PowerShell - Connect and disconnect from SPO - powershell

The script connects to SPO and read from excel. At the end I close the local excel instance and disconnect from SPO. Usually I am running the script so this is really necessary to do it every run? connect ad disconnect. Maybe there is another way to do it? ask if there is a valid active connection?
I saw that if the credentials are wrong for example the script is still reading from the sheet maybe from the memory, how can I protect from this scenario?
#Connecting to SharePoint Online site
Write-host "Connecting to SharePoint Online"
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SharePointSiteURL # -Credentials $PSCredentials
$ExcelObject = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$ExcelWorkBook = $ExcelObject.Workbooks.Open($SharePointSiteURL)
$ExcelWorkSheet = $ExcelWorkBook.Sheets.Item("VIP List")
function QuitExcel {
# when done, quit Excel and remove the used COM objects from memory (important)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ExcelWorkSheet)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ExcelWorkBook)
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($ExcelObject)


Connect-SPOService Only When Necessary

I'm writing an administrative script for my SharePoint Online instance, and I'm trying to figure out how to prevent unnecessary connections to the SPO Service.
For example, I have 5 functions that each executive an administrative function. Each one obviously requires that I have successfully connected to the SPO Service before the rest can be run.
If I open the script with the intention of running more than one of the functions, I don't want to have to connect more than once.
Is there a way for me to check whether the connection is already established before I connect again?
Example Code:
function Admin-Function_A{
Write-Host "Connecting to SharePoint Online" -ForegroundColor White
try {
Write-Host "Successfully connected to SharePoint Online." -ForegroundColor Green
} catch {
Write-Host "Connection to SharePoint Online failed." -ForegroundColor Red
function Connect-Function{
# Import the module
Import-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Powershell -DisableNameChecking
# Load credential
$credential = Get-Credential -Message "Enter admin account password" -UserName $adminUsername
Connect-SPOService -Url $adminUrl -Credential $credential
From the little i saw about SPOService connections, once you open it, it stays connected until you close it, using Disconnect-SPOService or when the session is closed.
You could add all your functions to the same script and call the Connect-Function before doing your work.
Did i understood it correctly?
Anything let me know
This is all in theory as I do not have access to SPO
function Test-SPOConnected {
Write-Verbose 'Testing Connection to SharePoint Online'
try {
# Choose a command that you know should return something if you are connected,
# preferably only a small amount of objects, or error otherwise
# Based off documentation I've choosen Get-SPOSite
# however there could be a better option
$results = Get-SPOSite -ErrorAction Stop
If ($results) {
Write-Verbose 'Successfully connected to SharePoint Online.'
else {
Write-Warning 'Nothing returned. Not connected to SharePoint Online.'
catch {
Write-Warning 'Connection to SharePoint Online failed.'
Then in other code/functions you can check connection by using an if statement
if (!Test-SPOConnected) {
# do SPO stuff

Programmatically delete the contents of SharePoint 2013 recycle bin

Client would like a PowerShell script wrote to delete the 2nd stage recycle bin for a SharePoint 2013 Site Collection
Client's SharePoint requires a credential authorization on load.
I have researched, however in regards to SharePoint 2013, I have yet to find a script example that involves using my credentials. However in the SharePoint Online examples for programmatically deleting a SP recycle bin they use credential authorization.
My attempts to splice these two scripts together have been met with no success.
Question: Would somone be able to assist me by taking a look at my code and letting me know where I am going wrong?
##Variables for Processing
$SiteUrl = "https://MySite/sites/site"
Try {
#Setup the context
$Context = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteUrl)
$Context.Credentials = $Credentials
#Get the recycle bin
$Site = $Context.Site
$RecycleBinItems = $Site.RecycleBin
Write-Host "Total Number of Items found Recycle Bin:" $RecycleBinItems.Count
#sharepoint online powershell empty recycle bin
catch {
write-host "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor Red

How to run Powershell script on local computer but with credentials of a domain user

