Downloading files with a manually generated signed url errors with "SignatureDoesNotMatch" - google-cloud-storage

I've followed this guide to implement a URL signer for cloud storage download URLs in Rust.
Bucket and service account have necessary permissions.
I'm using signBlob technique to sign the string.
Here is the output of my canonical request.
My string to sign.
(Hash is calculated from the canonical request with SHA256)
The final signed url I produce.
Trying a get request with this URL results with this error,
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<Message>The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your Google secret key and signing method.</Message>
<CanonicalRequest>GET /abc.pd x-goog-algorithm=GOOG4-RSA-SHA256&
I've read that sometimes a header mismatch was causing this, I've tried to make this request in browser, curl and with a node script. Each of those give me the same error.
Could you point me to the right direction about debugging this or maybe you may think of causes which I'm not aware yet.
Thanks a lot.
John Hanley suggested that the problem might be in the encoding.
I've applied the fixes he suggested such as sorting the headers and took the example in the end of this page as a reference to percent encode the URL.
Now the canonical request looks like this
and the final URL looks like this,
I've also used the cli command,
gsutil -i signurl -d 10m -u gs://basak/abc.pd
to sign the url for comparison and the result is
this url works perfectly.
The differences are:
Header order starts with the signature and continues sorted.
Headers are lowercase
The signature does not contain slashes. (It could be that I need to decode the signature? I'll check.)
I've implemented the first two in my code quickly and nothing changed.
On the other hand I suspect that maybe I'm doing something wrong with the signature since neither the example nor the gsutil generated url have slashes in the signature..
As John Hanley suggested I am sharing my code.
(The code is written in a sketchy way to debug and make it work first. Imports and use statements omitted.)
const SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL: &str = "";
struct SignRequest {
// The sequence of service accounts in a delegation chain. Each service account must be granted the roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role on its next service account in the chain. The last service account in the chain must be granted the roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator role on the service account that is specified in the name field of the request.
// The delegates must have the following format: projects/-/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL_OR_UNIQUEID}. The - wildcard character is required; replacing it with a project ID is invalid.
delegates: Vec<String>,
// Required. The bytes to sign.
// A base64-encoded string.
payload: String,
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct SignResponse {
key_id: String,
signed_blob: String,
fn credential_scope(date: &str, location: &str, service: &str, request_type: &str) -> String {
const FRAGMENT: &AsciiSet = &CONTROLS
// ?=!#$&'()*+,:;#[]."
.add(b' ')
async fn generate_signed_url(
bucket_name: &str,
object_name: &str,
expiration: &str,
token: &gcp_auth::Token,
) -> Result<String, reqwest::Error> {
// We'll use google's signing service to generate a signature.
let sign_blob_url = format!("{SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}:signBlob?alt=json");
let mut query_parameters = std::collections::BTreeMap::new();
let canonical_uri = format!("/{object_name}");
let date = chrono::offset::Utc::today().format("%Y%m%d").to_string();
let time_stamp = chrono::offset::Utc::now()
let credential_scope = credential_scope(&date, "auto", "storage", "goog4_request");
let credential = format!("{SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}/{credential_scope}");
let host = format!("{bucket_name}");
let algorithm = "GOOG4-RSA-SHA256";
query_parameters.insert("x-goog-algorithm", algorithm);
query_parameters.insert("x-goog-credential", &credential);
query_parameters.insert("x-goog-date", &time_stamp);
query_parameters.insert("x-goog-expires", expiration);
query_parameters.insert("x-goog-signedHeaders", "host");
let mut canonical_query_string =
.fold("".to_owned(), |mut acc, (k, v)| {
let encoded_k = percent_encode(k.as_bytes(), FRAGMENT);
let encoded_v = percent_encode(v.as_bytes(), FRAGMENT);
acc.push_str(&format!("{}={}&", encoded_k, encoded_v));
// let canonical_headers = format!("content-type:text/plain\nhost:{host}");
// let signed_headers = "content-type;host";
let canonical_headers = format!("host:{host}");
let signed_headers = "host";
// \n
let canonical_request = format!(
println!("canonical_request: {}", canonical_request);
let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
let hashed_canonical_request = format!("{:x}", hasher.finalize());
let string_to_sign =
println!("string_to_sign: {}", string_to_sign);
let body = SignRequest {
delegates: vec![],
payload: base64::encode(string_to_sign),
let client = reqwest::Client::new();
let response = client
let sign_response: SignResponse = serde_json::from_slice(&response).unwrap();
let signed_url = format!(
// percent_encode(response.signed_blob.as_bytes(), FRAGMENT)

