List all checked-out files in PlasticSCM? - version-control

I know I left some files checked out in another non-local workspace, but I want to find them. How can I find the list of all files that are currently checked out? Via command-line or the GUI.

Here are two option to see which files are checked out.
In the GUI.
Select 'Pending Changes' or 'Workspace Explorer' from the 'Main Actions' menu.
Files that are checked out will be have a 'Checked-out' status.
Pending Changes
Workspace Explorer


How to remove or modify a repository from vscode

I just added my repository to vscode source control (using the Initialize repository button) and it now says I have 1800 changes. In Github Desktop it correctly shows two changed files. What should I do?
Should I remove the repository from vscode and how and then readd it back in? Is there a way to check where vscode is getting the repository? Maybe it is checking the wrong directory? Or maybe it is correct and github Desktop is incorrect?
github desktop:
My folder that is open in vscode is a subfolder of the main repository.
Restarting vscode popped up this message:
Closed the project and opened the parent folder and got the same message mentioned above. This time some folders and files are unchanged and others are untracked. Adding right side of file explorer (screenshot below). Actually, on opening the folders I see that all the files all untracked and now the folders show untracked.
I've opened the source control view now, after opening up the parent branch and I see two repositories listed. The top one shows the correct number of changes and the bottom one the incorrect.
It looks like if I right click on the name of the repository I get a few options including, "Close Repository".
I'm going to close the repository that shows as the subdirectory and keep the repository that includes the projectd from it's root directory.
Great success!
It is showing up correctly.
My guess is, your VSCODE is showing all the files in the main directory that has changed. Not only the ones in your subdirectory. Gis status can give more details about.
But in the source control tab of VSCode you can select the files you want to commit and push if necessary.
Apparently, vscode did not like that I had a sub folder open instead of the root folder (the one with git folder).
I then opened the folder that had the git folder in it.
It then showed two repositories.
To remove the first repository, I right clicked on the repository name in the source control panel and chose, "Close repository".
It now shows the correct information.

Show differences with another user in TFS

I have Eclipse Neon.
I want to show differences with my file and same file in another computer/user which I have permission to.
Can I do that? I know it's possible in Intellij.
This depends the user is using a sever workspace or a local workspace. You could use tf status command to display information about pending changes to files and folders in one or more workspaces.
You can also use this command to view pending changes in a remote
server workspace (for example, changes made by another user on another
dev machine) by using the /collection, /user, and /workspace
options. However, you cannot view pending changes in a remote local
Then you could just use a diff tool to show the difference.
Right-click on the source tree, and choose "View History." This will list all changesets that have been checked in to source control. You can right-click the changeset, and select "Compare." This will provide a dialog that lets you select the file to compare against.

How to checkout from diff view?

I am using Perforce 2015 client (P4V) on Windows 7.
I changed some files in my IDE. Then I use "Folder Diff" in Perforce to locate them. I was expecting to find "checkout" right click menu on the "Folder Diff" Perforce window in order to move my changes to a changeset but I don't see any "checkout" around.
How can I checkout directly from Diff view?
If you changed files on your workstation, but Perforce doesn't know about those changes yet, the command you're looking for is "reconcile".
I believe that P4V's Folder Diff may only show you the reconcile options if you use Folder Diff from the Advanced Reconcile Options variant of Reconcile Offline Work.
So to perform this style of Folder Diff within P4V, you should start by context-clicking on the root folder in your tree view and choosing "Reconcile Offline Work", then choose the Advanced Reconcile button at the bottom of that display, as described here:
Then, when Advanced Reconcile opens up the Folder Diff, you will see suggestions in red lettering about what your options are for each file (Mark For Edit, Get Revision, ec.). You can then pick one of those options by context-clicking that file in Folder Diff.
Alternatively (and perhaps more useful, once you get used to it), you can do this from the command line. If you haven't worked directly with the command line before, you can context-click "Open Command Window Here" on the root folder of your workspace treeview to get to the command window. Then, type
p4 status
to see a report about what changes you have made to your files, and
p4 reconcile
to make those files open for add, edit, or delete, as appropriate. Then close the command window and refresh P4V to see them.
I am not sure what your exact scenario and IDE is. I am using Visual Studio with the Perforce plugin, and when I make any changes in my source this plugin will check-out this file automatically (you can also choose to be prompted). So no need for folder diffs to locate any changes.
Should your IDE miss any integration plugin's then a very simple workflow could be like this:
Go to Perforce and check out all the files in your solution
Make your edits in your IDE (online or offline doesn't really matter)
In Perforce choose 'Revert Unchanged Files' on the changelist
And voila, only the changed files will be left in your changelist, you can then review the changes and submit to the depot.
NB: should in the mean time another developer have made any changes to any of your changed files, Perforce will warn you that you need to execute a Get Latest and then Resolve (i.e. merge) the changes.

