How to build hybrid automation framework in KATALON - frameworks

In our project we are using katalon studio. Now we want to implement hybrid framework in katalon. Can any one suggest how to build hybrid automation framework

Katalon studio is just a tool comprised of base eclipse + Selenium + Groovy + Gradle libraries in it.
it can be customisable to any extent. instead of considering katalonstudio as a automation tool. consider that as an IDE. Just prepup the custom code into structurized packages. that should help. only drawback is that the Katalon only supports Gradle Build tool..


Is there a way to automatically deploy nuget packages in Visual Studio 2017?

I'd like to know if there is a way to automatically deploy NuGet package.
I tried many extensions but not working for VS 2017.
I do know that there is a packager as new VS 2017 feature. But there is no package tab in my project (.NET Library) properties.
If you want the integrated package management for .NET Framework Libraries (not .NET Standard or .NET Core), you can create a .NET Standard Library and edit the csproj file by replacing
There is no built-in template yet for this library type and some designers (win forms, xaml, ..) will not be available but this unlocks all integrated packaging features.

If I check in eclipse project into tfs, will I be able to use it in VS environment?

My ultimate goal is to completely migrate eclipse (mars) project into Visual Studio environment.
During my research, I have tried several options:
1) Create project from existing code. Doesn't apply to my case, since my project is a combination of .java and .jsp files, wizard only offers C++, C#, Visual Basic options.
2) TFS plugin for eclipse.
3) Checking in the project from eclipse into tfs.
Within the third option, I am planning to create a new team project, and check in the project from eclipse based on that article manual.
My question is will I be able to open and operate project I checked in inside VS environment?
I am also opened to any other suggestion, which might help me resolve that problem.
If you have an Eclipse project and you want to move to something like Visual Studio there are three options:
Java Language Support plugin
Visual Studio Code
Java Language Service for Android and Eclipse Android Project Import
Except for the latest, I expect you have to review the build script to make it work in the new environment.
TFS/VSTS is language agnostic and has no interested in IDE and has no "project conversion" support.
No, sharing(check in) the project in Team Foundation server just means to source control the code. You can't directly using them in VS environment.
However you can download the project and work on it locally(local eclipse). Then check in the changes to TFS server. More details please refer: Importing Projects from Team Foundation Server
Here is a tutorial includes step-by-step instructions to help you get
started with the Team Foundation Server plug-in for Eclipse.
Team Foundation Server Plug-in for Eclipse - Beginner's Guide

Run protractor tests in Eclipse or Visual Studio

I'm new on protractor and i got a few tests running (i did in Webstorm 30 day trial). But now i'm trying to do it in Eclipse to integrate with TFS or VS itself, so i can associate with our test cases. Does anyone know how to? Do i have to use an especific IDE or something like that?
In visual studio itself, you can write protractor tests (Protractor for .NET is built on top of Selenium WebDriver C# binding.) by installing protractor package and Nunit, then you can integrate with TFS if you want.
For more information, you can look into this link.
You have to use Eclipse Neon.
Probably yow will have to downgrade your protractor because it works only till 4.10(It doesn't work with latest version)

Test Framework for Eclipse RCP Application

I am new to Eclipse RCP and I'm looking for an open source framework to test my RCP application (especially the GUI). I want to run this tests as unit tests.
Can you suggest some good frameworks with which you made good experiences?
The eclipse platform builds come with an Junit Plug-in test framework that allows JUnit tests written as plugins to run in the context of an Eclipse or RCP app. The JUnit plugin tests could then use SWTBot as well as the standard platform API (open windows, show views, etc).
See to get started.
See also Automating unit tests (junit) for Eclipse Plugin development
You may want to try SWTBot. It is made explicitly for the SWT UI. It is in incubation still but under active development.
I had a presentation on EclipseCon '11 about this subject: 10 Techniques to Test a Plug-in.
You coud try WindowTester Pro - this used to be a commercial product, but after Google bought it it open sourced it and now it it is free, it is good actually

how to use nunit with visual studio

Visual studio has a built-in unit test framework. I am wondering if I can use nunit instead?
Yes, TestDriven.Net, Nunit and Resharper provide integration with VS. More details in the two posts below (in response to the same question).
Unit test, NUnit or Visual studio?
Unit test, NUnit or Visual studio?
Using NUnit without extensions
This answer is long overdue, but I'm using NUnit in Visual Studio without any additional extensions (that are mainly also not free).
The whole idea is to configure your test project (a usual Class library project actually) so that when you hit F5 or Ctrl-F5 it automatically starts NUnit GUI and starts test execution.
The main benefit of this project configuration (all configuration steps are described with images) is that it's easy to also debug your tests if you need to when you have bugs in them.
Here's a free Visual Studio addin for NUnit: NUnitAddin