First of all big thanks to John Hanley for motivating me to resolve this.
As he suggested there were multiple issues.
The percent encoding was incorrect and comparing it with the CLI output helped me to correct it.
The headers should be sorted and the same technique of comparing also helped me to find the right sorting.
The major issue was something else though.
It is my mistake that I've missed this in the docs.
In the doc of signedBlob it clearly states that the signature in the response is a Base64 encoded string. I was using it plainly instead.
After receiving the response doing,
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct SignResponse {
key_id: String,
signed_blob: String,
let response: SignResponse = serde_json::from_slice(&response).unwrap();
// First decode the signature
let decoded_signature = base64::decode(response.signed_blob).unwrap();
// Then make a string with hex representation of bytes
let hex_encoded_signature = hex::encode(decoded_signature);
// Then construct the url
let signed_url = format!("https://{host}{canonical_uri}?x-goog-signature={hex_encoded_signature}&{canonical_query_string}");
resolved the issue and I can even use the resulting URL in the browser!
By experimentation I've also derived that using lowercase (x-goog-..) or uppercase (X-Goog..) headers or even mixing them do not change anything.
This comment also confused me a little throughout the process:
When defining the resource path, you must percent encode the following reserved characters: ?=!#$&'()*+,:;#[]." Any other percent encoding used in the URL should also be included in the resource path.
which is taken from this source
Because it says to percent encode that character set but does not include characters such as /, etc. which should be percent encoded also and such as . shouldn't be encoded.
I am still confused about it a little but maybe I should read more about percent encoding techniques.
Anyway I'm happy that it is resolved and hope it helps someone later.


How do I generate a JWT to use in API authentication for Swift app

I am trying to implement the use of an API service which requires JWT authentication for all its API calls.
I understand what JWT tokens are and how they are used, my issue is that I am writing a Swift app and can't quite figure out the process to generate the token so that I can attach it as a Bearer in my API calls.
Can I generate the JWT token on the client side (swift app)?
Create a Google Cloud Function to generate token then write back to Firebase
to use in my API calls?
Here's how to make JSON Web Tokens in Swift using Apple's CryptoKit. It uses the default example in
import CryptoKit
extension Data {
func urlSafeBase64EncodedString() -> String {
return base64EncodedString()
.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: "-")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "/", with: "_")
.replacingOccurrences(of: "=", with: "")
struct Header: Encodable {
let alg = "HS256"
let typ = "JWT"
struct Payload: Encodable {
let sub = "1234567890"
let name = "John Doe"
let iat = 1516239022
let secret = "your-256-bit-secret"
let privateKey = SymmetricKey(data: Data(secret.utf8))
let headerJSONData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(Header())
let headerBase64String = headerJSONData.urlSafeBase64EncodedString()
let payloadJSONData = try! JSONEncoder().encode(Payload())
let payloadBase64String = payloadJSONData.urlSafeBase64EncodedString()
let toSign = Data((headerBase64String + "." + payloadBase64String).utf8)
let signature = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: toSign, using: privateKey)
let signatureBase64String = Data(signature).urlSafeBase64EncodedString()
let token = [headerBase64String, payloadBase64String, signatureBase64String].joined(separator: ".")
print(token) // eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c
It depends on how you plan to sign your token. Fundamentally, you'll want some sort of secret to sign the payload of the JWT.
Is your secret an API key that the client already has? If so, there's not a lot of harm just generating it client side.
Is your secret a certificate that's super secret and you can't give out to clients? Then you'll probably want to go with your Firebase idea.
It's pretty common to just have the client do the signing via API key in these situations, but your motivations for locking down your API to begin with are the driving force here.
IBM-Swift looks like the most complete JWT library for swift these days should you decide to go client side.
Jsonwebtoken is a very good JS one should you decide to deploy a GC Function.
Both libraries are very straightforward to use.

How to access the raw content from a response in Vapor 3 unit test?