I have to implement a solution where I have to deploy a SSIS project (xy.ispac) from one machine to another. So far I've managed to copy-cut-paste the following stuff from all around the internet:
# Variables
$ServerName = "target"
$SSISCatalog = "SSISDB" # sort of constant
$CatalogPwd = "catalog_password"
$ProjectFilePath = "D:\Projects_to_depoly\Project_1.ispac"
$ProjectName = "Project_name"
$FolderName = "Data_collector"
# Load the IntegrationServices Assembly
# Store the IntegrationServices Assembly namespace to avoid typing it every time
$ISNamespace = "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices"
Write-Host "Connecting to server ..."
# Create a connection to the server
$sqlConnectionString = "Data Source=$ServerName;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $sqlConnectionString
$integrationServices = New-Object "$ISNamespace.IntegrationServices" $sqlConnection
$catalog = $integrationServices.Catalogs[$SSISCatalog]
# Create the Integration Services object if it does not exist
if (!$catalog) {
# Provision a new SSIS Catalog
Write-Host "Creating SSIS Catalog ..."
$catalog = New-Object "$ISNamespace.Catalog" ($integrationServices, $SSISCatalog, $CatalogPwd)
$folder = $catalog.Folders[$FolderName]
if (!$folder)
#Create a folder in SSISDB
Write-Host "Creating Folder ..."
$folder = New-Object "$ISNamespace.CatalogFolder" ($catalog, $FolderName, $FolderName)
# Read the project file, and deploy it to the folder
Write-Host "Deploying Project ..."
[byte[]] $projectFile = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($ProjectFilePath)
$folder.DeployProject($ProjectName, $projectFile)
This seemed to be working surprisingly well on the development machine - test server pair. However, the live environment will be a bit different, the machine doing the deployment job (deployment server, or DS from now on) and the SQL Server (DB for short) the project is to be deployed are in different domains and since SSIS requires windows authentication, I'm going to need to run the above code locally on DS but using credentials of a user on the DB.
And that's the point where I fail. The only thing that worked is to start the Powershell command line interface using runas /netonly /user:thatdomain\anuserthere powershell, enter the password, and paste the script unaltered into it. Alas, this is not an option, since there's no way to pass the password to runas (at least once with /savecred) and user interactivity is not possible anyway (the whole thing has to be automated).
I've tried the following:
Simply unning the script on DS, the line $sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $sqlConnectionString would use the credentials from DS which is not recognized by DB, and New-Object does not have a -Credential arg that I could pass to
Putting everything into an Invoke-Command with -Credential requires using -Computername as well. I guess it would be possible to use the local as 'remote' (using . as Computername) but it still complains about access being denied. I'm scanning through about_Remote_Troubleshooting, so far without any success.
Any hints on how to overcome this issue?
A solution might be to use a sql user (with the right access rights) instead of an AD used.
Something like this should work.
(Check also the answer to correct the connection string)

Remote Powershell Popup message to all users not working

I'm having some issues creating a remote powershell popup message.
I've got a working script that displays the popup message that I want to send to a remote user. However, whenever I bundle it up in a .ps1 script and run it remotely it does not send a popup message to the logged in user. I know the script is running correctly, as I have other parts of the script that execute correctly. I was able to run the popup message on a local machine, so it is not a script error.
The script is:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.Text = 'ALERT!'
$form.ControlBox = $false;
$Image = [system.drawing.image]::FromFile('\\filepath')
$Form.BackgroundImage = $Image
$Form.BackgroundImageLayout = 'Stretch'
$Form.Width = (680)
$Form.Height = (550)
$OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(500,445)
$OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(100,50)
$OKButton.Text = 'Accept'
$OKButton.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Times New Roman',18)
[void] $Form.ShowDialog()
I'm running this as part of a .ps1 that is called in the following fashion:
Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -ComputerName $computer -Name Create -ArgumentList "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe \\$computer\C$\folder\script.ps1
I'm running the script as a service account from a server that's executing the commands on a Windows 7 enterprise desktop machine. The target machine execution policy is set to unrestricted so I know it is not a script execution policy issue.
I have a hunch that the reason that it is not popping up on the target machine is because the account that is running the script and the account that is logged into the target machine are different, however I could be incorrect.
Your hunch is correct. The PowerShell script is running in the context of the service account, and won't show up for any of the logged in users. (for ex. if your script launched notepad.exe, it would run only for the service account).
You will see it pop up when you run the command locally under the same account.
#Adrian R is correct you can use msg.exe to send a message, or the more commandline friendly:
net send /users message
If you want to show something more complex (i.e. a full-on Windows form) instead of the classic message box, then you need to be running something in the user context. One way to do this is to use PsExec with the -i (interactive option) instead of using PowerShell remoting.

Powershell Sharepoint snapin when not on the sharepoint server

I am new to both powershell and sharepoint, and I need to make script to automate the removal and uploading of attachments from outlook to sharepoint. I have easily completed the first part of extracting the attachment, however the uploading to sharepoint has become difficult do to my company's rules. As I understand to use sharepoint cmdlets you need to add the sharepoint snap-in but I am unable to do so because I dont have access to the sharepoint server. Is there anyway to the snapin without being on the server and if not can I upload it another way?
You can't add the SP snap in unless the server is a SP server. Instead, use a webservice/webclient approach to upload the file. Something like this should work depending on your SP version:
Accepted answer link is broken.
This script uses PowerShell to upload a file to a document library in SharePoint using purely web service calls so it could be done remotely, also meaning it should work with O365 though I have not tried.
These variables are used throughout the script for source file, destination file and authentication. If your workstation is on the same domain as SharePoint, and your logged on user has permissions to the SharePoint site, you can omit $username, $password, and $domain
$LocalPath = "C:\filename.docx"
$spDocLibPath = "http://site.contoso.com/sites/spteam/Shared Documents/"
$username = "someone"
$password = "somepassword"
$domain = "contoso"
$UploadFullPath = $spDocLibPath + $(split-path -leaf $LocalPath)
$WebClient = new-object System.Net.WebClient
if($username -eq "" -or $password -eq "" -or $password -eq "")
# Use Local Logged on User Credentials
$WebClient.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
# Alternate Login for specifying credentials
$WebClient.Credentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($username, $password, $domain)
$WebClient.UploadFile($UploadFullPath, "PUT", $LocalPath)