What does the # sign mean in function name - ida

enter image description here
ex. #QAEXAAV, ##H, #Z...
I'm sorry that I can't explain english well ;_;..


How to get the user name and surname from the cells that contains the user email (Google Apps)?

I collect answers from google forms only froom my own domain, i.e. the users has to be logged in. I coillect their username (xxxx.xxxx#mydomain.com)in a specified column. Which kind of formula can I use to get the user name and surname? It should be possible to do it. (All of the users has username are in the form name.surname#domain.com. Right now I use "text formula" that separates the name and surname. This is a bit problematic because then Swedish name can contain the letters " å, ä and ö"

Bluemix language identify does not identify English

So I am beta-testing the Language Translate - Identify API and it is very strange - it identifies Spanish very well but not English. Huh? Check this out...
Go to https://watson-api-explorer.mybluemix.net/apis/language-translation-v2#!/identify/identifyLanguageGet
Paste this text in the box:
I get back "et" which is ESTONIAN. Huh?
And if I enter this text (same as before but with one more character at the end):
I get "ja" which is JAPANESE. I also get "ht" which is HAITIAN CREOLE from time to time....Hello Watson?? English??
Definitely an encoding issue. Everything must be strictly in UTF-8 as docs say.
FYI in a POST request, even though you do need to encode the text, the text must also be strictly in UTF-8. This was one of my challenges as obviously you're dealing with lots of accented characters with Language Translate.

Find Hash algorithm while hash value and original value are available

In this case i have clear Text password also i have hashed value of this password,so i need to know how can i find out what hashing algorithm was used and is it possible to use it for hashing another clear text password?
The Sums of a algoithm hast spezific length. This is Your First step.
Then you muss encod The Clear Text until you find The hashsum
Sorry send from German iphone

How to include spaces (and other non-identifier characters) in MATLAB application name?

When we choose Name for our application we can't use space or other some characters for it. We need something like underline to separate words ! How can I get rid of this? It hasn't a good appearance for a compiled app that has a shortcut on desktop with underline between words for the name because the application name must be a valid C identifier in MATLAB.

Font problem in writting pdf file

I have an application that can write string to pdf file. I want to write data in tabular format so i formatted the string and did write operation. Text shows up in pdf file but its not in proper format. How to do it?
Example :
I want text to be shown as:
Name Address Phone number
Aditya Pune xxxxxxxx
It is actually shown as:
Name Address Phone number
Aditya Pune xxxxxxxx
I have used stringByPaddingToLenght method. So all strings are of same length.
Using Mono-space font solved my problem.