I'm coming from using tooling such as SuperTest with NodeJS and looking for relevant equivalents to support testing with Vapor 3 and server side swift.
I see a pattern of using making a testable application with Vapor 3 to do testing of endpoints, examples being and the write-up at
When using these in tests, the format generally looks something like:
func testGettingASingleUserFromTheAPI() throws {
let user = try User.create(name: usersName, username: usersUsername, on: conn)
let receivedUser = try app.getResponse(to: "\(usersURI)\(!)", decodeTo: User.Public.self)
XCTAssertEqual(, usersName)
XCTAssertEqual(receivedUser.username, usersUsername)
(from Vapor-TIL example code)
In all of these examples, the return values are really set to be handed back to something decodable (the decodeTo: kind of setup). In some cases in my Vapor 3 code, I want to just validate some non-JSON encoded results - just simple strings, and validate the results - but I've not found the methods to get into the content or convenient ways to validate it with XCTAssert.
response.content is available, a container around the overall response (of type ContentContainer). Are there some examples or good ways at getting to the underlying content representation to validate them directly?
You could write your own additional methods in Application+Testable like
func getRawResponse(to path: String) throws -> Response {
return try self.sendRequest(to: path, method: .GET)
func getStringResponse(to path: String) throws -> String {
let response = try self.getRawResponse(to: path)
guard let data =,
let string = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
throw SomeError("Unable to decode response data into String")
return string
and then call them to get either raw Response or decoded String like
func testGettingHelloWorldStringFromTheAPI() throws {
let string = try app. getStringResponse(to: "some/endpoint")
XCTAssertEqual(string, "Hello world")

Converting base64 string to hex to readable string: Swift

I am working with some 3rd party data. The data they are returning from our request is suppose to be base64 encoded into a string. They provide these instructions for converting it to a readable format:
*First, converting the Base64 string to hexadecimals using the open-source "tomeko" online tool:
Second, in the SAE J2735 standard, all messages are sent as a MessageFrame. The MessageFrame contains information about which particular type of message is included within the MessageFrame. The proper way to decode the hexadecimals from step #1, is to select MessageFrame under the ASN.1 message in the open-source Marben online decoder tool:
I'm working on an iPhone app so reaching out to these sites for the conversion is not optimal. I decoded the B64 string into hex with this code:
func convert64EncodedToHex(_ data:Data) -> String {
return{ String(format: "%02x", $0) }.joined()
which came back as so:
5B224142 4E464141 41414F51 6F414141 63414545 4E427055 476C5141 45434B67 796C6A4C 49414442 44515A2B 686E3641 4341686F 4D77517A 42414251 51304753 675A4B41 41774961 44536F4E 4B674163 454E426D 43475949 41514347 677A7544 4F34225D
But when I plug that into the Marben decoder it fails:
<description>Unexpected end of stream reached when decoding</description>
Eventually I would need to decode the hex into readable string in the app so I was wondering:
Why my b64 to hex code seems to be failing
how to transform hex to readable string
OK, on the Marben site I was selecting the wrong drop down for decoding. Selecting MessageFrame provided a successful result so the b64 to hex I have is working. New problem arose from that is I can't decipher these results:
68 bytes decoded.
A couple of problems.
The hex string you provided translates to an original response of:
Perhaps they sent it to you in a JSON array? Bottom line, you need to trim out the [" and "] before you do anything else with this. For example, if it was JSON, you could parse the JSON before you base64-decode it:
do {
let array = try JSONDecoder().decode([String].self, from: originalJSONData)
if let base64String = array.first {
// use `base64String` here
} catch {
If you want the data associated with that base64 string, you'd do something like:
let payload = Data(base64Encoded: base64String)!
If you merely want to display that as a hex string (I'm not sure why you'd want to do that), the easiest way is:
print(payload as NSData)
That would display
<00134500 0000390a 00000700 104341a5 41a54001 022a0ca5 8cb2000c 10d067e8 67e80080 86833043 30400504 34192819 28003021 a0d2a0d2 a001c10d 06608660 80100868 33b833b8>
If you really need that hex String representation, you can use the routine you have in your question (but do it on the base64-decoded payload, rather than the base64 string):
let payloadString = { String(format: "%02x", $0) }
That will return:
Personally, the hex strings (in step 3 and 4) are interesting if you want to visually examine the binary payload, but probably you really need the original payload (in step 2). As I look at this data, it's not immediately obvious what this "3rd party data" returned, so I cannot comment further on that, but you presumably have some mechanism to consume this payload.

