, including your map of hostnames as strings.
In your terraform code, encode your hostnames to JSON with jsonencode.
locals {
user_data = templatefile("${path.module}/init.ps1" ,{
environment = var.env
# I want to pass the values as shown below
hostnames = jsonencode({"dev":"devhost","test":"testhost","prod":"prodhost"})
In your PowerShell, decode your hostnames from JSON with the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet.
$hostnames = '${hostnames}' | ConvertFrom-Json
$environment = "${environment}"
if ($environment -eq "dev"){
# print the value of the dev key in the hostname map here
Update: As noted in the comments, -AsHashtable won't necessarily work as it was added in PowerShell 6.0. Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 include PowerShell 5.1. If you have maps with case-only differences in keys ({"name" = "foo" ; "Name" = "bar"}) then you will need to install PowerShell 6.0 or later and use ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable.
In order to include a collection value in a template result you must decide how you want to represent it as a string, because template results are always strings.
PowerShell supports JSON encoding via the ConvertFrom-Json cmdlet, so a JSON string might be a good candidate, although it presents some challenges because you must ensure that the JSON string is written into the result as a valid PowerShell expression, which means we must also apply PowerShell escaping.
Putting that all together, you can adjust the template like this:
$hostnames = '${replace(jsonencode(hostnames), "'", "''")}' | ConvertFrom-Json
$environment = '${replace(environment, "'", "''")}'
if ($environment -eq "dev"){
Write-Output $hostnames["dev"]
The jsonencode function produces a JSON-encoded version of the given value. The above then passes that result to replace so that any ' characters in the result will be escaped as '', which then allows placing the entire result in single quotes ' to ensure valid PowerShell syntax.
The result of rendering the template would be something like this:
$hostnames = '{"dev":"devhost","test":"testhost","prod":"prodhost"}' | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
$environment = 'dev'
if ($environment -eq "dev"){
Write-Output $hostnames["dev"]
You seem to be using Terraform 0.12, so you should use the templatefile function instead of the template_file data source. The function is better because it can accept values of any type, whereas the data source can only accept string values (because it is designed for Terraform 0.11).
To use templatefile, find the place where you were previously referring to data.template_file.user_data and use the templatefile function there instead:
templatefile("${path.module}/init.ps1", {
environment = var.env
hostnames = {"dev":"devhost","test":"testhost","prod":"prodhost"}
You can then remove the data "template_file" "user_data" block, because this templatefile function call replaces it.

Search a Lotus Notes database from PowerShell

I am trying to search a Lotus Notes database from PowerShell and getting a "Type Mismatch. (Exception from HResult: 0x80020005 (DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH)" At line 1: char:1.
Set-up code:
$notesSession = New-Object -ComObject Lotus.NotesSession
$notesDb = $notesSession.GetDatabase(..., ...)
I get the errors when trying...
$results = $notesDb.Search("text", $null, 0)
$results = $notesDb.Search("text", $(Get-Date), 0)
$results = $notesDb.Search("text", $([System.DateTime]::Now), 0)
Can anybody spot the mistake? I think the error is to do with the date argument, hence my multiple attempts.
The error seems to be coming from the fact that .Search wants a notesDateTime object for that parameter. So in theory you just need to create a notesdatetime object and pass that to the search method.
$searchDate = $notesSession.CreateDateTime(get-date -f "yyyy-MM-dd")
I am not in a position to test this nor am I sure how to get a null return from this short of passing $null to the CreateDateTime method.
Unsure if this is the correct reference for the COM implementation but from the parameter section
The date and time you want the object to represent. If you use an empty string (""), the date is set to a wildcard date. The Notes date-time expressions "Today," "Tomorrow" and "Yesterday" are supported.

PowerShell Switch not working with hyphenation

I'm creating a series of new PSObjects, from a CSV import, and then adding them to $new. I'm using a switch to try and set the value for the "Notes" property, as the object is being created\added, and I've run into something 'hinky'.
When I run this...
$import = Import-Csv c:\somerandom.csv
$new = #()
foreach ($Item in $Import) {
$obj = New-Object PsObject -Property #{
Name = $item.Name
Description = $Item.Description
Quantity = $Item.Quantity
Vendor = $Item.Vendor
SubCategory = "Misc"
Notes = ""
switch ($obj.Name) {
"iPod" { $obj.Notes = "Burn with the rest of the Apple garbage"}
"nVidia GTX 780ti" { $obj.Notes = "Steal immediately!" }
default { $obj.Notes= "Sorry man... I have no idea what that is"}
$new += $obj
... it works as expected. All of the entries from $import, are recreated in $new, with the addition of my "SubCategory" and "Notes" noteproperties (iPod gets burn tag, 780ti slated to be stolen). But when I run with the following as the switch...
switch ($obj.Name) {
'SOFM090-107-01-PF-R' { $obj.Notes = "Burn with the rest of the Apple garbage"}
'M094-107-01-PF-R' { $obj.Notes = "Steal immediately!" }
default { $obj.Notes = "Sorry man... I have no idea what that is"}
... It sets all the entries to the 'default' setting on the switch. I tried running the switch with a non-hyphenated name for one entry, and a hyphenated entry for the other, and only the hyphenated version was set properly.
The above code is altered from the actual code, but it properly illustrates what I'm trying to do. I need to add a noteproperty that is based off a list of part numbers, and will fill in the "Notes" entry with a tag of my choosing.
I've tried it with single quotes, double quotes, using the -wildcard and replacing the switch hyphens with *'s, and putting the ` character in before the -'s. Nothing seems to be working.
There's nothing wrong with the code, so the problem must lie in the data. I verified that it works fine with a CSV file that has those exact hyphenated values in the "Name" column.
If the switch doesn't work with the hyphenated names, then the values being imported into the Name property don't match what you have in the switch statement. It's a good idea to always post the data you're working with, or a sample of it, because often that's the source of the problem. Even when it isn't, it helps other people understand what you're trying to accomplish and what your code does. Since we don't have the data, I can suggest a few likely possibilities:
You're manually typing the names into the switch statement, and they look like what's in the CSV, but don't actually match, e.g. you're confusing O with 0 because they look the same in the font you're working with. I'd have suspected something like an en-dash instead of a hyphen, but you say you tried replacing the hyphens with wildcards
You have trailing spaces
You're single-quoting the hyphenated names in the CSV file (Import-Csv only understands double quotes; single quotes would be included in the value).
Here are a couple of things you can try to help identify why the data doesn't match (separately, not both together):
Replace switch ($obj.Name) { with switch -regex ($obj.Name) {
Use the following code to show you exactly what PowerShell is seeing in the Name property for each item and which switch conditions are being executed:
Write-Host -NoNewline "[$($obj.Name)] "
switch ($obj.Name) {
'SOFM090-107-01-PF-R' {Write-Host 'burn'; $obj.Notes = "Burn with the rest of the Apple garbage"}
'M094-107-01-PF-R' {Write-Host 'steal'; $obj.Notes = "Steal immediately!"}
default {Write-Host 'sorry'; $obj.Notes = "Sorry man... I have no idea what that is"}
If you post the data, we'll probably be able to tell you exactly why it's not working. But I can pretty much guarantee you that if you're using that code, the problem is that the imported Name values that aren't being matched with the right Notes values are in some way not the same as what you have in the switch conditions.