How do I delete files marked for add from my local disk?

I'm currently using Perforce with P4V (Rev. Perforce Visual Client/MACOSX105X86_64/2012.1/490402) in Unity 3.5.5,
When you revert files marked for add, it only removes it from the changelist. Sometimes files are auto generated or I created some files that I don't want to add anymore and I want to remove them from the changelist and delete the local copy of it.
This also occurs when shelving files marked for add. I'm currently manually reverting and deleting each file. Is there a way to easily delete the local copies?
We haven't implemented it in P4V yet, but if you are on at least a 2013.2 server, you can use 'p4 revert -w' to do this in one step. If you follow the advice of the custom tool route, the command is super simple since it's a one-step process. You can just have the application be p4.exe (or p4 binary if you're on Linux or Mac) and the arguments are 'revert -w %F'.
There may not be an ability built into p4v, but you can call your own script from p4v, in which the script calls a revert and delete on the file.
Go to Tools->Manage Custom Tools..., and select New->Tool.
You'll get a dialog as seen below.
You would put your user script in the Application. For the Arguments, you can click the Select... button to choose the different variables. Here, %F refers to the file you right-clicked on (can be multiple).
I haven't actually written an entire script to test this, but I verified that you can at least right-click a file and this script is available (provided you check Add to applicable context menus).
You can do this from the "Reconcile offline work" tool.
Right-click on the pending-add, "Delete local file":
(p4v 2015 February 18 1007540)
This is a little dangerous, as you'll need to ensure you don't have anything on your client that you want to keep that isn't also in the P4 repository. Once you verify that you want to delete all non-p4-versioned files...
Right-click the containing directory or depot, and choose "reconcile offline work".
This opens a dialog box. You'll see a section called "Local files not in depot", which are the files that were presumably auto-generated that you want to delete.
Select all the files in "Local files not in depot" (ctrl+A), right-click on them, and choose "Delete Local File".
Answer yes, you're sure you want to delete the file(s).
This should remove any files from your p4 client (under the directory you choose) that aren't under p4 version control.

Team Explorer Everywhere - Remove Ignored files from Pending Changes

Is there any way to remove pending changes from the Pending Changes list in Team Explorer Everywhere for TFS?
I've added a .tpignore file to my project, and I'm excluding certain things that I don't want in source control (build, WEB-INF, etc). However, it looks like team explorer everywhere picked up on these files before the ignore file was added, since they remain in the pending changes list.
I can see that eclipse is at least picking up that they should be ignored, because they all have the [Ignored] label in the project tree. I would have thought that adding files to the ignore file would automatically remove any pending changes that existed for the files....
Any idea how I can remove these items from the pending changes? I can't checkin until this is resolved because I don't want to mess up my source history with all of these extraneous files.
That's correct - Team Explorer Everywhere applies the .tpignore filter when it detects that the files were added to your Eclipse workspace. If you edited the .tpignore file after they were detected then they will remain pended - ignoring resources is not done retroactively.
You'll have to undo these pending changes manually, by right clicking on the resource in an editor or a view and selecting Undo Pending Changes. If you have whole folders full of files to undo, you can select a folder in the Package Explorer and undo pending changes for that folder recursively.
The Pending Changes window lets you select multiple files and undo them all at once. This seems to be the easiest way to undo the damage.
Or, simply within your Team Explorer Window...
Choose 'Home'.
Re-choose Pending Changes
To recalc what should be considered 'Pending changes'