Safely sending base64 encoded string as query parameter

In my app, I need to send to a server a base64-encoded string as a query parameter, eg.
Problem is, anything works just fine when there isn't a plus sign in my string: on the other hand, everytime there's one, the server code doesn't behave correctly.
I noticed there are escaping functions (eg. addingPercentEncoding) but they don't work with the plus sign.
Aside from removing all the pluses "manually" (eg. with a regex), is there anything else I can do?
At the moment anything works fine if I use:
string.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: "%2B")
The server is probably interpreting the + sign as a space because it is often used in query parameters as a substitute for a space. addPercentEncoding isn't going to help you because it only translates non ASCII characters.
You'll need to manually replace + with %2B as you are doing.
.... although
NSString has a version of addPercentEncoding that also takes a CharacterSet as a parameter. So you could create a Characterset with all the base64 characters in it except + using init(charactersIn:) i.e.
let safeChars = Characterset(charactersIn: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz0123456789/=")
One good way to construct a URL is to use URLComponents. This should work in almost all cases, and an example is shown below:
let base64 = "AwGZnyx+JUi0PFJoyYSEDpgtlrxP(cut...)=="
var components = URLComponents(string: "")
components?.queryItems = [ URLQueryItem(name: "data", value: "AwGZnyx+JUi0PFJoyYSEDpgtlrxP(cut...)==") ]
let url = components?.url
However, in your particular case, it seems the the server is not correctly handling the + and you need to work around that issue similar to what you have above. The better fix would be for the server to be changed to correctly process the URL.
let base64 = "AwGZnyx+JUi0PFJoyYSEDpgtlrxP(cut...)=="
var components = URLComponents(string: "")
components?.queryItems = [ URLQueryItem(name: "data", value: base64) ]
let urlString = components?.string.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: "%2B")

Kraken private API with F# returns EGeneral: invalid arguments

I am trying to access the Kraken private API using F#. The code to access the public API runs perfectly fine, but when i try to access the private API i am always getting the error "EGeneral:Invalid arguments".
#r "FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
open System
open System.Text
open System.Security.Cryptography
let baseUri = ""
let path = "/0/private/Balance"
let nonce = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks
let bodyText = "nonce=" + nonce.ToString()
let hmac (key : byte []) (data : byte[]) =
use hmac = new HMACSHA512(key)
let sha256 (data : string) =
use sha = SHA256Managed.Create()
let createSignature (nonce : int64) body (path : string) secret =
let shaSum = nonce.ToString() + body |> sha256
let data = Array.append (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes path) shaSum
let key = Convert.FromBase64String secret
hmac key data |> Convert.ToBase64String
let signature = createSignature nonce bodyText path secret
let response = Http.RequestString (
url = baseUri + path,
httpMethod = "POST",
headers = ([("API-Key", key); ("API-Sign", signature)] |> Seq.ofList),
body = TextRequest bodyText
Does anybody see what i am doing wrong?
The API documentation is awailable here:
I suppose the header signature is incorrect. The docu requires the following two values to be submitted in the header:
API-Key = API key API-Sign = Message signature using HMAC-SHA512 of
(URI path + SHA256(nonce + POST data)) and base64 decoded secret API
The remaining parameters need to be transmitted with a POST method. In my case this is only the "nonce" value in the body part of the HTTP request.
I had the same error while I was writing a C# library for Kraken and I found a solution of this problem:
This error does not appears if the API key or the sign are wrong or missing. The problem is that you do not add a mediatype to your request. I do not know how it works in F# but look at this example:
using (var client = new HttpClient())
string address = String.Format("{0}/{1}/public/{2}", _url, _version, method);
// Does not work with this:
// var content = new StringContent(postData, Encoding.UTF8);
var content = new StringContent(postData, Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
var response = await client.PostAsync(address, content);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
The "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is the critical path. If you do not send a request with that, you get the "EGeneral: invalid arguments"-error. With it, everything works fine. At least in my case.